Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 347 Photon Consciousness (Part 3) [Third update]

Light Lord Lan Shi is a man who can create photons, but he cannot explain the origin of photons.

After all, the photon spell comes from behind the Gate of Wonders.

The spell master is not the creator of the spell, but only the discoverer of the spell.

When Light Lord decided to do another photon double-slit interference experiment, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

But besides being stunned, his heart was excited and shocked.

The development of spells in this world is constantly moving in the direction he expected.

"As you all know, light is made up of countless photons, which is indisputable."

"When light passes through the double slits, it is actually equivalent to countless photons passing through these double slits."

"I used to suspect that the slits were too narrow and there were too many photons, which caused congestion and resulted in multiple bright spots."

"So in order to dispel this doubt, I made such a device, the photon double slit interference experiment device."

"As the name suggests, photon double slit interference, this time we are no longer releasing the speed of light, but photons one by one."

"For this reason, I tried every possible means to make a 'photon monitor' specially used to observe the movement of photons through the image spell."

After saying this, Guang Zun took out something like binoculars.

"This 'photon monitor' can observe whether the photons pass through the double slits in a straight line or bypass the double slits through waves."

"And I also changed the light blocking plate at the back into a photon receiving plate, which can receive every photon and finally form an image in front of us."

It has to be said that Guang Zun is simply a rigorous madman.

Observing photons, it was thanks to him that he could think of it.

Of course, he is the Photon Master, and it is not surprising that he can make an instrument like the "Photon Monitor".

"Everyone, next, let's see what the result will be when photons pass through the double slits one by one."

The Light Master once again turned off all the lights in the entire hall, and the hall became dark again.

Then, he turned on his photon emitter.

The photon emitter, like a tennis ball jet, ejects photons.

The human eye naturally cannot see the movement trajectory of photons.

But from the photon receiving board, it can be clearly seen that countless dense light spots are slowly forming light spots one by one.

As time goes by, more and more photons fall on the photon receiving board.

The stripes are getting clearer and clearer.

In the end, everyone was shocked to find that the light spots and stripes formed by photons are interference stripes.

"What's going on? Aren't photons propagating in a straight line? Why are there so many light spots?"

The masters were confused again.

According to their understanding, when photons pass through the slits one by one, there should only be two light spots and stripes.

"Which slit did the photon pass through? Or did it pass through both slits at the same time?"

"If the two photons did not affect each other, why would interference stripes appear?"

"It's so strange, could it be that the photons separated automatically before reaching the double slits?"

"At first I thought that it was the mutual influence between the photons that produced this strange interference phenomenon. But now it seems to be far more complicated and mysterious than I imagined."

More and more questions made everyone confused.

"Everyone, why don't you use my 'photon monitor' to watch it again?"

Light Master Lan Shi gave everyone a 'photon monitor', which is an instrument specially used to observe the movement of photons.

"Great, I really want to see how this photon passes through these two slits."

"Yes, I must monitor this photon and see how it passes through the slits."

"The world of photons is really amazing."

The world of photons!

A master proposed a brand new statement, the world of photons.

Zhuo Bufan shuddered slightly after hearing this.

"The photon world, the quantum world. Are the venerables of this world finally going to touch the world of quantum mechanics?"

"Xiao Zhuo, come and observe it too! Perhaps there will be a new world here that you have never discovered."

Guang Zun seemed to have known what the result would be.

No wonder, he made this device, and it was obvious that he had already tested it and discovered the mysterious phenomenon behind the double-slit interference.

Zhuo Bufan had only seen that mysterious phenomenon in books, but had never seen the existence of photon consciousness with his own eyes.

For a while, the venerables took the "photon monitor" and looked at the double-slit interference element in the center, and began to observe the path of the photons.

You don't know until you see it, and everyone was dumbfounded again.

They really saw that the photons went through the slits in a straight line and then hit the photon receiving board.

One by one, the photons passed in front of their eyes in a straight line like meteors, penetrating the slits.

It was not what they imagined, that the wave-like situation jumped behind the double slit.

And this time, two light spots of similar brightness were formed on the photon receiving board, instead of multiple interference light spots.

"This, this, this..."

"What's going on?"

"I, this, this! Guang Zun, there's something wrong with your photon!"

"I'm dumbfounded, what's going on?"

Everyone looked at Guang Zun in confusion.

And Guang Zun spread his hands helplessly.

The previous result was still multiple interference light spots.

However, when the venerables observed the trajectory of the photon, it actually changed.

What is this?

It was thought that photons were a simple particle, but through the double-slit interference experiment, it was found that it was actually a wave.

But when you observe its path, you find that it is propagating in a straight line in the state of a particle. It is obviously propagating in a straight line, how can interference fringes be produced?

Observation and non-observation actually gave birth to two completely different results.

When not observed, it is interference fringes.

When observed, it is a normal irradiation fringes.

Photons, like having self-consciousness, seem to know that someone is observing it in the future.

So when flying out of the transmitter, it decides how to pass through the slit.

It sounds mysterious, but this is what the venerables saw.

"That's why I said that photons have consciousness."

"When we observe it, it passes through the slit in a straight line in particle state, and naturally only two light spots will be formed."

"However, when we don't observe it and only look at the receiving plate, the result is that multiple interference light spots are formed."

"Everyone, is the world of photons magical?"

Light Venerable made the final summary, and for a moment, everyone looked at him blankly.

"I am confused, Light Venerable, is this the opportunity you mentioned to break the sigh wall?"

"How could this happen? I really can't understand it."

"Oh, I suddenly feel a little creepy. It feels that the world we know is not a normal world at all."

A group of Venerables looked around blankly.

The double-slit interference of photons produced a phenomenon that they could not understand.

"Who can explain it to me!"

The great Venerables actually wailed!


This chapter is not well written, and I didn't write what I wanted to express. Everyone will definitely be confused. But I wrote it for an afternoon, and I don't know how to write that feeling! Hey, I will come back and revise it again in the future! Leave a mark!

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