Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 427 Meeting the Holy Lord Again

In the past few days, Zhuo Bufan has been secretly investigating the location of Xuantan in Nongyue Tower.

However, his sneaky behavior every day did not yield any results.

The Xuan Tan he was looking for seemed to be deliberately avoiding him.

Zhuo Bufan searched for days and nights, but found nothing.

On this day, Fengya suddenly found Zhuo Bufan. He said that the Tianyi Sect wanted to see him.

Zhuo Bufan was a little flattered. After all, he had been coming to Tianyi Sect for a while, but he had never met the so-called sect leader.

Zhuo Bufan was naturally grateful to this mysterious sect master.

It was this sect leader who helped him retreat from the Demon Lord.

Zhuo Bufan felt that he should thank the other party in person.

"Heartless person, don't be frightened when you see the sect master later!"

Feng Ya said to Zhuo Bufan with a smile.

After coming to Tianyi Sect for so many days, Zhuo Bufan discovered that Fengya was not as savage as Zhuo Bufan imagined.

She has always been aloof from Zhuo Bufan.

After all, she also knew that Zhuo Bufan already had his heart set on something.

Zhuo Bufan laughed after hearing this.

"Why are you scared? Your sect master is scary?"

"That's not true. No one has seen the true face of the sect leader."

Fengya didn't say anything more, just smiled.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, was mentally prepared and followed Fengya to an attic on the top floor of Nongyue Building.

"The sect master is inside, go in!"

Feng Ya said to Zhuo Bufan with a smile.

This is Zhuo Bufan's first time in this attic.

He opened the door with anxiety.

As soon as the door was opened, a strong suction force suddenly sucked Zhuo Bufan in.

Before Zhuo Bufan could react, the door slammed shut.

After being sucked into the house, Zhuo Bufan steadied his steps. He raised his head and found that in front of him was a chaotic starry sky, extremely bright.

Unexpectedly, there is a cave inside the door.

He seemed to be walking in the void of the universe, surrounded by deep darkness.

In the darkness, dots of starlight released a faint light.


call out!

Just when Zhuo Bufan was shocked by this brilliant world of stars, suddenly countless stars around him began to fly to his feet.

Then under his feet, a golden avenue to the sky formed.

At the end of the avenue, there is a huge golden throne.

Above the throne, nine divine dragons of different colors and shapes hovered.

Sitting on the Nine Dragons Throne was a mysterious man wearing a golden holy robe.

It was a majestic figure, wearing an airtight elevated cloak.

The whole person was completely wrapped in the golden coat.

Its shoulders are padded high, its shoulder armor is like flying wings, and it looks like a golden bell.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the other party, he couldn't help but tremble.

"Holy, Holy Lord?"

The sect leader of the Tianyi Sect who shrouded him in an airtight manner before him was dressed exactly the same as the Holy Master of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Zhuo Bufan would never have imagined that he would see the Holy Lord again, and in such a way.

Speaking of which, Zhuo Bufan may be most grateful to this Holy Lord so far.

If the Holy Lord had not restarted the Yunmeng Realm and given Zhuo Bufan an opportunity, Zhuo Bufan would not have become the person with the largest number of soul altars in the Yunmeng Realm.

"Holy Lord, are you really the Holy Lord?"

Zhuo Bufan could no longer hold back his inner excitement.

He never expected that the leader of the Tianyi Sect that he wanted to see would be the Holy Master.

The holy master of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers is the master of Tianyi Sect.

This relationship is really something no one would have imagined.

"We meet again."

When the leader of the Tianyi Sect in front of him suddenly spoke, Zhuo Bufan was once again convinced that the other party must be the Holy Master.

The voice, neither male nor female, carried supreme divine power, ringing in my ears and roaring continuously.

Such a high-energy sonic boom-like tone is the Holy Master of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers.

"No wonder, no wonder I thought this voice was familiar before."

Zhuo Bufan thought about it. When the Tianyi Sect Master invited the Demon Lord to go to the sanctuary, the voice sounded somewhat familiar to Zhuo Bufan.

It turns out that the leader of Tianyi Sect is the Holy Master.

"Holy Lord, we meet again."

Zhuo Bufan still called the other party Holy Master.

When the Holy Lord heard this, he smiled and said: "The mountains and rivers of the Four Seasons no longer exist. You don't have to call me Holy Lord."

"At this moment, I am the leader of Tianyi Sect."

This time, even the Holy Lord himself admitted it, and Zhuo Bufan smiled happily.

"Although the Four Seasons, Mountains and Rivers are gone, in our eyes, the Holy Lord will always be the Holy Lord."

Zhuo Bufan misses the days of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers very much.

Although Siji Shanhe is a killer organization, it does not have the cold-bloodedness and ruthlessness of a killer organization.

On the contrary, there is a warmth that other sects do not have.

The mountains and rivers of the four seasons only kill evil people. Because of this creed, the people of Siji Shanhe are very upright.

It's a pity that Sijishanhe is no longer there. Otherwise, Zhuo Bufan would like to stay at Sijishanhe forever.

The Holy Lord asked after hearing Zhuo Bufan's thoughts.

"Are you very strange, why am I the sect leader of Tianyi Sect, and why do I establish a Four Seasons Mountain and River?"

Zhuo Bufan was indeed a little confused about the Holy Lord's question.

But doubts remained, so Zhuo Bufan didn't ask any more questions.

"It's actually very simple. I told you. The purpose of establishing Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers is to restart the Yunmeng Realm."

"To restart the Yunmeng Realm, at least all the luck of a sect must be consumed."

"Establish Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers, a killer organization that only kills evil people. Earn merit and luck. When the time comes, Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers will no longer be necessary."

The Holy Lord did tell Zhuo Bufan before that the purpose of establishing Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers was to restart the Yunmeng Realm.

At that time, Zhuo Bufan didn't understand why Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers, as a killer organization, had the rule of only killing evil people.

Now he understands.

Killing only evil people is to improve the merit and luck of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers.

It is to prepare for restarting the Yunmeng Realm in the future.

"Holy Lord, although Four Seasons Mountain and River is gone. But we will never forget the opportunity you gave us."

"Moreover, Four Seasons Mountain and River has not disappeared. Now in Yunmeng Realm, it stands proudly above all other forces with the camp of 'Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter'."

"The Four Seasons Mountain and River you established will exist forever."

Although Zhuo Bufan did not join Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

But he knew that Four Seasons Mountain and River changed its name and existed in Yunmeng Realm.

"Four Seasons Mountain and River is a thing of the past. From now on, I have only one identity, the leader of Tianyi Sect."

In the end, the Holy Lord still did not acknowledge the existence of Four Seasons Mountain and River.

After all, it was she who destroyed Four Seasons Mountain and River with her own hands.

"Some things are God's will! All of us live under the control of God's will!"

"Perhaps it is God's will that makes Four Seasons Mountain and River a flash in the pan!"


A new volume, the love of a lifetime, begins!

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