Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 450: Team annihilation

Zhuo Bufan rode on the black light falcon horse and started to fight with the people of Tianwu League while running.

He had to ensure that these people would not have any doubts, and then chase him without hesitation.

Commonly known as, pulling monsters!

Zhuo Bufan pulled a wave of monsters and began to rush towards the ambush site of Yixiantian.

Along the way, the people of Tianwu League were extremely vicious.

And Zhuo Bufan acted like a defeated soldier who was desperate, panicked, and fled everywhere.

In this way, the people of Tianwu League had no doubts and chased him all the way without mercy.

"Chase, little beast, you have come to this day. Catch him for me, I will cut him into pieces."

The three kings hated Zhuo Bufan to the bone.

Now seeing Zhuo Bufan in such an embarrassed state, it can be said to be very gratifying.

The unsuspecting Sanwan did not suspect that Zhuo Bufan had already ambushed.

Zhuo Bufan, who was running away with all his strength, soon saw an unfathomable and endless crack in the ground.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan flew down immediately.

"Want to escape? Chase him with all your strength. I want him to die miserably in this abyss."

The three kings saw Zhuo Bufan escape into the crack in the abyss, and drove the Sky Battleship to chase him without hesitation.

The crack was very wide, and it was not a problem for ten Sky Battleships to move forward side by side.

The people of the Tianwu League rushed towards the crack of the sky like a swarm of bees.

"This kid is at the end of his rope, bomb him."

The three kings drove the Sky Battleship. Hundreds of soul cannons bombarded Zhuo Bufan crazily.

Seeing that the people of the Tianwu League were chasing him happily.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan contacted Fatty and others.

After understanding the location of Fatty and others, Zhuo Bufan said.

"Listen to my instructions later, and bomb these beasts of the Tianwu League into slag for me!"

Zhuo Bufan issued an order.

After hearing this, Fatty and others responded one after another.

They already knew about Lu Fei's sacrifice, and they were ready to avenge Lu Fei.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan arrived at his destination.

In the canyon, it was dark and nothing could be seen.

But Zhuo Bufan knew that in the depths of the darkness, there was a trap he had already prepared.

Nine sky battleships were waiting for orders.

At this time, the pursuers of the Tianwu League had also arrived.

Three tattered sky battleships appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

At this time, several beams of light hit Zhuo Bufan, completely locking his position.

Seeing this, the three kings slowly walked to the bow, then looked at Zhuo Bufan and smiled.

"Little beast, run, why don't you run?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said righteously.

"Why should I run? You killed my brother, I want you to pay for your life."

When the King of Gold heard this, he laughed even more wantonly.

"Your brother is Lu Fei, right? Oh, I'm so sorry. Just now, I blasted him into ashes with one shot."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, he died miserably. But I'm so happy! What if I can't hold back my excitement?"

The King of Gold was almost neurotic.

He had never been so excited before. Today he could kill Lu Fei and Zhuo Bufan, two flies that disgusted him so much.

"Hahahaha, I think there's no way to escape!"

"You stinky boy, you've been messing with my Tianwu League again and again. Before, we couldn't do anything because you were a member of the Talisman Temple."

"But now, you're nothing, and you dare to act presumptuous in front of my Tianwu League. I think you're really tired of living."

"You stinky boy, return my Tianwu League's Cangqiong battleship to me, and then hand over all your battleships, and I'll give you a quick death."

"Otherwise, I'll make you die a miserable death."

The King of Red was also pitted badly by Zhuo Bufan.

"Don't waste your words on him. This kid is full of tricks and things change all the time."

King Lan was rational. The most urgent thing was to kill Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and suddenly curled his lips and smiled coldly.

"You're going to die a miserable death? What a miserable death. Since you are all here, no one can leave here alive today."

Zhuo Bufan's originally weak momentum suddenly surged.

For a moment, the three kings of Tianwu League were stunned.

"What is this kid proud of?"

"I don't know, I feel there is some conspiracy."

"No, he must have set a trap."

The three kings looked at each other and realized it later.

Zhuo Bufan laughed when he saw this.

"You three idiots, have you realized it now? Do you know why I led you to the narrow sky?"

The three felt a little chill, and the disciples of Tianwu League began to look around. They also felt that in the darkness around them, something seemed to be stirring.

The more he felt it, the more frightened he became, and a little nervous.

"No time to waste, we must kill him immediately. Everyone listen up, blow this stinky boy into pieces."

Lan Wang shouted, asking all the disciples of Tianwu League to show their unique skills and blow Zhuo Bufan to death.

And their three sky battleships also began to gather energy, ready to blow Zhuo Bufan to pieces.

But at this moment, suddenly three huge beams of light shot out from behind Zhuo Bufan, blasting at the three sky battleships of Tianwu League.

That was the most powerful destructive cannon of the sky battleship.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

For a moment, before the three Tianwu kings could react, half of the bow of the Sky Battleship they were driving was blown to ashes.

Then, three destructive cannons were fired from behind them, attacking from the front and back, and the three Sky Battleships of the Tianwu League were scrapped on the spot.

This is not over yet. Next, a Sky Battleship appeared on each side.

From front to back, left to right, 1,600 soul cannons began to bombard the disciples of the Tianwu League with a dense bombardment of one shell per second.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

For a moment, there was a crackling and roaring sound in the ravine of Yixiantian, as if it was going to tear the earth apart completely.

Ah ah ah ah ah...

The screams one after another marked the fall of the disciples of the Tianwu League.

"No, we've been tricked. Let's run!"

The three kings jumped out of the Sky Battleship in a panic, and then prepared to drive the flying boat to leave the canyon.

However, just as they were about to fly out, two sky battleships appeared from above their heads, and Zhuo Bufan was driving one of them.

This one was his own. The sky battleship that crashed in Tianwu City before was obtained by him from the Green King.

The two battleships appeared out of nowhere, blocking the retreat of all the people in the Tianwu League.

Their only way out was the endless abyss underground.

Boom boom boom boom...

The continuous bombing almost killed all the people in the Tianwu League.

Seeing that the disciples of the Tianwu League were getting fewer and fewer.

"Damn it, stinky boy, you actually plotted against us just now, you will not die well."

The three kings shouted in grief and anger.

Among them, the flying boat under the feet of the Red King was directly blown up. Without the flying boat, he fell directly into the endless abyss.

"Red King!"

The Blue King and the Golden King shouted in grief and anger.

After falling into the abyss, the Red King died. Even if he re-enters the Yunmeng Realm in the future, the bottom of the abyss will be his rebirth point. It will be difficult for him to get out.

"You are the ones who will die a miserable death."

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly flew down two black death swords.

King Jin and King Lan were killed by Zhuo Bufan in mid-air before they could dodge, and disappeared into the abyss together.

Seeing the tragic death of the three kings, the disciples of the Tianwu League were already panicking and flying around.

However, under the organized and efficient bombing of Zhuo Bufan's fleet.

The people of the Tianwu League were destroyed one by one in the abyss.

This abyss will become the largest burial place of the Tianwu League.

If these people want to be reborn in the future, the bottom of the abyss will be the rebirth point.

If they want to get out, they can only rely on the help of other people.

However, tens of thousands of people were buried here together, and it was already extremely difficult to rescue them all.

Zhuo Bufan's artillery fire was merciless. After more than half an hour of bombardment, all the people of Tianwu League were wiped out in the narrow sky.

Zhuo Bufan's pre-prepared killing plan ended perfectly!

Tianwu League was wiped out!

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