Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 397 Entering the Inland Sea [Third Update]

Perhaps Bai Su herself didn't know that she had been moved by Zhuo Bufan's behavior without realizing it.

Of course, any woman would be moved by Zhuo Bufan's silent behavior.

Silent and selfless.

He would not reveal his feelings, but would only protect her in secret.

If she didn't find out, she would never know how moved and grateful she was to that person.

Since that day, Bai Su has looked at Zhuo Bufan differently.

Sometimes, she would miss Zhuo Bufan in her mind, just like Zhuo Bufan missed her before.

She is not a heartless woman, how could she not feel Zhuo Bufan's care?


Zhuo Bufan didn't know that Bai Su had discovered his identity.

But since that day, the Su Nu Sect stopped expanding.

Zhuo Bufan helped the Su Nu Sect occupy a total of six soul altars, plus the previous one.

The Su Nu Sect now has seven soul altars of their own.

For the Su Nu Sect, this is already an overfulfillment of the task.

Originally, they had only planned to occupy one soul altar at the beginning, but now they occupied seven, so they were naturally overjoyed.

In the next few days, the Su Nu Sect did not continue to expand.

They were satisfied with the current seven soul altars and began to build the camp of the soul altar.

Do not be greedy, be content!

The matter of the Su Nu Sect was settled.

"I can only help you here, I hope you can be well in the Su Nu Sect!"

After learning that Bai Su was in the Su Nu Sect, Zhuo Bufan was relieved.

He could see that Bai Su was living well in the Su Nu Sect, and he was also a supreme elder with a noble status.

After helping the Su Nu Sect occupy several soul altars, Zhuo Bufan did not forget his own interests.

More and more forces entered the Evil Ghost Forest, and Zhuo Bufan opened a fast channel for them.

Many sects were teleported to the interior of the Evil Ghost Forest through the soul altars he occupied, and then began to look for the nameless soul altar everywhere.

And Zhuo Bufan had to lead Lu Fei and others to run around day and night to fight for the soul altar.

In less than a week, all the soul altars in the Evil Ghost Forest had been occupied.

There were more than 200 soul altars in the Evil Ghost Forest, and the Crazy Sect led by Zhuo Bufan finally occupied 42 of them.

Although the previous record with Zhuo Bufan was not worth mentioning.

But under the competition of dozens of sects, it was not easy for them to occupy 42 altars.

And this record also ranked first.

The second place was the Ancient Temple, with 36 soul altars.

The third place was the Tianwu League, with 25 soul altars.

These three forces occupied half of the soul altars in the Evil Ghost Forest.

As soon as the soul altars in the Evil Ghost Forest were occupied, everyone's eyes were set on the Baizhou Inner Sea, which had more than 800 soul altars.

The Baizhou Inner Sea is the most central area of ​​Yunmeng Realm.

The center of Yunmeng Realm is a vast ocean, as far as the eye can see.

On this inland sea, there are more than 800 small islands and sandbanks.

So this sea is called the Baizhou Inner Sea.

The Baizhou Inner Sea is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous places in Yunmeng Realm.

The closer to the center of the Inner Sea, the higher the level of the soul beast.

In the center of the Inner Sea, there is a holy island. It is said that a great man has been there before. However, on that holy island, there are soul beasts above level 90, and it is rumored that there are also soul beasts of level 100 as guardian beasts.

It is also recorded in the ancient books of many ancient sects that there are soul beasts of level 100 in the central holy island of Yunmeng Realm.

It is rumored that after the occupation of all the soul altars in Yunmeng Realm, Yunmeng Realm will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Although it is unknown what changes will happen, the day when all the soul altars are occupied is getting closer and closer.

Nowadays, except for the central Inner Sea, basically all the soul altars in Yunmeng Realm have owners.

And the Baizhou Inner Sea has naturally become the last battlefield of all sects.

As for this last battlefield, for some reason, all sects tacitly did not enter it at the first time.

Obviously, only those who are stubborn dare to enter the Baizhou Inner Sea first.

The battle for the Devil Forest caused heavy losses to all the major forces. Even the most arrogant Tianwu League now has a Red King.

Speaking of which, the Tianwu League is also very miserable.

Of the eight powerful Tianwu Kings, only one Red King is left to rule the Yunmeng Realm.

Among them, the White King Bai Su defected from the Tianwu League.

The Black King and the Green King were responsible for hunting down Bai Su.

The Blue King and the Green King were killed by powerful soul beasts when they were responsible for opening up the inner soul altar.

The Gold King and the Purple King died in the hands of Zhuo Bufan one after another.

The Tianwu League's arrogance and tyranny were obviously severely frustrated.

However, this also shows the terrifying inner layer of the Yunmeng Realm.

Even the eight Tianwu Kings are so miserable, which shows that other sects have not gained any advantage in this battle for the soul altar.

Zhuo Bufan, who was stubborn, took only six people from the Crazy Sect and firmly sat on the upper hand in this battle.

"Boss, what should we do next?"

The Kuang Sect now has 42 branch altars, which is a number that Lu Fei and his team never dared to imagine before.

But since following Zhuo Bufan, this number has been constantly updated every day.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"You don't have to go to the next competition. Your task is to start gathering disciples."

"Now that the Kuang Sect has 42 branch altars, your task is to ensure that each branch altar has a full number of disciples. Do you understand?"

Zhuo Bufan needs more soul power.

It is meaningless to occupy the soul altar alone. There must be disciples under the soul altar so that he can obtain the soul power offerings of the disciples.

So Zhuo Bufan does not intend to lead Lu Fei and others in the fight for the Baizhou Inner Sea.

Let the soul altar have more disciples, this is what Zhuo Bufan wants to do most urgently now.

Lu Fei nodded.

"Don't worry, boss, we will issue a recruitment order immediately."

"I believe that there will be more and more disciples in a short time."

Now each soul altar can accommodate 10,000 disciples.

And the Yunmeng Realm has a total of 8,000 soul altars, which means that it can only accommodate 80 million people to practice.

And the Xiuxian Realm has a population of no less than 8 billion.

That is to say, only one out of 100 people can practice in the Yunmeng Realm.

It can be said that the quota for each soul altar is extremely scarce.

As long as the recruitment order is issued, I believe that thousands of independent cultivators will come and join the camp.

"Don't recruit all the messy people. It's better to recruit people with simple backgrounds and simple identities."

Zhuo Bufan said to Lu Fei.

"Don't worry, boss, I will do it properly."

Lu Fei then led everyone away, and Zhuo Bufan changed into a set of white moon robes, took off the crow mask, and then stepped on the flying boat and flew into the Baizhou Inner Sea alone.

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