Unknowingly, Zhuo Bufan has been accompanying his two children for more than half a year.

In the past six months, he has been almost inseparable from his two children.

The two children have completely become the center of Zhuo Bufan's life.

However, Meicheng is only so big, and you will get tired of it if you stay there for a long time.

So Zhuo Bufan would often take his two children for walks outside Meicheng.

In more than half a year, the world situation has been undergoing various changes.

The first is the Demonic Path of the Western Region. The third demon species has awakened and been found.

The three major demon species that can revive the Heavenly Demon King have all awakened.

However, Bai Zifan, as the second demon species, was the demon species sealed in the body by the White Emperor Sword.

Now, the Demonic Dao began to pursue Zhuo Bufan almost with all its strength.

But the sky is huge and Zhuo Bufan wants to escape, how can they find him?

Then there is the Zhongzhou Tianyi Sect.

It has been almost a year since the Tianyi Sect returned to earth.

In more than a year, nearly 30% of the Talisman disciples have surrendered to the Tianyi Sect and begun to learn the art of Tianyi.

The opponent, the Talisman Temple, was actually helpless.

The main hall masters in the Talisman Temple have respected people and have pinned their hopes on breaking the wall of sighs.

Therefore, the Zunren Conference is still going on, because they firmly believe that as long as the sighing wall is broken, the Talisman Temple will achieve greater glory.

For a time, Tianyi Sect and Talisman Temple began to compete secretly.

On the one hand, the Providence Sect is constantly and subtly influencing the spell masters to learn new providential techniques.

On the other hand, the Talisman Temple is working hard to break the Sigh Wall.

Once the sighing wall is broken, the spell masters' understanding of the spells will become easier.

In order to pursue the truth of the world, the war between the two major forces has begun.

Then there is the Tianwu League in the north.

The leader of the Tianwu Alliance, the Northern Emperor is domineering.

Because of the battle with Bai Su, he was seriously injured and is now missing.

The Tianwu Alliance was originally an alliance. Without the leader, the alliance would naturally begin to disintegrate.

Now the marshals of the alliance are trying to separate the Tianwu Alliance.

For a time, the Eight Heavenly Kings were very big.

There is also a big event that happened in the southern demon world. Qing Emperor's bronze dragon Qinghou has started to cause trouble in the world since it was born.

In the end, he was captured by the demon king Donghuang Haotian, and now he has become a major help to the southern demon world.

As for the Eastern Region, after the Yin Beast incident, there has been little movement for the time being.

In the Yunmeng Realm, after recuperating, the major forces decided to begin occupying the soul altar in the center of the inner sea.

Of course, as the level of the soul beast gets higher and higher, the competition for the soul altar becomes more and more difficult.

Nowadays, a first-class sect needs the strength of the entire sect and a lot of planning to attack the next guardian soul beast.

And if you are not careful, you will be destroyed by the group.

However, after the hard work and efforts of various martial arts.

Among the hundreds of islands in the inland sea, there are less than fifty soul altars left.

These fifty empty soul altars are also the only soul altars left in Yunmeng Realm.

Once the Soul Altar is completely occupied, the entire Yunmeng Realm will definitely change.

As the man with the largest number of soul altars in Yunmeng Realm, Zhuo Bufan seemed very calm.

He didn't have much idea about the remaining fifty soul altars.

After all, the number of soul altars he owns is already the largest in Yunmeng Realm.

Moreover, even in the inner sea, his number of soul altars is one of the best.

There is no point in continuing to fight. Zhuo Bufan hopes to spend more time with his two children.

Watching his two children grow up healthily every day, Zhuo Bufan also feels a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"Daddy, I want to eat candied haws."

Zhuo Bufan held Nian Nian and took Zifan to Mu Xuecheng.

Does it feel familiar?

This Duixue City was the place where Yunyun and her children lived in seclusion after escaping from Star Mountain.

Zhuo Bufan did not forget those lovely children. He happened to be passing by Mu Xuecheng this time, so Zhuo Bufan simply took his two children down to have a look.

Now he is a father too.

"Then you can only eat one. Do you understand? Eating too much candied haws is bad for your teeth."

Zhuo Bufan said to the little cutie.


Nian Nian replied obediently and sensibly.

"Do you want Zifan?"

Bai Zifan shook his head decisively, but his eyes were still staring at the candied haws involuntarily.

"I'm an adult and I don't eat children's food."

Bai Zifan was already precocious. After growing up in the Tianxuan Pagoda for nearly two years, he now looks as old as a seven or eight-year-old child.

However, his real age is only five years old.

But this kid just wants to pretend to be cool and serious.

"Dad, brother is pretending to be cool again."

Nian Nian couldn't help but complain.

The word "pretend to be cool" was taught to her by Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan often said that Bai Zifan likes to pretend to be cool. Over time, Niannian also learned what pretending to be cool means.

"I didn't."

Bai Zifan held his hands and tilted his head, humming.

"Lululu, brother has it, just pretending to be cool."

Thoughts persist.

"Dad, Niannian wants to eat one. My brother wants to eat two. You want to buy three."

Nian Nian now thinks about her brother all the time. She was indeed brought up by her brother. The degree of dependence on Bai Zinian is even deeper than that of Zhuo Bufan.

In the end, this brother who loves to pretend to be cool was defeated by his smart, innocent and cute sister.

Grabbed the two candied haws bought by Zhuo Bufan and ate them without caring about his image.

"Hehehe, Daddy, look, brother is pretending to be cool. He likes to eat more than Nian Nian, a greedy ghost."

Bai Zifan realized that he was tricked by this girl.

However, the candied haws had been stuffed into his mouth, and he couldn't care less. He was a greedy ghost!

After all, sister control is sister control, and the little girl played it in the palm of her hand.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan also laughed.

"Okay girl, your brother is only four years older than you, don't laugh at him."

"Today, Daddy will take you to meet more brothers and sisters. They are all good friends of your father and me."

Zhuo Bufan felt that his two children still needed to grow up with their peers.

They also need friends, which is why Zhuo Bufan came to Muxue City.

"Okay, okay, Nian Nian wants to meet more brothers and sisters."

Nian Nian clapped her hands.

After swallowing the food, Bai Zifan wiped it clean as quickly as possible, then held his hands again and said in a deep and cold tone.

"Humph, you only have one brother like me."

This guy is cuter than Zhuo Bufan imagined.

"No, Nian Nian wants many, many brothers. Just like Brother Zifan."

Nian Nian is smarter than Zhuo Bufan imagined.

This sentence is a language art that many adults can't say.

Even the cold Bai Zifan was happy after hearing it.

Zhuo Bufan could imagine what kind of disaster his baby daughter would be when she grew up.

"You little cutie, it's enough, go with daddy to meet your brothers and sisters!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took Nian Nian and Zifan to the outside of the familiar yard.

In the yard, there was a sound of reading.

After hearing it, Zhuo Bufan knocked on the door.

After a while, the door opened and the person who appeared in front of him made Zhuo Bufan tremble.

"Lao Duan, Lao Duan!"


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