The fourth-turn Life and Death Principle was used by Zhuo Bufan for the first time.

He had never thought about how powerful it would be.

However, when it exploded, people saw the terrible power of Life and Death Principle.

At the moment of the explosion, the surrounding space collapsed directly, and endless energy began to gather towards the center.

Then it was released in an instant, and everything within a radius of one kilometer disintegrated instantly.

Dozens of cloud ships of the Tianwu League were directly destroyed in the explosion.

And this is only the first stage of destruction.

Then, in the second stage, the scope was affected.

Countless black death energy began to spread around, and no grass grew and no living creatures died wherever it passed.

This range reached dozens of miles in radius.

If it weren't for the fact that the battlefield was high enough, the Su Nu Sect would have been destroyed by the bombardment of Zhuo Bufan's energy bomb.

The 30,000 disciples of the Tianwu League were almost caught in this energy storm on the spot.

Those with lower cultivation were directly destroyed.

The strong ones also suffered serious injuries, like autumn leaves ravaged by the wind, withering away.

The sad thing is that the four kings are the kings of the Tianwu League!

Now they have to flee in a panic and are in disarray.

If they were in their prime, they would have no pressure to block Zhuo Bufan's attack.

However, now they are weak in spirit and can only rely on the help of two generals to escape in a panic.

The range destruction is only the second stage of the fourth transformation of the two yin and yang of life and death, and it has the last stage.

That is the extreme collapse.

After the explosion, the energy destroyed the space in the center and tore apart time and space.

The space collapsed, forming a black hole with a diameter of four or five meters.

The black hole frantically devoured everything around it that had not been destroyed.

The black hole lasted for dozens of seconds, and after crushing everything, it slowly became smaller and finally returned to nothingness.

This is the terrible power caused by Zhuo Bufan's big move that he had been brewing for half a day.

The explosions in the three stages almost disintegrated everything within a radius of ten miles.

Its power is no less than the earth-shattering battle between Bai Su and Cha Wuliang over the Su Nu Sect.

The sky of the Su Nu Sect was blown up again!

Seeing this result, Zhuo Bufan was also a little stunned.

Its power far exceeded Zhuo Bufan's imagination.

The power of the fourth turn is indeed extraordinary, at least ten times that of the third turn.

Zhuo Bufan was also within the range of the explosion. If it weren't for the Chaos Bell, he would definitely be killed by the big move he threw out.

At that time, it would be ridiculous.

The power of this life and death is too great, and it is obvious that Zhuo Bufan is also consumed.

The life and death in his body is almost exhausted.

However, seeing such a terrible power, he nodded with satisfaction.

This is the true power of the life and death in his imagination.

It is comparable to a small nuclear bomb!

Because of its great power, even the Su Nu Sect's mountain protection formation ten thousand meters below was instantly destroyed.

Fortunately, Xiaomei took action in time, unfolded her true body, and transformed into a thousand-year-old plum tree, propping up the sky of the Su Nu Sect, and used her boundless demonic power to block this earth-shattering might.

"Good, so powerful."

Bai Zifan was extremely shocked when he saw this scene.

He didn't expect that not only his mother was powerful, but his father Zhuo Bufan was also a terrible character.

This battle completely demonstrated Zhuo Bufan's true strength now.

With the Chaos Bell, Zhuo Bufan was not afraid to fight against the Jindan strongman.

And with the absolute birth and death, he could even kill the Jindan strongman.

Zhuo Bufan could no longer be regarded as an ordinary Yindan strongman, he must be regarded as a Jindan strongman, or even a great Jindan.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

The four heavenly kings shouted, their Tianwu League, 30,000 people, drove 60 Cangqiong warships to attack the Su Nu Sect.

As a result, Zhuo Bufan killed more than 10,000 people and destroyed half of the Cangqiong warships.

Zhuo Bufan was unstoppable.

The Tianwu League could only throw away their armor and flee.

Seeing the people of the Tianwu League fleeing in a panic, Zhuo Bufan laughed.

He did not intend to chase after them. Don't chase after a desperate enemy, not to mention that his life and death aura had already reached the bottom.

After completing that attack, Zhuo Bufan slowly retracted all the states on his body.

The Eye of Life and Death, the Burning Blood Magic, the Bloodthirsty Demon Butterfly, the Skeleton Army, Zhuo Bufan retracted them all.

Then he flew down to the Su Nu Sect with the Chaos Bell.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's return as a king, the girls of the Su Nu Sect couldn't help cheering.

"Great, we won, we won."

"So powerful, is this the strength of the little venerable?"

"Single person, repelled the 30,000 troops of the Tianwu League. If this gets out, it will definitely make a name for itself!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly.

"Low-key, low-key."

Zhuo Bufan said low-key while walking towards Bai Zifan, and then said.

"Zifan, thank you."

"Thank me?" Bai Zifan said in surprise.

"I heard your call."

Bai Zifan's call of "Dad" made Zhuo Bufan go all out and improve his combat power.

The power from family affection gave Zhuo Bufan a strong belief that he must protect his two children at all costs.

Because of this belief, Zhuo Bufan became so powerful.

"They won't come back, will they?"

Lingyu said anxiously.

"Not for the time being, don't worry, I, Zhuo Bufan, will definitely protect your Su Nu Sect."

After this battle, Zhuo Bufan and Tianwu League officially formed a situation of fighting to the death.

However, Tianwu League was seriously injured, and it would definitely not attack Su Nu Sect again in the short term.

The only fighting force of their Tianwu League now is the Purple King.

However, the strength shown by Zhuo Bufan is probably not weaker than the Purple King.

On the almost scrapped cloud ship.

The embarrassed four kings sat on the wooden chair and said with gritted teeth.

"What should we do now?"

The Black King, the Green King, and the Blue King all looked at the Green King.

As the military advisor among the eight kings of Tianwu, it is naturally his time to come up with ideas and perform.

Seeing this, the Green King sighed and said.

"Don't ask me, I don't know either."

"I didn't expect that kid to be so powerful."

"In my opinion, let's go back to the Wu League first! Let's put this matter aside for now. The most urgent task is to find the whereabouts of His Majesty."

After discussing for a while, the kings finally decided to leave in dismay.

Now they can be said to be in a mess.

Since they got involved with Zhuo Bufan, these big guys have never had a peaceful life.

Now the Northern Emperor Wang Xingbadao is nowhere to be found, and they were wiped out by Zhuo Bufan alone.

Now the military morale has begun to destabilize within the Tianwu League.

After all, the Tianwu League is an alliance. It is an imperial alliance composed of hundreds of forces.

And now that the lord of the empire, Wang Xingbadao, is nowhere to be found, this alliance is probably not far from splitting.

"Well, then, listen to King Qing, go back to the Wu League first, and stabilize the marshals."

"Your Majesty is not here, these people will definitely take the opportunity to make trouble. As for the little beast Fu'an on the left, one day, I will kill him with my own hands."

Helpless, very helpless.

Zhuo Bufan is obviously just a silver dan strongman, but the four kings can only flee back to the Tianwu League in a mess.

No more today! No need to wait, everyone. Sorry, the plot has been a bit stuck recently, I need to sort out the outline.

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