Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 355 Pregnancy [3rd update]

With just one sword strike, one-third of Yunzhong City was cut off.

Hundreds of millions of tons of earth and rock fell from the cut surface.

Then he fell to the foot of the mountain thousands of meters high.

Suddenly the earth trembled, the earth collapsed, and dust filled the sky.

At this moment, the Green King and the Black King, who had returned to their adult forms, looked at the thousand-foot abyss beside them with confused expressions.

Bai Su's sword almost struck the two of them at an angle.

They were lucky and were not killed.

"Cut off target?"

King Qing looked at this result with great fear. If Bai Su's sword had been cut from above their heads just now, then they would have been divided into two.

"It's obviously locked by her soul, how could it be executed in a wrong direction?"

Once locked by the soul, it is almost impossible to actively escape the attack.

Unless the attacker gives up on his own initiative.

The two of them raised their heads and looked at Bai Su.

But he saw Bai Su slowly raising his left hand to cover his lower abdomen, and frowned slightly.

"Can't you kill?"

Bai Su said this inexplicably.

"so be it!"

Then she summoned the mysterious umbrella from the ring, then held the black umbrella and walked away gracefully.

For a while, no one dared to step forward to stop him.

The combat power this woman displayed after obtaining the White Emperor Sword was simply astonishing.

The Black King and the Qing King, who had already reached the bottom of their spirits, looked at Bai Su leaving and breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief.

They have no power to fight back. If Bai Su had killed them just now, I believe the two of them could only sit back and wait for death.

"Damn it, this stinky woman, after getting the White Emperor Sword, her strength has skyrocketed."

"Looks like we have to call for support."

When Hei Wang saw Bai Su's leaving figure, he spoke viciously.

King Qing on the side frowned.

"Have you noticed that she is strange?" Qing Wang suddenly asked Hei Wang.

"Strange? What's strange?"

"She didn't kill us. With that sword strike just now, we were clearly locked by her soul and couldn't avoid it."

King Qing was good at observation, and he discovered Bai Su's abnormality.

"That said, it seems a bit strange. Could it be that the woman was thinking of her friendship and didn't take action?"

The Black King said this.

However, King Qing frowned.

"No, that's not the reason. I feel like she is pregnant!"

As soon as these words came out, the Black King was stunned for a moment.

"What? This woman is pregnant? Stop joking, who is pregnant? Yours or mine?"

"This woman has been hunted by us. Who can she get pregnant with?"

The Black King laughed.

However, King Qing seemed very serious.

"No, she is definitely pregnant, and she should be about three months old."

"When I fought with her just now, I discovered that she has the soul auras of two people. One of them is very powerful and belongs to her."

"The other one is very weak. I'm sure she's pregnant."

Qingwang's actions after combining with Bai Su, as well as the words she said, further supported his guess.

Eventually, he came to a conclusion that even he couldn't believe.

Bai Su, I'm pregnant!

The Black King who was originally laughing asked doubtfully when he saw the serious look on the Qing King's face.

"Really pregnant?"

"Yes, she is really pregnant. According to the time, she should have been pregnant in the Blood Desert."

"The reason why she didn't kill us just now is probably related to her pregnancy."

Bai Su is pregnant.

This is shocking news!

Bai Wang Bai Su is pregnant.

And she got pregnant in the bloody desert!

"This news is so exciting. I want everyone in the world to know what this slut did in the bloody desert."

"I don't know whose seed it is, but it's really powerful! Who can conquer this woman?"

"No, I will tell the world the news as soon as I recover. I believe that little man will definitely show up."

Black King seemed very excited after learning the news that Bai Su was pregnant.

However, King Qing raised his hand to stop him.

"No, don't tell the outside world about this yet."

When the Black King heard this, he was stunned for a moment.


"First of all, this matter concerns the face of our Tianwu Alliance. It is best to report it to Your Majesty before making any announcement."

"Secondly, Bai Su is pregnant. This is a great opportunity for us to hunt her down."

"Her power will slowly be absorbed by the child in her belly as time goes by."

"The day she gave birth was undoubtedly her weakest day. This was also our best time to take action."

"If you tell the world now that Bai Su is pregnant, many forces will pay close attention to her and wait for her to give birth."

Qing Wang's detailed analysis made Hei Wang suddenly realize.

"That makes sense. I almost ruined something big." The Black King also felt that the Qing King was right.

"But this woman's belly will gradually grow bigger, and it won't be possible for her to keep it from being known."

King Qing heard this and replied.

"No, this woman just wants to be safe now. She will definitely want to find a place to settle down and wait for the birth smoothly."

When the Black King heard this, he laughed wildly.

"Hehehe, on the day she gives birth, we will catch her and that evil bastard together?"

"When the time comes, I will definitely let her know how miserable the consequences of provoking me will be."

Looking at the resentful look of the Black King, the Green King did not say much.

"So now, don't make this public. I will report the plan to His Majesty first. See what His Majesty is going to do."


Bai Su is indeed pregnant.

She felt that there was a little life in her belly about a month ago.

When she first learned about this situation, Bai Su was like being struck by a bolt from the blue.

She refused to believe it.

But the facts made her have to believe it.

For Bai Su, this child is her shame.

Her first thought was to strangle it.

However, she took action several times and was soft-hearted several times.

How could a mother have the heart to kill her own child with her own hands?

After countless ideological struggles, Bai Su's kindness made her decide to keep the child.

She practiced the way of the highest good, and she could not do such a thing as cutting open her abdomen and killing her child.

Whether it was because of her mother's identity or because of the way of supreme goodness she practiced, Bai Su could not kill the child.

Since she couldn't kill him, she would give birth to him and raise him.

After she became pregnant, Bai Su obviously became more and more kind. Of course, this was also related to the way of supreme goodness she practiced.

Now, she would not kill easily. She would not kill in front of her child.

She was worried that her killing would bring sin to the child.

Now Bai Su had only one wish.

That was to give birth to the child and let him grow up safely.

She had been living a purposeless life since she crawled out of the cemetery.

But now, she had her own purpose and her own wish.

She wanted to be a mother!


Speed ​​up the progress! According to the plan, at least 100,000 words should be spent to confirm that Bai Su was pregnant. Once this pit came out, the subsequent plot was actually easier to guess.

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