Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 399 Great Struggle [First Update]

A wave of precise calculations and clever kiting.

Zhuo Bufan successfully killed the soul beast Qianwei Yu.

Then he landed on the island and occupied the soul altar on the island.

As soon as the occupation was completed, the so-called Tianzun’s announcement came from the sky.

"Announcement, the camp 'Sealed True Name 1823' has been established, and 10,000 soul power points are awarded for basic construction."

When this announcement sounded in the sky, the people of the entire Yunmeng Realm were boiling...

"Seal True Name? That trouble-making camp is back again?"

"Oh my God, 1823, the number of soul altars of this seal true name, there are already 1823?"

"Now I finally know why he has to mark the order of each camp. There are too many, and it takes a lot of effort just to name it."

Seal True Name, this mysterious force that once occupied more than a thousand soul altars in the outer and inner layers when it was first opened in Yunmeng Realm.

So far, the chief altar master behind it is also a mystery.

Now, this guy who once made the whole world boil is back again.

"Hey, look, his soul altar No. 1,823 is in the inner sea of ​​Baizhou."

Someone took out the Yunmeng map and began to search for the soul altar that Zhuo Bufan had just occupied. As a result, he was surprised to find that the soul altar was actually on an island in the inner sea.

The inner sea is the last battlefield for the soul altar in the Yunmeng world.

"This guy has taken action."

All major forces were shocked.

They had not even finished recuperating, but they did not expect that the competition in the inner sea had already begun.

"King Jin should recover soon. You should go back to the alliance and invite King Jin. No, not just King Jin, contact King Hei and King Qing immediately and let them return to Yunmeng. A new war is coming."

There is only one King Chi left in the Tianwu League headquarters.

Since their Tianwu League entered the Yunmeng world, it can be said that everything has gone wrong.

The eight kings of Tianwu are all well-known outside.

Each of them has a cultivation level of at least the Great Unleaked Golden Pill.

This kind of cultivation level is not even as good as the heads of many sects in the world of immortal cultivation.

However, in Yunmeng Realm, they first encountered a thorny head, the little venerable of the Talisman Temple.

Then they were condemned by the whole world.

Now the Eight Kings of Tianwu have become notorious and miserable.

They want to make a final unity and enter the inner sea to fight for the soul altar.


Not only the Tianwu League, but also the demons who have always been very low-key finally issued a statement at this time.

The soul altar in the inner sea, he demons want half!

This is as domineering as the Tianwu League clamoring that they want a thousand middle-level soul altars.

The demons have been very low-key since the opening of Yunmeng Realm.

It’s not that they didn’t occupy the soul altar, but they are very hidden, and the name of the camp does not contain any demons.

The reason is obvious. The demons are the forces that the righteous people in the world chase.

If they were as high-profile as the Tianwu League, they would have become the target of condemnation by the world.

Because the Tianwu League is attracting firepower, the demons are quietly developing their own forces in secret.

This time, they don't need to hide in the battle for hegemony in the inner sea.

The demon clan threatened to take half of the eight hundred soul altars in the inner sea.

And this time, all the island masters of the seventy-two demon islands of their demon clan will join the battle.

In this way, the righteous path is also not calm.

Although the seventy-two demon islands of the demon clan are mixed, some are strong and some are weak.

But there are indeed a dozen demons with unfathomable cultivation.

Among them, the Earth Demon King is called the Little Demon Lord.

His cultivation is the same as Qiu Daoyou, the first person under the pseudo-saint of the righteous path, the head of the Xiaoyao Sect.

"The demon path should not be rampant!"

When hearing that the demon path was preparing to invade the inner sea in a large-scale, the righteous people also issued a threat.

The one who shouted this sentence was Qiu Daoyou, the first person under the pseudo-saint.

Qiu Daoyou is the head of the Xiaoyao Sect, the first sect in the Western Xiuxian world.

His strength is second only to the legendary Northern Emperor Xing Badao. That's why he is called the first person under the pseudo-saint.

Xiaoyao Sect is usually very low-key, with only a few disciples, only a thousand or so.

So they only need one soul altar!

However, the rampant evil spirit made the leader of the righteous path decide to take action.

Qiu Daoyou waved his arm, and all the righteousness in the world gathered under his command.

Qiao Zhengyi, the head of Qingfeng Sect, Jue Qianzhan, the leader of Taishang Sword Sect, Zhou Taiqing, the star master of Xingchen Palace, and so on!

These peerless masters who usually don't take action easily were actually alarmed at this moment.

They had long since stopped caring about worldly affairs and were wholeheartedly seeking the truth and seeking a higher realm.

At their level, Yunmeng Realm is no longer attractive to them.

However, the arrogance of the evil spirit also alarmed them out of the mountain.


Now that the evil spirit has begun to be arrogant, the righteous path has decided to take action.

Obviously, a great battle is about to come.

Zhuo Bufan never thought that the soul altar he had seized would be a fuse that triggered a great war between the righteous and the evil.

However, for Zhuo Bufan, who only had the Soul Altar in his eyes, the right and wrong outside had no impact on him.

As for the warning from the Demon Dao!

He didn't take it seriously.

A year ago, he dared to pull teeth from the tiger's mouth of the Tianwu League, and today he still dared to snatch things from the mouth of the Demon Dao.

Sure enough, in less than half a day, the second soul altar in the inner sea was also robbed, and the name was the real name of the seal.

This time, the demons could no longer hold back and entered the inner sea in large numbers.

With Zhuo Bufan leading the way, they were directly teleported to the soul altar occupied by Zhuo Bufan in the inner sea, and then started the soul altar hegemony in the inner sea.

However, after these people entered the inner sea, they realized how terrible the inner sea was.

The guardian beasts of the soul altars were all above level 80.

The people of the demons were either dead or injured.

Hundreds of demons were annihilated in the end, and they did not occupy a soul altar.

Obviously, the battle for the soul altar in the inner sea is useless by relying on the human wave tactics.

Disciples with lower cultivation basically die when they enter.

They die from soul beasts, storms, or various natural disasters.

In short, the horror of the inner sea is beyond everyone's imagination.

But even so, Zhuo Bufan still steadily advances at the speed of two soul altars every day.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan didn't rely on luck, but on death again and again.

He basically died once or twice a day.

After all, for his current cultivation, the Inner Sea is an extremely terrifying place.

Zhuo Bufan relied entirely on the file reading door to survive in this dangerous environment.

The file reading door is Zhuo Bufan's only reliance now.

Seeing that the camp of Sealing True Name ranked first in the number of soul altars in the Inner Sea with a speed of two soul altars every day.

Other forces finally couldn't calm down at all.

After the Demonic Path, major forces entered one after another.

Among them, the Tianwu League was the most exaggerated.

The Red King recalled the Golden King, the Black King, and the Green King.

The Four Heavenly Kings, driving the only two sky battleships in the sect, brought tens of thousands of disciples and entered the Inner Sea.

The battle for the soul altar in the Inner Sea was thus kicked off.

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