Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 504: Fighting the Turtle Soul, Entering the Body

Opening his eyes again, Zhuo Bufan finally returned to the archive space.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan still has the ability to read files.

The three pale gates in front of them stand majestically and remain motionless forever.

Zhuo Bufan stood in front of the gate and sighed: "I haven't been back to this place for a long time."

It's true that he hasn't returned to the archive space for a long time.

As his cultivation level increased, there were fewer and fewer beings that could threaten his life.

So he hasn't been to the archive space for almost half a year.

However, he never forgets to save, and basically he will save it every once in a while.

Today's three archive gates are: Black City, Yunmeng Realm, and Mass Grave.

Except for the archive of Mass Grave, which Zhuo Bufan had not touched, he kept archived the other two archive gates back and forth.

Among them, Black City is his most recent save file, which was exactly the save file he left before he started preparing to seize the body and practice it a few days ago.

Zhuo Bufan stood in front of the archive door. He did not read the archive immediately, but fell into thinking.

"As expected of the King of Human Demons, he found me so quickly."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that he would be found by the Demon King so quickly.

It seems that Mo Dao is really serious this time.

Zhuo Bufan must have a countermeasure to this.

"This guy infiltrated into the hall masters and obviously guessed that I wanted to bring these people into Meicheng."

"Looks like this plan isn't working."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that his plan would be used by demonic people. It seemed that demonic people were not all fools.

"First improve your soul cultivation to reach the peak of the body-seizing realm. In this way, you will not be helpless when the other party seizes the body."

Through a collision with the soul of the Demon King, Zhuo Bufan unexpectedly discovered the method of practicing body seizing.

His top priority now is to raise his soul to the body-seizing realm, and then use the soul power of Yunmeng Realm to raise his soul power to the peak of the body-seizing realm.

To become stronger, Zhuo Bufan once again desires to become stronger.

"Read the file!"

Zhuo Bufan stood in front of the first save door, then reached out and pushed open the save door.

What greeted him was light.

When Zhuo Bufan walked out of the door, he opened his eyes again and found himself sitting in Meicheng's practice room.

In front of him, there was a large wooden basin, in which a thousand-year-old turtle was lapping the water.

Zhuo Bufan returned to before he practiced seizing the body.

After fighting against the Human Demon King, he had already discovered the method of practicing body seizing.

"Try again, it will work this time."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he looked at the thousand-year-old turtle in front of him.

Then, he began to continuously inject his soul into the body of the thousand-year-old turtle.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan's soul came to the soul battlefield again.

But this time, his opponent became the thousand-year-old turtle.

The thousand-year-old turtle was still so brave, crawling on the ground like a hill, and then looked at Zhuo Bufan in front of him warily.

"The King of Human Demons can divide his soul into countless crows. Obviously this ability is not unique to him."

"In the realm of seizing the body, the first step may be to divide the soul."

"He can differentiate, I should be able to differentiate too."

Zhuo Bufan deeply remembered that the crows separated from the human-demon king kept pecking at his soul.

This is a method used by the demon king to seize the body.

Zhuo Bufan was inspired by this and wanted to use similar means to seize the body of the thousand-year-old turtle.

While thinking, Zhuo Bufan suddenly had an idea and thought of a familiar creature, the bloodthirsty demon butterfly.

The bloodthirsty demon butterfly is a kind of demon butterfly raised by Zhuo Bufan, and it also comes in large groups.

"Become a butterfly."

Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes and began to imagine, transforming his soul into a butterfly.

He thought of Zhuang Zhou, a Taoist sage. Zhuang Zhou transformed into a butterfly. The butterfly is me, and I am the butterfly.

When his soul gradually fell into concentration, Zhuo Bufan was surprised to find that his soul had fallen into a completely self-created state.

Bang, bang, bang, bang...

Perhaps it was because the human being in front of him had been standing still.

The thousand-year-old turtle moved.

It moved its limbs as thick as beams and walked step by step towards Zhuo Bufan.

It raised its front paws and slapped Zhuo Bufan on the head.

Just when he was about to smash Zhuo Bufan's head into pieces, Zhuo Bufan suddenly transformed into countless blue butterflies.

Zhuo Bufan succeeded in dividing his soul.

The huge old turtle had no idea how to deal with these butterflies.

There is a sense of powerlessness.

I could only scream helplessly.

However, Zhuo Bufan's differentiated butterfly soul can attach itself to the body of a thousand-year-old turtle, and then continuously eat away at its soul.

As the butterfly in Zhuo Bufan's incarnation continued to eat away, the thousand-year-old turtle began to howl.

Although its turtle shell is indestructible, the turtle shell is only composed of countless spirit sons that make up the soul.

Therefore, the spirit butterfly transformed by Zhuo Bufan can even eat the turtle shell.

In the end, the entire old turtle, which was as huge as a hill, was wrapped in countless butterflies that Zhuo Bufan transformed into.

Then it gradually becomes smaller and smaller, until finally it disappears.

All the butterflies began to gather together, forming a human shape.

Then, they became a person again, Zhuo Feifan again.


Zhuo Bufan suddenly opened his eyes and found that the scenery he saw in front of him had completely changed.

In front of him, there was no longer a basin and a turtle.

Instead, it was himself sitting cross-legged on a cushion.

At the same time, a thousand years of memories appeared in his mind.

These memories were the memories of this thousand-year-old turtle.

"I turned into a turtle?"

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his claws and looked, and found that he really turned into a slow turtle.

"Successful, I succeeded in taking over the body."

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his claws excitedly, and then slapped the water hard.

"Now, you are my clone."

Zhuo Bufan now retains two consciousnesses.

One consciousness is in his original body. When he took over the body of the turtle, he did not transfer all of his soul.

Only a small part of his soul was transferred.

That small part is naturally in the body of the turtle.

Now he has taken over the body of the turtle and turned into a turtle.

"I heard that cultivators who have reached the realm of possession are almost difficult to be killed. Because their souls may have countless clones."

"Everything in the world may be their spies."

Before practicing possession, Zhuo Bufan knew the magic of the realm of possession.

Possession is actually transferring part of one's soul to other creatures.

If a person transfers his soul to many creatures, then even if his original body is killed and his soul is destroyed, he can still survive in this world in other forms of life.

Of course, the more souls are divided, the weaker the power of the original body.

So the more masters, the smaller his souls are actually.

Generally speaking, it is enough to divide one creature.

Of course, many masters who are afraid of death will also choose to divide their souls into all things, that is, to create countless clones of their own souls.

In this way, even if he has countless lives.

However, once the original body dies, they can only survive in other forms of life.

For example, if Zhuo Bufan's real body dies at this time, then from now on, he can only live as a turtle.

This is the magic of taking over and differentiating.

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