Duoling City, the closest city to Gaoshan City.

They had received a call for help from Gaoshan City and were ready to go to help Gaoshan City.

However, before the rescue team left the city gate, a large number of Yin beasts came to kill them.

The battle was about to break out, and the people of Duoling City fought to the death. After fighting for a whole day, they were almost unable to hold on.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan fell from the sky.

A hand of life rain covered the entire Duoling City.

All the Yin beasts that were invading Duoling City fled everywhere.

Zhuo Bufan's appearance killed a large number of Yin beasts in seconds. He saved Duoling City from crisis.

When Zhuo Bufan landed on the top of Duoling City, he caused another exclamation.

This time, before Zhuo Bufan opened his mouth, everyone shouted hero, hero!

"Hero, hero, hero..."

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan's name as a hero has spread all over the world.

The speed of information dissemination in Yunmeng Realm is beyond imagination.

Now the whole world knows that Zhuo Bufan is a hero who saves the world from crisis.

As soon as they saw Zhuo Bufan coming, everyone felt relieved.

"The hero is here. The legend is true. He is the nemesis of the Yin Beast."

"He is the savior who will save this world crisis."

The life force cultivated by Zhuo Bufan played an important role in this catastrophe.

Now, all the forces that are being attacked by the Yin Beast are asking Zhuo Bufan to save them.

Some sects or cities have even directly issued invitations in Yunmeng Realm.

"Please move to Fenghan City to save Fenghan from the crisis. Fenghan City will build a statue and a temple for the hero and be worshipped by the people."

"Please move to Baidumen. Baidumen is willing to join the hero and become his subordinate."

"Please move to Wolong Valley. Wolong Valley will remember the hero's kindness forever."


Whether it is a sect or a city, they are all inviting Zhuo Bufan to help.

Zhuo Bufan's glorious deeds have once again spread throughout the world.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was in Duoling City, receiving worship from the people of Duoling City.

"Hero, Duoling City will build a statue of merit for you. You saved Duoling City, and your merits are immeasurable. The people of Duoling City will pray for you from generation to generation."

The people began to thank Zhuo Bufan for his timely appearance.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled and said, "Again, this era needs heroes. I, Zhuo Bufan, will take the responsibility."

Hearing Zhuo Bufan's bold words, everyone was grateful for a while.

At this time, an old woman came out of the crowd, holding a set of pink cotton clothes in her hands, and tremblingly handed it to Zhuo Bufan.

"Little hero, I am a tailor. Thank you for saving us. I have nothing to repay you. This is the clothes I sewed by myself."

"I heard that the little hero's child is about to be full-month old, and I don't have a gift to take out. Please don't despise it, little hero."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the pink clothes and his heart trembled slightly.

Especially the pair of small shoes on the top, which made Zhuo Bufan's love for his daughter overflow.

He didn't expect to meet such a mother-in-law in Duoling City, who gave his child a full-month gift.

Nian Nian is indeed about to be full-month, and Zhuo Bufan has not prepared any gifts yet.

This new set of clothes is undoubtedly the best gift.

"Grandma, thank you very much."

Zhuo Bufan was deeply moved.

At that moment, he felt that saving Duoling City was worth it.

This set of clothes is worth Zhuo Bufan's help.

"Here is another set, for your other child."

The other child in the mother-in-law's mouth is naturally Bai Zifan.

However, Bai Zifan's situation is special. As a demon species, he is feared by the world.

Everyone is terrified when talking about it, so they dare not say much.

But this mother-in-law still prepared clothes for Bai Zifan. A white dress looks very warm.

Zhuo Bufan took the two sets of clothes with great excitement.

"Thank you, mother-in-law, thank you very much. I thank you on behalf of my two children."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that there are still sensible people in this world.

The child is innocent, even if he is a demon, he is just a child.

Now, Zhuo Bufan has gifts for both of his babies.

Especially the full moon gift for his daughter, which makes him feel extremely warm.

"Everyone, see you later. The hero is very busy, I'm going to the next city."

After Zhuo Bufan put away the two sets of clothes, he left Duoling City again, and then rushed to the next city in a hurry.

Soon, the news that Zhuo Bufan saved Duoling City spread in Yunmeng Realm.

This topic figure once again caused a sensation in Yunmeng Realm.

"As expected of a hero, Zhuo Yingxiong's words that heroes are busy make us ashamed!"

"Yes, being a hero is very busy, busy saving people."

"I heard that Zhuo Yingxiong accepted a gift from an old woman, which was his daughter's full-month gift."

"Come to think of it, Zhuo Yingxiong's daughter is indeed about to be full-month."

"Yes, it has been more than a month since that incident. Zhuo Yingxiong put aside his past grudges and is now active on the front line of saving humanity. He didn't even have time to prepare for his daughter's full-month wine."

"It's really embarrassing, really embarrassing."

The full moon wine for Zhuo Bufan's daughter Bai Zi Nian is coming soon, but now this situation occurs, Zhuo Bufan has no time to prepare for the full moon wine for Nian Nian.

He almost forgot even the full moon ceremony.

And now, he had to join the counterattack against the Yin Beast.

Zhuo Bufan has become a black technology to resist the invasion of Yin beasts.

In the next few days, extraordinary news continued to come from Yunmeng Realm.

"Good news, good news, Hero Zhuo has liberated Fenghan City. We, Fenghan City, should build a statue of merit for Hero Zhuo, and wish Hero Zhuo endless merit and immortality."

"Good news, good news, Zhuo Yingxiong has liberated Baiwang City. We, Baiwang City, should build a statue of merit for Zhuo Yingxiong, and wish Zhuo Yingxiong unlimited merit and immortality.

"Good news, good news, Zhuo Yingxiong has just helped me, Jiuhua Mountain, to eliminate all the Yin beasts. I, Jiuhua Mountain, hereby announce that Zhuo Yingxiong will be my Jiuhua benefactor. From now on, we will advance and retreat together with Zhuo Yingxiong."

For a time, the good news about Zhuo Bufan occupied the sky of Yunmeng Realm.

After fighting for three consecutive days and nights, Zhuo Bufan saved nine cities and three sects.

These sect forces are all grateful to Zhuo Bufan.

In just a few days, Zhuo Bufan became a figure of immeasurable merit.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan's activities are all in the Eastern Continent, and the battle against the Yin Beast in the Western Continent is still in dire straits.

At this point, people in the Western Continent could no longer bear it anymore and began to ask Zhuo Bufan for help.

At first, people in the Western Continent were shouting and killing Zhuo Bufan, but now, they began to shamelessly beg Zhuo Bufan for help.

Of course Zhuo Bufan can be a great hero who repays evil with kindness.

However, he was really tired now.

The profound energy of life and death began to dry up.

"Today is my daughter's birthday, it's time to go back."

For Zhuo Bufan, the life and death of this world is still not as important as his daughter.

Zhuo Bufan returned to Meicheng with two sets of clothes given to him by his mother-in-law in Duoling City.

He really missed his daughter.

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