The news that Bai Zifan was a demon soon spread throughout the world of immortality.

Many forces have already begun to rush towards the Su Nu Sect, just for the fight between demon species.

Although the people from the Tianwu League fled in embarrassment, they still left a lot of trouble for Zhuo Bufan and the others.

Righteous monks have almost zero tolerance for demons.

What's more, Zhuo Bufan no longer has a strong backer.

He left the Talisman Temple and did not join the Tianyi Sect. He was alone and had no powerful force of his own in this world of immortality.

Because of this storm, the Su Nu Sect was invisibly involved in the trend.

What to do now?

The Su Nu Sect has been accused of harboring demon species, and the righteous people have jointly signed a petition to punish the Su Nu Sect.

It was obviously impossible for Zhuo Bufan to escape alone, and he had to resolve the issue of the Su Nu Sect.

At this time, another disciple suddenly ran in and reported.

"Master, there are three cloud ships flying towards my sect."

"So fast?" Lingyu frowned slightly.

"Go out and have a look."

Zhuo Bufan was very calm. At worst, the soldiers would come and cover up the water and earth.

The group of people quickly walked out of the hall and saw a fleet of ships that did not look powerful approaching ten miles away.

The other party has a total of three cloud ships, and they are also the kind of cloud ships that carry very few passengers. Each ship can carry up to two hundred passengers.

Soon, the fleet arrived above the Su Nu Sect.

Upon seeing this, Lingyu immediately said to the elders around him: "Get ready to fight."

However, Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand to stop them.

"Don't worry."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took a step forward. He seemed to know who was coming.

Soon, a group of people flew down from the cloud ship in the sky.

Zhuo Bufan took a closer look and saw several familiar faces.

"Master, we are here."

The group of people descended from the sky and landed in front of Zhuo Bufan.

These people are the disciples of the Mad Sect.

Fu Yueban, Murray, Gao Shan, Gao Hai, Sun You and so on.

These people are all here.

Moreover, there was another person who was lying on a stretcher and was carried down.

Upon seeing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately stepped forward to greet him.

"Lu Fei!"

The man lying on the stretcher was Lu Fei.

In order to help Zhuo Bufan complete his plan, Lu Fei died once in the Yunmeng Realm.

Now I can only lie on the bed, my soul is extremely weak.

"Boss, we are here."

Lu Fei looked very weak.

"Where are those bastards from the Tianwu Alliance? I want to fight them."

He was still thinking about getting up from the stretcher, but Zhuo Bufan pushed him down.

"Don't move. The people from the Tianwu Alliance have already gone back. You kid, you are so wanton that you don't even listen to me, the boss. Who told you to make your own decision and go to die?"

Zhuo Bufan said and punched him.

Of course, this punch didn't have any power.

That being said, Zhuo Bufan now recognizes this brother even more.

"Boss, it turns out that my sacrifice was worth it. You killed all those bastards from the Tianwu League. One of my lives was worth tens of thousands of theirs, it was worth it!" Lu Fei said with a smile.

Lu Fei is now following Zhuo Bufan wholeheartedly.

"By the way, boss, we only know about the Yunmeng Realm. Your son is really..."

Lu Fei learned about the news spread in Yunmeng Realm from other people's mouths.

Now the news that Zhuo Bufan's son is a demon has spread throughout the world.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and said, "No matter what he is, he is my Zhuo Bufan's son. No one can touch him."

Zhuo Bufan said, slowly turning his head to look at Bai Zifan behind him.

Bai Zifan held his sister in his arms and stood beside Xiaomei at a loss.

Zhuo Bufan seemed to see his worry. He turned around and squatted down, then touched Bai Zifan's head and said.

"Xiao Fan, don't be afraid. As long as your dad is here, even if the sky falls, I will help you and keep an eye on it with your sister."

"Do you still remember our agreement? You are responsible for protecting your sister, and I am responsible for finding my mother. The family is reunited."

Zhuo Bufan knew that he could not communicate with Bai Zifan by coaxing children.

Bai Zifan is actually very sensible and knows more than some adults.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan stood up and looked at the people from Kuangmen and Su Nu Sect.

Then he said: "Okay, now everyone just follow me!"

"Xiaomei, how is the establishment of Meicheng?"

The extraordinary Black City finally has its place.

Xiaomei seemed to hear what Zhuo Bufan meant, and she smiled.

"Half of it has been completed and it can temporarily accommodate 50,000 people."

"Fifty thousand people? More than enough."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly raised the mysterious bone ring in his hand.

For a moment, everyone looked at Zhuo Bufan inexplicably, wondering what he was going to do.

I saw the Mystic Bone Ring in Zhuo Bufan's hand suddenly glowing brightly.

Then, a huge Guo City appeared in the sky.

Compared to Kuangmen's Yunchuan, it was just like a small boat.

Black City, the Guocheng built by Emperor Xuan.

Zhuo Bufan has been asking Xiaomei and the others to work hard to build this mysterious city, so that one day they can cope with this situation.

When they saw the huge aerial city appearing, everyone's eyes lit up.

"Boss, what is this?"

Lu Fei and the others looked at the city in the sky summoned by Zhuo Bufan in surprise.

This was the first time they had seen such a huge aerial city, bigger than the mountain top of Su Nu Sect.

"This is my country, Plum City!"

Zhuo Bufan opened his hands and smiled slightly.

When the strong wind blows, countless plum blossoms fall from the Plum City, floating in the air, and their fragrance is overflowing.

"Hey, Shibufan, that's my Meicheng."

Xiaomei rolled her eyes at Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan didn't say anything more, but turned to look at Lingyu and the others.

"You guys, come with me into Plum City!"

Zhuo Bufan wants to invite Lingyu and the others to enter Meicheng.

"And you, from now on, Meicheng will be the base of Kuangmen."

Lu Fei and the others have been gathering disciples of the crazy sect in the world of immortality, hoping to establish a mountain sect. But finding a suitable mountain gate is not easy.

Now, Zhuo Bufan has solved this problem.

"Boss, can we really go in?"

Lu Fei still didn't believe it.

"Of course, this is specially prepared for the crazy family."

Zhuo Bufan has always wanted to establish his own power, and Kuangmen is undoubtedly his power.

"Great, our crazy family finally has a base camp."

Lu Fei said excitedly.

Their Kuangmen are not bandits, they want to establish a real power.

Lu Fei agreed on behalf of everyone.

However, looking at Lingyu and the others, they frowned slightly and seemed a little hesitant.

"I'm sorry, we are born as members of the Su Nu Sect, and die as the ghosts of the Su Nu Sect. We will never abandon our sect."

Following Zhuo Bufan would mean that they would abandon Shanmen and become subordinates, which they could not accept.

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