Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 404 Theory of Immortality [Second update]

After more than a month of fighting, there were only 400 soul altars left in the inner sea.

And the fight for soul altars by major forces has obviously slowed down a lot.

In order to fight for soul altars, they suffered heavy losses, and now all major forces are showing a weak state.

Moreover, the guardian beasts of soul altars are getting stronger and stronger, and there are already soul beasts of level 90.

Sometimes they attack for several days and nights, but they can't defeat a soul beast.

The major forces stopped tacitly and began to recuperate.

The dead are waiting for their soul power to recover. Those who are not dead also began to recuperate and improve their strength.

As for Zhuo Bufan, he returned to the Talisman Temple.

He was helpless about the remaining soul altars.

He also needed some time to accumulate soul power, and then improve the level of time saving, so that he would be qualified to compete for the fate of the last 400 soul altars.

Interestingly, this stop seemed to stop all forces.


Zhuo Bufan, who returned to the Talisman Temple, can finally take a breath.

During this period, he was running around between the major forces day and night.

He created contradictions, conflicts, and acted according to the situation, waiting for the opportunity.

He had spent a lot of effort to cause disputes between the major forces.

Now he was exhausted and had to return to the Talisman Temple to recuperate for a few days.

However, Zhuo Bufan wanted to rest, but it was obviously too much.

He couldn't escape the Zunren Conference every ten days.

During this period in Yunmeng Realm, he attended three meetings, and he was absent from the three meetings and flew to Yunmeng Realm to make trouble.

Seeing that there would be another Zunren Conference tomorrow, he had no chance to rest.

The most important thing was that he had not yet comprehended his soul reading spell.

But he couldn't escape the Zunren Conference.

The next day, Zhuo Bufan came to the Great Hall with a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

He hadn't fallen down to sleep yet, when suddenly there was a knocking sound on the podium.

Da Da Da Da!

"Everyone, please pay attention. We have discussed the question of the wave theory of all things for five sessions."

"No result has been reached on this question, so if you want to prove this topic, please ask Master Guangying and Master Hunjue to continue working on it privately."

"Today we will reopen a new topic, a new proposal from Master Hun, the theory of immortality!"

When the opening speech of the Grand Hall Master came from the stage, all the masters in the audience exclaimed.

Even Zhuo Bufan, who was about to doze off, couldn't help but prick up his ears and cheer up again.

"Eternal life? Why didn't this proposal appear in the previous proposal meeting?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

At this time, Master Hun walked out from the Hall Master's stage and stepped onto the podium.

Hun Zun, the only female Hall Master among the seven Hall Masters.

She is young and promising, and is a rare talent for spells.

The platinum robe wrapped around her exquisite figure, looking extremely elegant and noble.

Zhuo Bufan saw that his teacher Zu Jiuling beside him had both eyes wide open when he saw Master Hun.

Zhuo Bufan recalled the day when Soul Master left Zu Jiuling to talk alone, and he didn't know what they talked about.

However, it can be seen that his teacher no longer seems to avoid Soul Master's gaze, and there is less guilt and regret in his eyes.

It seems that the two of them are planning to get back together.

"Everyone, my proposal is the theory of immortality. The following is an explanation. This view is based on the premise of the Yuanzi theory proposed by the little master."

As soon as this was said, Zhuo Bufan listened attentively.

"I completely agree with the little master's Yuanzi theory. I think that everything in the world is composed of Yuanzi."

"Light, storm, fire, thunder, even space, time, and soul."

"You heard it right. The types I mentioned are all related to the eight major temples of our Talisman Temple."

"If everyone opposes this view, then my proposal is invalid. So I would like to ask everyone to first recognize the view of the Yuanzi theory, and then discuss the immortality theory I mentioned under this premise."

Although Soul Master's tone was gentle, he was very prestigious and aura.

As soon as she finished speaking, no one dared to take her words seriously.

"The theory of immortality based on the premise of quantum mechanics?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

The Yuanzi theory mentioned by Soul Venerable was obviously the quantum theory proposed by Zhuo Bufan.

He really wanted to hear what brilliant proposals this Soul Venerable had.

"As we all know, the origin of us humans, and even all life in the world, is the soul."

"Including ascension, we are just soul ascension, and the body is just the host of the soul."

"In other words, in other words, our soul is the true state of this world."

"I just said that the soul is also composed of different Yuanzi."

"Even if we destroy the soul, crush, tear, suppress, and seal the soul."

"These are just changes in the overall form. The most basic Yuanzi will not be destroyed."

When Soul Venerable said this, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

He had already expected what Soul Venerable would say next.

"I brought you an experiment, please take a look."

After Soul Venerable finished speaking, he waved his jade finger, and a spiritual light flew out of the ring and landed in front of him.

It was a square table with a statue of a horse on it.

"This is a pony that I made with ordinary sand. I only need to gently pinch it, and this pony will become a pile of shapeless sand."

As Soul Master said this, he destroyed the pony in front of him.

"But if I use the prepared mold to pile up these messy sands, then these sands will become a horse again."

After Soul Master finished speaking, he took out a mold and put the sand in it.

When he opened the mold, the horse reappeared on the table.

Seeing this scene, everyone roughly understood the immortality theory that Soul Master wanted to express.

Some venerables laughed after seeing it.

And some venerables frowned seriously.

Among them was Zhuo Bufan.

Soul Master's meaning was very clear.

The human soul is composed of countless atoms. The soul is destroyed, but these countless atoms will not be destroyed.

As long as a way to reshape the soul is found, the soul that has completely died can be brought back to life.

It must be said that Soul Master's proposal touched Zhuo Bufan a lot.

But at the same time, her proposal has overturned the traditional concept of the soul dying and disappearing into ashes.

The traditional concept is that once a person's soul dies, then the person is completely dead and will no longer exist in this world.

However, this proposal of Soul Master made everyone feel a little scared.

Because in her opinion, no one will die, even if the soul disappears, it will return to the state of Yuanzi.

As long as a mold specifically for reshaping the soul can be found, then the person can be reborn.

No one will die, and after death they will just return to heaven and earth, which is another kind of eternal life.

Soul Master's words completely opened up Zhuo Bufan's mind.

"Interesting, every time my soul is dying, it will enter the archive space, but when it arrives at the archive space, my soul is actually complete."

"Is my soul reshaped?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know, but he had a vague feeling.

Their brains are opening up, and they are approaching the truth of a universe.

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