On the ruins, the sound of a newborn crying broke the peace.

After many hardships, Bai Su finally waited for this day.

"Child, my child!"

Bai Su shouted weakly.

Elder Han, who was in charge of the delivery, quickly handed the newborn baby to Bai Su.

She was covered in blood and looked ugly.

But newborns all look like this.

Bai Su couldn't see her child, but she could sense the mother-daughter bond.

"Niannian, my child!"

Bai Zi Nian, this is the name Bai Su gave to her biological daughter.

Together with her brother Bai Zifan's name, it is exactly "Niannianfan".

Although both children have the surname Bai, they still express Bai Su's longing for Zhuo Bufan.

Bai Su held little Niannian and slowly poured her remaining strength into Bai Zi Nian's body, nourishing this little life.

"Xiaofan, Xiaofan!"

Bai Su shouted.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofan was in a coma.

The demon seed in his body was temporarily sealed by Bai Su, and he fell into a coma because of excessive catharsis.

After hearing this, Lingyu hurriedly carried Bai Zifan to the inner hall.

Then she handed Bai Su's other child to her.

Bai Su held Bai Zifan in one hand and Bai Zinian in the other, with an extremely warm smile on her face.

That was the true love from motherly love.


In the ruins of the Su Nu Sect, the Black King and the Green King got up from the ground in a mess.

They were beaten to a pulp by the possessed Bai Zifan.

If Bai Su hadn't sealed the demon seed in Bai Zifan's body in time, the two of them would have been killed long ago.

"Cough cough cough!"

The Black King coughed heavily a few times, and blood gushed out like a stream of water.

"Damn it, this time it's terrible."

It was the first time that the Black King was injured so badly. Not only was his soul severely damaged, but his body was also almost destroyed.

Because he didn't listen to Qing Wang and took action in advance, both sides were hurt now.


The Qing Wang was no better than the Black King, and he was also bleeding.

"Haha, ridiculous! Bai Su is now powerless, but we have no ability to kill her at all."

This result was also very confusing to Qing Wang.

As the saying goes, a little impatience will ruin a big plan.

The impulsiveness of the Black King made them extremely embarrassed now.

If this mission cannot be successful, I believe that the Northern Emperor will not keep these two wastes.

"Old Qing, I'm sorry, I really should have listened to you."

The Black King now regretted it a little.

However, the Qing Wang just smiled helplessly.

"Forget it, it seems that I can only use that. I hope that this woman's soul will no longer be able to resist."

They made the final choice, which was also the most helpless choice, and it was their only choice now.

I saw Qing Wang took out a golden scroll from the ring.

The golden scroll slowly flew up and then slowly unfolded.

The golden light instantly covered the sky and the earth.

Bai Su, who was enjoying the blessing of having two wives, suddenly sensed a familiar force gathering above the Su Nu Sect.

At this moment, the Green King dragged his exhausted body and stood up from the ruins, then took a deep breath and shouted.

"The imperial edict has arrived! Bai Wang Bai Su, come out to receive the edict!"

As soon as these words came out, a supreme light was cast from the slowly unfolding golden imperial edict and fell on Bai Su's head.

Bai Su immediately felt that her soul was distorted by a powerful force.

"Bai Di..."

Bai Su was about to summon the Bai Di Sword to seal this force.

However, she suddenly remembered that the Bai Di Sword was used by her to seal the demon seed in Bai Zifan's body and could not be used.

Once used, the demon seed in Bai Zifan's body would likely wake up again.

As a last resort, Bai Su could only withstand the invasion of the imperial edict on her soul.

She knew that the imperial edict was a divine weapon refined by the Northern Emperor Xing Badao.

Each imperial edict is condensed from the rules of the saints.

In other words, each imperial edict can use a rule of the "heavenly destiny" of the Northern Emperor.

What are the rules of the saints?

That is a kind of ability that only saints can possess.

Saints make rules, and they cannot be violated. Bai Su had already suffered deeply from the torture of the "heavenly destiny" of the Northern Emperor.

"By the will of heaven, the emperor decrees!"

"By the rules of the heavenly destiny of the Northern Emperor, Bai Wang Bai Su has violated my covenant. From now on, return to the martial alliance and accept the punishment of my emperor's heavenly crime, so ordered!"

As soon as the Green King finished speaking, the imperial edict in the sky suddenly shot out dozens of golden chains.

Each chain is composed of the fusion of rule runes.

"Your Majesty's imperial edict is made of your Majesty's saintly rules-heavenly destiny. But the imperial edict must be useful to those who are weak in spirit or willing to accept the domination."

"I hope Bai Su has run out of energy."

The imperial edict of the Northern Emperor is not invincible.

Its use also has certain restrictions. If it was Bai Su in her prime, then Bai Su could completely escape the control of the imperial edict.

After all, this was just an edict, not the personal arrival of the Northern Emperor Xing Badao.

However, after several battles.

Bai Su fought against the Blood Eye Clan leader Cha Wuliang, then fought against the Black King and the Green King, and finally sealed the demon seed and gave birth to a child.

Bai Su was already weak and shaky.

But even so, she couldn't just accept her fate so easily.

She knew the power of destiny, and also knew the horror of destiny.

She couldn't let destiny control her anymore.

Facing the attacking rule chains, Bai Su handed the two children in her arms to Ling Yu beside her, and then said to her.

"My two children are in your hands, please."

Bai Su knew that she couldn't escape this disaster.

She took up her umbrella and made the last resistance.

However, the rule chains of the imperial edict pierced her soul mercilessly, and then formed an irresistible rule mark in the depths of her soul.

Unfortunately, the Chaos Bell was not on Bai Su, otherwise, how could this mere imperial edict do anything to her?

"Bai Su, are you still going to resist?"

"This is the imperial edict of His Majesty. The imperial edict cannot be violated."

"If you continue to resist, His Majesty will be furious. I'm afraid this small sect, along with your child, will be burned to ashes."

Bai Su would not sit and wait for death. Even if her soul was eroded by the imperial edict, her soul was still struggling desperately.

But gradually, Bai Su's movements became slower and slower, and finally she slowly fell to the ground.

The whole person fell into a wonderful state.

At that moment, everything was silent and the world was peaceful.

"What's going on?"

The Green King and the Black King were stunned, because this was not the performance after accepting the imperial edict.

And at this moment, suddenly, deep in Bai Su's soul, a long-sealed shackle was accidentally opened because of the invasion of the imperial edict.

"Jiang Su, it turns out that I am Jiang Su."


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