Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 353 Bai Su's Warning [First Update]

Zhuo Bufan once came to Yunzhong City to avoid Bai Su's pursuit.

Today's Yunzhong City is also extremely lively.

After all, for such an important event as the Zunren Conference, all the major forces are vying to pay attention to it.

On the crystal tower in the central square of Yunzhong City, the situation of the Honorable Meeting is being broadcast live.

The square is now crowded with people, shoulder to shoulder.

When Zhuo Bufan appeared on the screen, it caused quite a stir.

Now on the screen, everyone present is being introduced.

Because Mr. Xiaozun once visited this place, many people are proud of it.

"The mount of the little lord, the sacred Dapeng Golden Eagle, was bought from me. Do you want the same mount as the lord? Come to my shop, you can find everything you need."

The profiteer who sold the mount sold Zhuo Bufan a stupid bird, and now he wants to use his name to promote his own business.

"The crystal card given to me by Mr. Xiaojun is a crystal card that Mr. Xiaojun has personally used."

The guard guarding the door had received an extraordinary crystal card and considered himself lucky.

In the crowd, there are always some disharmonious guys looking around, causing quite a stir.

Two of them, one was wearing green clothes and the other was wearing black armor.

They were the Black King and the Qing King of the Tianwu Alliance, and they were ordered to hunt down Bai Su's two heavenly kings.

"Are you sure the traitor is here?"

The Black King shook his head and asked the Qing King.

"It's basically certain that although my Five Finger Xiaoyan Technique is not as good as Bai Su's, according to my calculation, she will indeed come here once."

"This place has left a deep impression on her soul. Even if she doesn't want to come, her subconscious will make her appear in this city involuntarily."

Qing Wang said.

He also knows the five-finger Xiaoyan technique, but he is not as proficient as Bai Su.

"Then hurry up and find her. This stinky bitch, not only betrayed our Tianwu Alliance, but also dared to steal my White Emperor Sword. I'm tired of living."

"Get out of my way, get out of my way!"

This Black King is a domineering guy.

Of course, his domineering style did not capture the essence of Beidi at all. It was only superficially arrogant and domineering, strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

"Who are you, why are you squeezing? The crystal tower is so high, can't you see it?"

Someone glanced at the Black King and snorted coldly.

"Fuck you, get out of here!"

The Black King didn't say much, and punched the head of the guy who dared to scold him.

Then he punched again with his backhand, blasting the live broadcast crystal in the central square.

For a moment, thousands of people in the audience were stunned.

Then I saw the Black King flying into the sky, landing on the top of the crystal tower that he packed up, and shouted.

"I am the Black King of the Tianwu Alliance. Anyone who doesn't want to die should get out of here."

As soon as the Black King finished speaking, thousands of people in the audience were scared to death.

Naturally, they knew how tyrannical the Tianwu Alliance was. These guys would fight at every turn, and a river of blood would definitely flow from them.

Among the crowd, there is an independent figure, holding a black umbrella and standing quietly among the endless flow of people.

Bai Su, her black umbrella is too conspicuous, but even so, she has never hidden it.

"Found it! It's indeed here."

The Black King scanned the audience and immediately locked his gaze on the Black Umbrella.

"Die to me."

As soon as the Black King finished speaking, he suddenly stepped on the crystal tower.


In an instant, the crystal tower exploded into ashes.

His whole body was like an arrow leaving the string, holding a pair of sharp claws like blades in his hands, and he killed Bai Su with a hiss.

"Black King, be careful."

When the Qing King saw the Black King killing Bai Su alone, he immediately became sweaty.

Bai Su is no longer the Bai Su he was when he left the Tianwu Alliance.

Now she is a little real person in the realm of seeing the truth.

Comparing Black King to her is like comparing Zhong Shenxiu to Xuanyuan Hao.

In front of Xuanyuan Hao, Zhong Shenxiu had no power to fight back and was almost completely tortured.

Although Bai Su is still no match for Xuanyuan Hao, it is still more than enough to deal with a mere Black King.

Feeling the murderous aura of the Black King.

Bai Su pinched her slender jade fingers, pointed a finger in the air, and burst out.


That finger flew past the Black King's face, and suddenly exploded thousands of meters in the air, forming an energy black hole several meters in diameter.

She was blind and missed by half a point. Otherwise, the blow would have been unbearable for the Black King.

However, the Black King was also shocked by Bai Su's move, and immediately stopped his attack and quickly landed in mid-air.

"What are you still looking at? Why don't you join me and kill this woman?"

The Black King was almost deflated, and he was so angry that he was half dead.

He yelled at Qing Wang on the side.

Upon hearing this, King Qing quickly teleported to the side of Black King in two hundred meters.

"Old Hei, don't be impulsive. Bai Su is definitely not as easy to deal with as you and I thought."

The Green King is obviously more rational than the Black King.

"Damn it, this stinky woman got into a bloody desert and her cultivation improved so much. She really encountered a ghost."

Black King gritted his teeth and looked at Bai Su who was holding an umbrella independently.

Her face was covered by the umbrella, and only her lips could be seen.

The light red lips looked very calm.

"That's not all that's strange. Haven't you noticed that she seems to be unaffected by His Majesty's 'Destiny'? In other words, the 'Destiny' has been resolved by her."

Qing Wang was good at analyzing the situation, and soon discovered that Bai Su was acting against Wang Xing's overbearing "Destiny". Apparently, she had solved the "Destiny" problem.

"When you say this, it seems true. This is impossible. Your Majesty's 'Destiny' is a saint's rule and cannot be violated."

"No, His Majesty is not a saint in the true sense. There may be other ways to solve his rules."

"In short, we should not take it lightly when dealing with Bai Su."

King Qing finally concluded.

The miracle shown by Bai Su made them dare not act rashly.

At this time, Bai Su's red lips opened slightly and she spoke calmly.

"As a fellow disciple, I will let you go today. If you dare to pursue me, I will kill you without mercy."

As soon as these words came out, the Green King and the Black King frowned.

The Black King was even more angry immediately.

"Smelly woman, do you know what nonsense you are talking about? How dare you threaten the Tianwu Alliance?"

"Let me tell you, it's not that we want you to die, but His Majesty wants you to die. Even a mere little real person dares to compete in front of His Majesty. I'm afraid you are tired of living."

The King Qing also took a step forward and said.

"Bai Su, if I'm a fellow disciple, you should hand over the White Emperor Sword honestly, and then return to the Tianwu Alliance with us to accept His Majesty's sanction."

"Perhaps Your Majesty will spare your life because of your loyalty."

"If you insist on going your own way and alert His Majesty to take action, no one in heaven or on earth can save you."

The Green King was obviously much smarter than the Black King.

However, Bai Su has decided to leave the Tianwu Alliance. She never wants to go back to that place.

Especially after "Destiny" was suppressed by the power of chaos, she knew she was free.

How could a free bird be willing to return to the cage?

"What's the point of talking to her? If you and I join forces, can't we beat a blind man?"

The impulsive Black King once again couldn't hold back the rage in his heart, and punched Bai Su with a powerful punch in the air.

When King Qing saw this, it was too late to stop him, so he had to show his ultimate attack.

I saw his right hand holding up the sky, and a blue magic wheel appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Wheel of Destruction, go!"

The Qing King shouted loudly, and the cyan magic wheel in his hand turned into a wheel with a diameter of four or five meters, killing Bai Su.

For a moment, two beams of energy filled with murderous intent attacked Bai Su.


In an instant, the landslide and the earth shattered!

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