Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 351 Theory of Everything Having Waves (Part 2) [Third update]

Zhuo Bufan followed an attendant to the guest room arranged for him by the temple.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. Many distinguished people were shocked by Zhuo Bufan's remarks at the banquet.

After Lan Miaoren returned to Guangzun Hall, she refused the welcome party prepared by her brother Yu.

She must quickly carry out her research on Lingbo theory.

The theory of Yuanzi proposed by Zhuo Bufan at the banquet inspired her a lot.

In fact, the spiritual waves discovered by Lan Miaoren were actually microwaves.

This is also due to Zhuo Bufan's inspiration. With her own wisdom, it is not easy for her to realize the spiritual wave.

After all, Lan Miaoren is still young and inexperienced. Among so many respected people, he doesn't even have the right to speak.

However, after seeing Zhuo Bufan's performance tonight, she realized that ability has nothing to do with age.

Zhuo Bufan was the youngest person present, but tonight he alone controlled the entire audience.

Brother Yu, who was rejected by Lan Miaoren, was naturally very sad.

On the other side, Guang Zun was also filled with joy after Zhuo Bufan left.

"This little guy is really a treasure."

"I am right, if you keep him here, you will definitely gain unexpected benefits."

"Sometimes I really want to open his head and see if the structure inside his brain is the same as ours."

"I believe that this boy will be able to break the wall of sighs."

Guang Zun's expectations for Zhuo Bufan are naturally beyond words.

"Okay, let's all disperse and go back to prepare tomorrow's proposal report."

The master of the main hall no longer looked at Guang Zun, and with a thought in his mind, he disappeared from the spot.

The other palace masters followed suit and disappeared one after another.

The person who was most touched by this banquet was Zhuo Bufan’s teacher, Zu Jiuling.

There are three types of "waves" currently known to the Talisman Temple.

The light wave discovered by Zhuo Bufan, the spiritual wave discovered by Lan Miaoren, and the soul wave discovered by Zu Jiuling.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's explanation of particles and waves, Zu Jiuling returned to his dormitory and began to prepare his proposal report.

But there were some questions that he couldn't figure out after half thinking about them.

"We've encountered a wall of sighs!"

Zu Jiuling sighed, and then approached Zhuo Bufan with questions.

Arriving at Zhuo Bufan's house, Zu Jiuling knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

Zhuo Bufan, who was preparing to rest in the room, said.

"Xiaofan, aren't you bothering me?"

Zu Jiuling asked after entering the house.

"It turns out to be the teacher. Of course I don't bother you. Teacher, please sit down."

The master and apprentice sat cross-legged on the tatami, and then poured wine for each other.

"That's it, Xiao Fan. I came here specifically tonight because I want to discuss issues about Yuanzi's world with you."

Zu Jiuling is not polite, and his knowledge does not distinguish between young and old.

He had some questions that he couldn't understand. Maybe Zhuo Bufan could answer them.

"Teacher, you're welcome. Just ask! You can tell me everything you know."

Regarding Zu Jiuling, Zhuo Bufan sincerely recognized his status as a teacher.

It can be said that the Soul Awareness Talisman taught to him by Zu Jiuling completely changed Zhuo Bufan's life.

"It's like this. You said at the banquet that everything is composed of yuanzi."

"Light is made up of light elements, water is made up of water elements, thunder is made up of thunder elements, and fire is made up of fire elements. This sentence gave me great inspiration."

"I'm wondering whether our souls are also composed of soul elements?"

As soon as he said this, the wine glass in Zhuo Bufan's hand almost didn't fall on the coffee table.

Zu Jiuling's words gave him a great shock and inspiration.

Zhuo Bufan knew that Zu Jiuling was the Soul Talisman Master and a pioneer in this field.

The Soul Awareness Talisman he discovered has a strong promoting effect on this field.

"Teacher, didn't you say before that our soul should be regarded as a kind of wave? I also support your soul wave."

Zhuo Bufan replied.

The soul is a kind of particle, and he really didn't dare to think about it.

"I did say that the soul is a wave. But I can't prove it."

Zu Jiuling said.

"I have been dedicated to studying soul waves all my life, but as other sages said, waves are an invisible substance. It is just a kind of energy. I cannot explore it more deeply."

"And because of the wall of sighs, our imagination will be limited."

"But I believe in you, I believe you will be able to explain the mystery."

Zu Jiuling has great confidence in Zhuo Bufan.

"Thank you for your trust, teacher, but in fact, my own thoughts are limited."

"If I want to promote the development of spells, I definitely can't do it alone. This is the mission of all of us."

"As for the teacher's soul wave, I actually have some opinions of my own."

"Teacher, you once said that each of our souls is a kind of energy that can fluctuate. We rely on soul resonance to feel the thoughts of other souls. It is precisely because of this discovery that the teacher discovered the epoch-making Soul Awakening Talisman.”

"Soul resonance is the coolest word I have ever heard."

"The vibrations create waves, the waves transmit signals, and the signals allow us to communicate with each other. What a great discovery."

"Actually, what I want to say is, teacher, have you ever thought that everything in our world is vibrating all the time, thus generating energy waves?"

Zhuo Bufan paused here.

Zu Jiuling was stunned and asked in surprise.

"How to explain?"

"We have discussed at the banquet tonight that everything is composed of the smallest atom."

"In fact, it is not just photons that have the dual nature of wave and particle. All the atom in this world have these two common characteristics."

"Atoms determine matter, and waves determine energy. In other words, our world is composed of matter and energy."

"Back to the soul fluctuations mentioned by the teacher, maybe I can give you my answer now. The soul is also a substance with the dual nature of wave and particle."

Zhuo Bufan did not want to talk big, but just expressed his own opinion. After all, his words may not be the truth.

He finally gave Zu Jiuling his own answer, that the soul is also a substance composed of atom and wave.

However, Zu Jiuling's expression froze.

"All atom have the dual nature of wave and particle?"

"Isn't this a characteristic of photons?"

Zu Jiuling asked.

"Of course not. This is the world of atoms that we need to prove."

"This world is made up of countless atoms, and every atom is constantly fluctuating."

"The particle nature of atoms determines the matter of this world. Flowers, trees, sun, moon, stars, land, sea, life, and everything..."

"And the volatility of atoms determines the energy of this world. Wind, rain, thunder, lightning, fire, cold and heat, the passage of time, the gravity of all things..."

"If we want to understand the essence of this world, we must connect to the atom world. I think this is the wall of sighs we need to break."

Listening to your words is better than reading the books of sages!

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Zu Jiuling was deeply inspired.

"Xiaofan, let's start the topic together tomorrow!"

"Start the topic?" Zhuo Bufan said in a daze.

"That's right. At the meeting of the respected people, each respected person must present his or her own opening report, and several people can also cooperate."

"The two of us can work together. I have thought of the name of the opening report."

"What name?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, Zu Jiuling said excitedly.

"Isn't the topic this time about light waves and spiritual waves? Then our opening report this time is called, Theory of the Waves of Everything."


I actually want to write a rigorous and self-consistent novel, but I feel that I am getting further and further away from it. I hope I can still make it. I have a headache writing these recent chapters. One chapter is more painful than writing ten chapters without thinking before. You may all feel that it is a bit confusing. I have to finish this volume as soon as possible, otherwise I will go crazy first. I will see if I can write another chapter tonight.

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