Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 501: Possession (Part 2)

After successfully possessing Wu Zhi and becoming the new "Wu Zhi", the Human Demon Lord began to integrate the soul memory of this Wu Zhi.

"Going to Huoyun City? Very good, little beast, watch how I tear you into pieces."

"Wu Zhi" said, and began to get up and rush towards Huoyun City.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan also drove Meicheng and rushed to Huoyun City.

Now there is no demon in Yunmeng Realm, and Zhuo Bufan no longer needs to lead the team to destroy the soul altar of the demon camp.

He handed this task to Lu Fei and others.

And he stayed in Meicheng and began to practice.

Speaking of which, he hasn't practiced seriously for a long time.

He now has 20 to 30 billion soul power, but nowhere to use it.

The reason is that his soul has reached a bottleneck.

His soul is now at the peak of the possession realm, and the next realm is possession.

So Zhuo Bufan has been practicing possession these days.


Before practicing, Zhuo Bufan saved a file.

He never saved the game, and he would save it whenever he had the chance.

After saving the game, Zhuo Bufan sat cross-legged in the training room and began to practice.

To seize the body, he must enter the realm of seizing the body.

Zhuo Bufan today cannot be said to be weak, but he is still not a master.

Although the overall situation in the world has changed many times because of him, he has no rivals in the Yunmeng Realm.

However, in the world of immortal cultivation, Zhuo Bufan's strength is still only in the second stage of immortal cultivation, and it is only medium.

Raise the soul to the realm of seizing the body, and use the soul power of the Yunmeng Realm to raise the soul power to the peak of the realm of seizing the body.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan will have enough strength to enter the virtual realm!

The virtual realm is the most mysterious realm in the path of immortal cultivation.

Zhuo Bufan's sworn brother Gao Yangxu is in the virtual realm at this moment.

"Before entering the virtual realm, these messed up things in the magic way must be solved."

"And the children, what should I do?"

Before practicing, Zhuo Bufan was still a little worried in his heart.

After all, he heard Gao Yangxu say that after entering the virtual realm, he didn't know when he would come out.

It could be as short as a moment, as long as several years, or even forever.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know how long he would stay in the virtual realm, so he had to be mentally prepared.

Once he entered the virtual realm, who would take care of the two children?

A lot of things had to be left to Zhuo Bufan to deal with. To be honest, he was now afraid of entering the virtual realm.

But if he didn't continue to practice, his strength would not improve, and the enemies he would face in the future would only become stronger. How should he face them?

Zhuo Bufan was not the kind of person who was afraid of tigers and wolves. He would practice sooner or later.

And the two children would leave him and be independent sooner or later.

Zhuo Bufan was still relieved to hand the two children over to Xiaomei.

After thinking about it, he decided to start practicing to seize the body immediately.

After all, time was running out, and he had to move forward.

"I can only leave the children to Xiaomei. But before entering the realm of emptiness, I must solve the matter of the demon species."

"Don't think too much, Zhuo Bufan, start your body possession practice!"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head to make himself clear-headed.

Then he narrowed his eyes and looked at an iron basin in front of him.

There was a turtle in the iron basin.

Zhuo Bufan was going to use this turtle to practice body possession.

The so-called body possession is to let one's soul replace the soul of other creatures and dominate their bodies.

This is somewhat similar to possession.

Possession is to attach the spirit and soul to other things and then control the things.

However, possession is attached to dead things. And body possession is to seize living things.

Zhuo Bufan caught this turtle because he wanted to seize its soul.

There are also different levels of difficulty in body possession. The stronger the spirit and soul, the greater the difficulty of body possession.

And it is more difficult to seize the body of a life with intelligence than a life without intelligence.

In other words, if you want to practice body possession, it is easiest to find animals and plants.

But a soul that is too simple will be slow to cultivate.

Among ordinary creatures without spiritual intelligence, the older they live, the stronger their souls are.

In other words, if you want to practice possession, it is most appropriate to find turtles.

Because they live for a long time and have strong souls. But they are not spiritually intelligent, so they will not be ridiculously strong.

The turtle that Zhuo Bufan found has lived for more than a thousand years.

His soul is comparable to that of an ordinary human.

So, once Zhuo Bufan can possess the soul of this turtle, then his soul should be promoted to the possession realm without any problem.

Possession is a means of killing.

After all, if you take away the soul of the other party and kill it, once the soul dies, it is real death.

So when Zhuo Bufan saw the thousand-year-old turtle in front of him, to be honest, he really felt a little bit reluctant.

After all, it is not easy for a creature to live for such a long time.

However, Zhuo Bufan has been practicing until now, and he is no longer a good man or a believer.

"Hey, old turtle, I'm sorry."

With an apology, Zhuo Bufan is no longer a saint. He began to separate a part of his soul and then poured it into the turtle's body.

As Zhuo Bufan's soul began to invade the turtle's soul, the turtle began to slap the water violently.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly found himself in a white world.

In front of him, there was a huge blue turtle's soul.

The turtle opened its ferocious mouth and howled at Zhuo Bufan.

"Kill it, and you can take its soul."

Zhuo Bufan has entered the state of cultivation. The blue turtle in front of him is the soul of the thousand-year-old turtle. If he can kill it, then the possession will be successful.

However, it is not easy to kill it.

In this state, Zhuo Bufan has no Donghuang Bell, no Mysterious Body of Life and Death, and no Soul Classic Sword of Life and Death.

Zhuo Bufan, who has nothing, can only beat the soul of the thousand-year-old turtle in front of him with his fists.

Zhuo Bufan's soul raised his fist and smashed it heavily on the top of the violent black turtle.


After a punch, Zhuo Bufan was blown away with a bang.


The soul of the turtle howled at Zhuo Bufan, and a powerful storm blew out of its mouth, which once again lifted Zhuo Bufan off the ground.

"Damn, why is this guy so hard to beat?"

Possession is more difficult than Zhuo Bufan imagined.

He is now like in a duel arena, dueling with the soul of the turtle in front of him.

It's either it or he's dead.

"Fuck, I'll fight you."

Zhuo Bufan got up from the ground and rushed towards the turtle again.

Bang bang bang bang!

Zhuo Bufan fought with the turtle frantically for dozens of rounds.


Zhuo Bufan was blown away again.

And this time, his soul disappeared directly in the air.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Zhuo Bufan had a tinnitus and woke up immediately.

Then he covered his head tightly.

That wisp of soul was completely wiped out.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly, looked at the turtle in front of him again, and a difficult look appeared on his face.

"Damn, possession is more difficult than I thought."


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