Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 369: Nine Secrets Sealing Heaven [First Update]

When Bai Su said that the divine sword in front of him was the Baidi Sword.

All the elders in the hall and the sect leader Lingyu couldn't hold it any longer and sat up in shock.

"White Emperor Sword?"

"No way, is this the legendary weapon used by the White Emperor, the White Emperor Sword?"

"The White Emperor Sword, wasn't it obtained by that White King Bai Su? Could it be that you are..."

These elders talked to each other, and finally followed the clues and guessed Bai Su's identity.

Who in today's world doesn't know that Bai Wang Bai Su got the White Emperor Sword in the Blood Desert?

After the people of Su Nu Sect heard the news, they planned to send elders to find out whether the news was true or not.

However, at that time, Bai Su was being hunted by hundreds of sects.

Now, the White King, who was carrying the White Emperor Sword, came to their Su Nu Sect in person.

For a moment, the elders of the Su Nu Sect, as if facing a formidable enemy, sacrificed their talismans one after another.

"I don't have any ill intentions in coming. It was Baidi Sword who brought me here."

Bai Su felt the murderous aura coming from the people around him.

To be honest, she hated this murderous intent. But she also understands that she is notorious outside and has become a murderous devil.

If Bai Su wanted to destroy the Su Nu Sect, there would be no survivors in the Su Nu Sect now.

She did not come to trouble the Su Nu Sect, but because of the guidance of Baidi Sword, she had to come here.

"You, then why did you come to my Su Nu Sect?"

After hearing this, Bai Su replied calmly.

"I have been recognized by the White Emperor Sword and become its new owner."

"At the same time, I received the inheritance left by the White Emperor of the Holy Land from the Four Emperors' Dao Pillar in the Blood Desert."

"They guided me here."

Bai Su looked extremely calm.

But the elders who heard these words would not be calm.

"You, you also got the inheritance of Bai Emperor? And you also became the new owner of Bai Emperor Sword?"

"The Baidi Sword is an innate artifact. Only Baidi can control it. How is it possible?"

Although these people are not high in cultivation, they are all members of the Su Nu Sect, so they naturally know some history related to Bai Emperor.

Historically, the White Emperor Sword was not called the White Emperor Sword. Its real name was the Sealing Heaven Sword!

This sword is not a killing sword, but a sealing sword that can seal the existence of all things in the world.

If its full divine power can be used, it can seal the world.

Like the Chaos Clock, it is born innately and will never recognize its master easily.

Unless Bai Su has something to do with it.

Regarding this point, Baidi Jian really said this.

It felt something similar to Bai Emperor's aura on Bai Su.

If Bai Su really got the recognition of Baidi Sword, he also got Baidi's inheritance.

Then Bai Suquan is completely qualified to be the leader of Su Nu Sect!

However, what Bai Su said was his own words.

These elders are not gullible.

"How do you prove that you have inherited the inheritance from Bai Emperor?"

These elders asked.

After hearing this, Bai Su stretched out his fingers and saw white light overflowing.

Then, I saw Bai Su writing something in the air.

The words were volleyed in the air, word by word, astonishing to see.

"Nine, Secret, Feng, Tian, ​​Jue!"

When the elders saw what Bai Su had written, they were all stunned.

"The Nine Secret Heaven-Sealing Techniques? The 200,000-year-old body-refining magic technique of our Su Nu Sect?"

"Oh my God, it's impossible. Is this really the Nine Secrets of Heaven Sealing Jue?"

"I don't know. No one has ever seen the real Nine Secrets of Sealing Heaven. I only know that it exists in legends. It is a technique practiced by Bai Emperor."

"It is rumored that practicing this skill will lead to the Heaven-Sealing Holy Body. This is one of the ten divine bodies and the most powerful sealed body."

After these elders saw the "Nine Secrets of Sealing Heaven" written by Bai Su, they were deeply frightened.

Among the top ten divine bodies in the world of immortality, each physique represents the strongest one in the field.

For example, Beidi Wangxing's domineering Hundred Refined Hegemony is the strongest hegemony in the world and is said to have the strongest endurance.

For example, the ancient divine body of Tianjiao Xuanyuan Hao is the body that inherited the unique secret method from ancient times and is said to have the strongest inheritance.

Another example is the mysterious Holy Lord of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers, whose Taishang Nian Body is said to have the strongest soul power and physique.

And this Bai Emperor's Heaven-Sealing Holy Body naturally represents the strongest seal.

This skill has long been lost with the disappearance of Bai Emperor.

It was at that time that the Su Nu Sect began to decline.

After all, for a sect, physical training is the foundation.

The physical training method that the Su Nu Sect currently practices is the "Su Nu Kung Fu".

Su Nu Gong was actually created by Bai Di and is suitable for disciples with lower qualifications to practice.

The physique cultivated by this skill is extremely average, and is called a prime female spirit body, which is only at the Xuan level.

A sect's physical training methods determine the sect's future achievements.

The female spirit body is really just a very ordinary physique.

But now, the elders of Su Nu Sect are indescribably excited as they watch the legendary "Nine Secrets of Sealing Heaven" reappear in the human world.

However, Bai Su stopped abruptly in the middle of writing.

"Everyone, this is Bai Di's "Nine Secrets of Sealing Heaven". I don't need to say more about its significance to the Su Nu Sect."

"Does everyone believe what I say now?"

Bai Su directly took out the secret formula of this peerless magical skill to gain your trust from these elders.

However, these people still do not want to believe it easily.

"Miss Bai, the Nine Secrets Sealing Heaven Art only exists in the historical materials and legends of our Su Nu Sect, and no one has practiced it."

"So we can't confirm whether your statement is true or not."

"Unless, we can practice it."

"But we have all practiced the Su Nu Gong, and it is impossible to practice the Nine Secrets Sealing Heaven Art. After all, you can only practice one kind of body-building technique."

The elders sighed.

Because they practiced the Su Nu Gong, their physiques have become Su Nu spirit bodies for a hundred years.

So they can't practice the Nine Secrets Sealing Heaven Art at all.

However, after hearing this, Bai Su answered silently.

"It's not impossible."

"This technique has a characteristic that it can only be practiced when the soul reaches the Yang God."

Bai Su's words made all the elders in the audience sigh.

"Yang Shen? The highest realm of the soul?"

"Yes, when the soul reaches the Yang Shen realm, it can transcend the existing body and reshape the body. Only then can it practice this technique."

"This technique was originally created by Bai Di when he was in the Yang Shen realm."

"She started practicing the Su Nu Gong that you are now practicing."

"Later, she found that the physique of the Su Nu Gong was not strong, so she created the Nine Secrets Sealing Heaven Jue when she was in the Yang Shen realm."

"If you can practice to the Yang Shen realm, you can naturally practice this technique."

Bai Su got the secret of this magic skill, but unfortunately, only people in the Yang Shen realm can practice it.

However, how many people in the world today have reached the Yang Shen realm?

"Ah, so we have no hope of practicing this skill for eternity?"

The elders were extremely sorry when they heard it.

After all, this is the most authentic and powerful technique of the Su Nu Sect.

They have lived for four or five hundred years, and there are not many years left.

If the cultivation level cannot be improved and the life span cannot be extended, how can they reach the Yang Shen realm?

The outbreak will begin the day after tomorrow, and it will depend on you!

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