Zhuo Bufan felt the repressive force, which intended to suppress the "Nine Deaths and One Life" in his body and wanted to reverse its self-explosion.

Obviously, this repressive force came from Qian Meng, the head of Mengyougu.

Qian Meng felt Zhuo Bufan's crisis at the first time, and it was a crisis of death.

She used her own Mengyougu's supreme mental method to suppress the self-explosion in Zhuo Bufan.

"Mr. Zhuo, hold on!"

Qian Meng shouted to Zhuo Bufan.

However, her approach was tantamount to a drop in the bucket and a poison to quench thirst.

The self-explosion of the "Nine Deaths and One Life" in Zhuo Bufan's body was irreversible.

This was the natural evolution of Zhuo Bufan's physique, and he could only go with the flow. Suppression would have no effect.

Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes, and he could feel Qian Meng's strong belief.

However, all this was no longer up to her.


The "Nine Deaths and One Life" that Zhuo Bufan had cultivated with great difficulty finally exploded.

After the explosion, a black hole opened from Zhuo Bufan's belly button, and then the hole kept getting bigger, and black blood flowed out.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't stop it, he could only let it flow away.

What was flowing away was not only his life, but also his consciousness.

"Mr. Zhuo!"

Seeing this scene, Qian Meng shouted, hoarse and heartbroken.

It seems that she really has true feelings for Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan slowly disappear, she was extremely sad.

In her cry, there was a sense of guilt, regret, discomfort and grief.

In Qian Meng's opinion, if Zhuo Bufan hadn't been for their Mengyou Valley, this crisis would not have occurred.

In a daze, Zhuo Bufan listened to Qian Meng's cry, and his heart was like a warm current flowing through.

"If I hadn't met Su Su, perhaps such a woman would be what I want in my heart!"

Zhuo Bufan said with some regret in his heart.

He hoped that his woman would be gentle and caring to him, just like Qian Meng and Yun Yun.

It was just fate...

When he thought of Bai Su, his soul trembled.

"I don't know where she is now."

Although Bai Su was not the other half he expected, her appearance did bring color to Zhuo Bufan's life full of black and white.

If he had to choose again, Zhuo Bufan would still not regret it. He would still choose Bai Su, the woman he loved and hated.

Lying on the cold ground, the black hole in Zhuo Bufan's chest had become as big as a bowl, and it was still expanding.

Until finally, it disappeared.

And Zhuo Bufan could only lie there helplessly, unable to do anything.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was facing all this in despair, suddenly, a ray of light fell from the sky.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were white!

Qian Meng and others raised their heads and looked at the sky.

I saw white snow falling in the sky, forming a beautiful snow sea scene between heaven and earth.

Snowflakes fell from the sky, and finally formed an iceberg phantom on the ground.

A holy woman in white walked out of the falling snow.

Her long white hair fluttered in the air. She walked slowly with lotus steps, and wherever she went, the snow and ice covered her feet.

Under the ice and snow, everything was full of vitality.

What was even more terrifying was that the heavy snow sealed the mountain, and the ice sealed thousands of miles. Wherever the snow fell, all the Yin beasts were instantly frozen, and then exploded into dust, and disappeared.

The sudden appearance of the miracle woman who looked like a goddess shocked everyone in Mengyou Valley.

What a beautiful woman, even Qian Meng, who was known as the most beautiful woman in the East Region, was ashamed of herself.

I saw her step by step, slowly coming towards Zhuo Bufan lying on the ground.

Qian Meng stood there blankly, not knowing what to do.

She squatted down and looked at Zhuo Bufan, who was lying on the ground in a mess.

Her snow-white bangs covered her icy eyes, and no one knew what color was underneath them.

Who was she?

She was Bai Su, whom Zhuo Bufan had been looking for with great difficulty.

Bai Su's appearance had long since changed, and was no longer the same as before.

She was now Jiang Su, the daughter of Baidi and Xuandi.

She appeared when Zhuo Bufan was in the most critical moment.

She walked to Zhuo Bufan, then stretched out her palm and reached into the black hole in Zhuo Bufan's chest.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan's consciousness, which was about to be lost, suddenly recovered.

The "nine deaths and one life" that had exploded in his body stopped in an instant.

Then, an endless stream of life force began to replenish Zhuo Bufan's body.

After Zhuo Bufan felt that power, his heart fell into endless warmth.

In a coma, he seemed to see Bai Su, whom he had not seen for a long time.

He tried hard to hold her tightly, but she turned into a wisp of green smoke, a dream.

In his body, the fifth turn of the Nine Turns of Life and Death, the Breaking and Standing has already happened.

The so-called Breaking and Standing means that Zhuo Bufan's "Nine Deaths and One Life" that he practiced with great difficulty was instantly beaten back to its original form.

In his Mysterious Palace of Life and Death, particles of life and death mixed together.

It became the chaotic appearance at the beginning.

At the same time, the silver pill in his body also underwent a drastic change.

The silver pill began to produce golden lines that began to spread throughout the pill body.

The three elements of spirit, energy and spirit began to undergo changes.

And all this came from the mysterious power that suddenly appeared, Bai Su.

Bai Su was helping Zhuo Bufan stabilize the fifth-turn life and death body, and at the same time helping him to condense the golden elixir.

Soon, the golden elixir took shape, but it was not over yet.

The smooth golden elixir began to expand.

There was a strong energy that began to fill Zhuo Bufan's whole body.

Both physical and mental strength began to expand greatly.

It was as if his body and soul had no defects.

This was the state of the Great Unleaked Golden Elixir. Bai Su helped Zhuo Bufan to construct the Great Unleaked Golden Elixir in one go.

After completing all this, Bai Su slowly stood up and looked at Qian Meng, who was already extremely shocked.

And at this moment, Zhuo Bufan, who was in a coma, suddenly shouted.

"Su Su!"

He murmured in his mouth, and he was still thinking about Bai Su.

Bai Su was moved by this sudden call and froze in place.

She looked at Zhuo Bufan on the ground, but for some reason, she shook her head helplessly.

Then she said nothing, and her whole body began to condense into ice, and finally turned into countless snowflakes, flying into the sky.

Bai Su, came quickly and left quickly.

She didn't say a word, and didn't leave any words.

She just saved Zhuo Bufan's life, and then disappeared.

Zhuo Bufan, who was in a coma, didn't know that Bai Su had been here.

He only felt that a woman was helping him build the Great Unleaked.

The body is leak-free, the spirit is leak-free, and the will is more determined.

"Is she Bai Su?"

Seeing Bai Su leave, Qian Meng said blankly.

After seeing Bai Su in person again, she realized that there was no possibility for her to be compared with that woman.

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