Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 452 Nian Fan (Part 2)

Seeing Bai Zifan taking his sister away, Zhuo Bufan was stunned in the wind and felt confused.

He was actually rejected. Could it be that he was too evil?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Zifan. Zifan is still young and ignorant. I apologize to you."

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan was a little embarrassed, Lingyu quickly apologized.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan retracted his hand in embarrassment and then smiled.

"It's okay. Is this child's name Zifan?"

Zhuo Bufan thinks this name is very interesting. Like his own name, it also has the character "Fan".

"Yes, his name is Bai Zifan. He was named by Sister Bai. Sister Bai also named your daughter Bai Zinian."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he murmured to himself.

"Bai Zi Nian, Bai Zi Fan, Zi Nian, Zi Fan, Nian Fan!"

When Zhuo Bufan repeated the names of the two children over and over again, he suddenly realized that the two names chosen by Bai Su had a special meaning.

"Did she forgive me?"

Perhaps Zhuo Bufan's greatest wish in this life is to pray for Bai Su's forgiveness.

"Tell me, where is she? How is she?"

Zhuo Bufan could feel that Bai Su was still alive, but her soul was very weak.

When Zhuo Bufan heard the names of the two children, he suddenly realized.

Bai Su had already forgiven him, and Bai Su had already developed feelings for him.

It's a pity, it's a pity that Zhuo Bufan only found out now.

What he wanted to see most at the moment was Bai Su.

He wanted to tell Bai Su personally that he had met the child's mother.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan's excitement, Lingyu quickly led Zhuo Bufan and the others into the inner hall.

Then he told Zhuo Bufan everything about Bai Su.

It starts with Bai Su entering the Su Nu Sect and ends with her final battle with Wang Xing of the Tianwu Alliance in the sky.

After the domineering battle between Bai Su and Wang Xing, he never came back.

Not only Bai Su, but also Bei Di Wangxing's tyranny disappeared.

After Zhuo Bufan learned this result, he felt a little agitated and uncomfortable.

What he can be sure of now is that Bai Su must still be alive, but no one knows where she is.

"Holy Lord, maybe Holy Lord can help me find her."

Zhuo Bufan thought of the Holy Lord.

He remembered that when the Sky War broke out, the Holy Master of Tianyi Sect had gone to the Holy Land to watch the battle.

In other words, the Holy Master is likely to know the whereabouts of Bai Su.

However, Zhuo Bufan couldn't just walk away now.

Now that the Su Nu Sect is in trouble, he must first help the Su Nu Sect tide over the difficulties.

At the same time, he had two children to deal with.

Regardless of whether it is Bai Zinian or Bai Zifan, they are both extraordinary children and cannot be abandoned.

"I believe Sister Bai, Jiren has his own destiny, and nothing will happen to him."

Lingyu said to Zhuo Bufan.

During this period, if it weren't for Bai Su's continuous help, their Su Nu Sect would have fallen apart long ago.

In the eyes of the disciples of the Su Nu Sect, no matter what Bai Su's previous status was, she will always be the Supreme Elder of the Su Nu Sect.

"Yes, she will return safely."

"By the way, there is one thing I have always wanted to ask you. You said that the battle that shocked the world was actually the battle between Beidi and Bai Su."

"Is she now comparable to a false saint?"

Zhuo Bufan still couldn't believe Bai Su's sudden burst of strength comparable to that of a false saint.

After hearing this, Lingyu replied.

"We don't know the specifics. We only know that Sister Bai was punished by Beidi's imperial edict after giving birth to Nian Nian."

"It turns out that Sister Bai's soul seemed to have unlocked some kind of seal, and she became a completely different person."

"After that, Sister Bai became as powerful as Beidi. Until the end of the Holy Land War, Sister Bai never appeared again."

Naturally, Lingyu didn't know much about Bai Su's sudden display of incredible strength.

But Zhuo Bufan was at least certain of one thing, Bai Su was indeed no ordinary person.

"People from the Tianwu Alliance have been lurking around our Su Nu Sect. They are targeting Nian Nian and Xiao Fan. The Su Nu Sect cannot compete with the Tian Martial Alliance, so I had no choice but to find you."

"Now, take Niannian and Xiaofan away from the Su Nu Sect! It's too dangerous here."

Lingyu said to Zhuo Bufan.

Naturally, Lingyu was not afraid that Zhuo Bufan and the others would implicate the Su Nu Sect.

Instead, he was afraid that his sect would harm them.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shook his head slightly and said.

"Thank you for your care for Su Su and your love for my child. Now that the Su Nu Sect is in trouble, I can't just leave like this."

"Don't worry, I have no intention of leaving alone this time."

"I will advance and retreat together with the Su Nu Sect."

Zhuo Bufan said this not only because he wanted to feel the hormone female sect, but also to fulfill Bai Su's wish.

Bai Su risked his life to protect this sect. As her man, Zhuo Bufan naturally wanted to protect the Su Nu sect for her.

"But, this is too dangerous. You take your children back to Temple City. The leader of the Tianyi Sect will definitely protect you. If you stay here, people from the Tianwu Alliance will come to kill you sooner or later."

Lingyu said to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, looked at Bai Zifan, who was sitting on a stool and holding his sleeping sister in his arms.

Then he smiled slightly and said.

"Fathers must set an example for their children. I believe that he doesn't want to see me as a weakling who shrinks from battle."

Zhuo Bufan had learned about Bai Zifan's origins in Lingyu's memories.

At the same time, he learned that in order to protect Bai Su, Bai Zifan did not hesitate to break free from the shackles and became a demon on the spot.

Even the child was so strong and brave, how could he retreat?

After listening to Bai Zifan's performance, Zhuo Bufan admired this son even more.

Although not a biological child, Bai Su poured almost all her motherly love on this child.

Zhuo Bufan was willing to pour his fatherly love on him like Bai Su did.

Perhaps feeling Zhuo Bufan's gaze, Bai Zifan looked at Zhuo Bufan and then hugged his sister tightly.

Fearing that Zhuo Bufan would take his sister away when he was not paying attention.

Seeing the boy so nervous, Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly.

It seems that Zhuo Bufan will not be able to hold his daughter for a while.

This brother is just like an old hen, always alert to Zhuo Bufan, the "big bad wolf".

In the following time, Zhuo Bufan temporarily lived in the Su Nu Sect, and then helped the Su Nu Sect rebuild the mountain gate.

Of course, the task of rebuilding the mountain gate was obviously impossible for Zhuo Bufan alone.

At this time, it was time for the Skeleton Corps and Bloodthirsty Butterflies in his Black City to take action.

Zhuo Bufan released all the creatures in his Black City to help rebuild the Su Nu Sect.

Even the long-lost Dapeng Golden Eagle flew out and began to help build.

They all had experience in building the Black City, so rebuilding the Su Nu Sect was not difficult.

With Zhuo Bufan's help, the Su Nu Sect began a reconstruction plan in full swing.

In the past two days, Zhuo Bufan was also trying to communicate with Bai Zifan.

Although he still rejected Zhuo Bufan a little, he was no longer as repulsive as before.

Interestingly, even Xiaomei had been in a hot relationship with Bai Zifan, but he was still looked down upon.

However, seeing Bai Zifan's serious look, Zhuo Bufan's heart was also warm.

He believed that Bai Zifan would definitely become a good brother in the future.

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