Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 372 Baidi's humble room [Fourth update]

Bai Su followed Lingyu to Suxin Palace.

However, Suxin Palace, which is the forbidden area of ​​the Sunu Sect, is just an ordinary ice room that is spotless.

"Sister Bai, this is Suxin Palace, a place that can only be entered by heads of past generations."

"But in fact, there is nothing in it. There are only these solid ices that have gone through countless years."

"And these ices are so indestructible that they cannot be broken."

Lingyu said while looking at the blue world in front of him.

This was not her first time here, but she had never discovered any other secrets here.

This is a pure ice room, clean and spotless, with nothing but ice.

However, Bai Su couldn't see it, she could only feel that this ice room was not as simple as she imagined.

Bai Su summoned the Baidi Sword again.

The holy sealed divine sword intertwined with the radiance of Shinto in the air, and finally appeared in this spotless ice room.

When the White Emperor Sword appeared in the ice chamber, for a moment, white light began to flow from the entire ice wall of the ice chamber and began to condense towards the White Emperor Sword in the center.

Immediately afterwards, the ice that had been frozen for more than 200,000 years began to melt.

The melted ice water began to flow out of the cave.

Lingyu was stunned when he saw this scene.

She knew how indestructible these ices were. They could be chopped with knives and axes and bombarded with spells, but they still remained motionless.

But Bai Su didn't do anything, he just summoned the Baidi Sword, and the ice actually melted.

As the ice continued to melt, she was shocked to see that something seemed to exist in the ice.

Obviously, these ices were not formed naturally, but someone used a powerful freezing technique.

And this person is none other than the Frozen Ancestor, Bai Di!

Bai Di is good at sealing techniques, and among the sealing techniques, he is best at freezing.

It is said that her freezing technique can freeze time and space.

How could ordinary people break through Baidi's ice seal?

"Sure enough, it's the freezing technique used by that girl."

Baidi Sword felt Baidi's power from these ice seals.

It is called the Sealing Divine Sword. In fact, Baidi learned more of his sealing skills from this innate divine weapon.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the White Emperor Sword can break these ice seals.

As the ice water continues to melt, the ice in the entire ice room is also constantly being dissolved.

Lingyu looked at the ice, and there seemed to be something there.

After about half an hour, the ice wall had melted by nearly four meters.

And the things frozen in the ice are becoming clearer and clearer.

"What's this?"

Lingyu shouted.

"What is it?"

Bai Su couldn't see it and asked Lingyu.

"It seems, it seems to be a table."

"Yes, it's a table."

As the ice melted, Himuro's true appearance began to appear before Lingyu's eyes.

Frozen in the ice was a square table, with bowls, chopsticks and food on it, filled with the smell of fireworks.

A dozen steps behind the table, there was a wooden bed with neatly stacked mattresses.

On the left side of the wooden bed, there is a stove with a salt pottery pot on it.

On the right side of the wooden bed, there is a desk with pen, ink, paper and inkstones on it.

Strange, so strange!

This place doesn't look like a training room at all, but is filled with fireworks.

"What's going on? This place looks so poor, it doesn't look like a training ground at all."

Lingyu said while looking at the ice room where the ice was melting.

After the ice was released, the ice room was very simple, with only a wooden bed, a dining table, a desk, and an ordinary stove.

It's hard to imagine Bai Di cooking with his own hands.

She is the White Emperor, the most powerful goddess in millions of years.

Is the sacred goddess so down-to-earth?

"Hey, what is this?"

At this moment, Lingyu suddenly shouted.

"What is it?"

Bai Su asked.

"On the wall, there are some patterns carved on it. This, this is a technique, a technique created by Bai Emperor!"

"There are so many, all on the four walls, all kinds of secrets of techniques."

When Bai Su heard this, he began to release his soul and sense everything in the hospital room.

On the four walls of the ice room, there are indeed some secret books of martial arts carved by Bai Di himself.

There are patterns, words, and some techniques that failed to be created.

"Oh my God, there are no less than a hundred kinds of exercises included here."

Lingyu exclaimed.

They, the Su Nu Sect, have always lamented that the Su Nu Sect has lost its inheritance, but they do not know that the inheritance of the Su Nu Sect is at their feet.

Of course, even if they knew it, they couldn't break the ice.

Bai Su's arrival undoubtedly saved them.

"You can let the disciples in the sect enter this ice room to study. You can also copy the exercises in the ice room and make them into classics."

Bai Su suggested to Lingyu.

When Lingyu heard this, he nodded quickly.

"I understand Sister Bai. With these, our Su Nu Sect will definitely be able to regain its glory."

Lingyu was extremely excited, looking at the secrets of the techniques left on these stone walls.

"The food on this table is all fresh. Bai Emperor seems to have suddenly frozen this underground palace."

Lingyu looked at the food on the table, only half of the rice was eaten.

After hearing this, Bai Su quietly felt the remaining breath of Bai Emperor in the ice room.

Most of the smell remained on the wall.

This was just a shabby room with only the smell of fireworks where Baidi once lived.

It was Baidi who led her here, but why was there nothing here?

"Hey, what is this?"

Soon, Lingyu found something else.

"Sister, Baidi seems to have written something."

On the desk in the shabby room, there was a piece of white paper with a string of puzzling names written on it.

Jiang Ran

Jiang Meng

Jiang Yan

Jiang Feng

Jiang Zihan

Jiang Su

And the two names "Jiang Feng" and "Jiang Su" were circled.

"Why did Baidi write these names?"

Bai Su asked calmly after hearing this.

"Jiang Su, are you sure it's Jiang Su?"

"That's right, sister Bai, there are six names, among which Jiang Feng and Jiang Su are circled. What is their relationship with Baidi?"

"Jiang family, is this a family?"

"Could it be Baidi's surname?"

Lingyu guessed.

Bai Su didn't say much, but she seemed to have heard the name Jiang Su.

Who is Jiang Su?

The Baidi Sword didn't know either.

The Baidi Sword was once severely damaged in a battle and entered a long period of dormancy.

When it woke up again, it was placed in the Baidi City in the Blood Desert.

It also sensed the remaining breath of the Baidi here, so it guided Bai Su to come here.

However, there is nothing here.

Although there is nothing, it at least proves one thing, that the Baidi once lived here for some reason.

Moreover, the skills left in this ice room, plus the skills inherited by Bai Su in the Holy Land, are enough to revive the Su Nu Sect, which is about to decline.

"Let's go!"

This trip to the Suxin Palace did not yield much.

I thought that what the Baidi had frozen on purpose must be a rare treasure or a big secret.

However, what people didn't expect was that this was just the place where the Baidi had lived.

But it seems that the Baidi cherishes the time she lived here, so she deliberately froze this place and didn't want anyone to destroy it.

"This place is still a restricted area. No one is allowed to enter except the head."

"You will copy the skills inside and pass them on to the disciples in the sect."

Bai Su respected Bai Di's approach.

Since Bai Di deliberately froze this place for more than 200,000 years, it means that Bai Di really cherishes this humble room.

This place cannot be destroyed.

"I know, Sister Bai."

Ling Yu also understood Bai Su's meaning.

"Let's go!"

Then, Bai Su picked up the list on the desk.

This is the only thing she thinks can be taken away.


After thinking about it, I decided not to fill this hole for the time being! Let's stop here today and continue tomorrow! Please click, recommend, and reward.

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