Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 508: Trap the Murderer

The Human Demon King thought to himself, Zhuo Bufan is in that strange cave.

Before anyone else comes, you can kill him without anyone noticing.

The demon king chased into the cave and suddenly felt a gloomy atmosphere.

As a generation of demon king, he is synonymous with fear and terror.

But now, he actually felt a hint of terrifying energy.

Suddenly, a dancing butterfly appeared in the dark cave.

The butterfly's body exuded a faint red light, as if a flame was burning. Floating before his eyes.

Seeing this, the Demon King followed the guiding butterfly into the abyss.

Finally, he came to the edge of an abyss.

At the edge of the abyss, he saw the terrifying blood skeleton floating in the center of the abyss.

That was a true body that the Red Emperor had refined in order to suppress the King of Yin Ruins.

"What's this?"

This was the first time for the Human Demon King to see this bloody skeleton.

"The blood color is full of murderous intent. But the sitting posture is full of divine power."

"This power, this is the power of faith."

The Human Demon King was greatly shocked. He obviously knew the mysterious power of the bloody skeleton.

"The power of faith, this person is extraordinary, must be a certain great power of the universe."

The Demon King said.

"Ancient secret method, belief in divine cultivation. Accumulate the faith of heaven and earth, and incarnate supreme power. This method originated from the ancient times and has been lost to this day."

"I didn't expect to encounter a dharma body that believes in divine cultivation here. Maybe we can decipher the way of cultivating faith and find the only way to break through the divine punishment and false saints."

The human-demon king suddenly felt a surge of emotion in his heart.

This world has been sealed for too long, and the spiritual power is now extremely thin.

Even the spiritual power of the entire world of cultivating immortals cannot give birth to a false saint.

However, the way to practice faith does not require spiritual power, what he needs is faith.

This is a unique way of cultivation, and it is also the only way that has the potential to break through false saints and become a saint.

The king of humans and demons is absolutely crazy as if he has found a treasure.

"It is said that the Red Emperor among the four emperors is a cultivator of faith. He relied on people's faith in him to become a saint alone."

"Since the Red Emperor can become a saint, it means that this way of faith training is possible to break through the saints so far."

The most powerful monks in the world today are only in the realm of false saints.

If he can break through to the realm of a saint, then becoming the master of this world will be just around the corner.

No one wants to be a strong person, especially demon cultivators.

Once you enter the devil's path, you will be the only one in the world.

Only when you are strong can you be truly strong.

When he thought of this, the Demon King became extremely excited.

He flew up and flew towards the bloody skeleton floating in the center of the abyss.

The moment he stood up, giant pythons one or two meters in diameter suddenly flew out from the dark abyss.

The creatures looked like black pythons, but they had no eyes or noses on their heads, only countless fangs and sharp teeth.

There were twenty or thirty "giant pythons", like twenty or thirty giant dragons flying out.

Then they opened their mouths simultaneously.

The terrifying big mouth was like a rectum. The moment it opened, a strange and strange energy burst out directly from the mouth.

Although he didn't touch the body of the human-demon king, his body began to disintegrate automatically.

It was as if he was being eaten alive by huge invisible mouths.

"Damn, what is this?"

The Demon King was shocked.

Before he could recover, those "giant pythons" had torn his body into pieces.

"No, what on earth is this? Can even the soul be swallowed?"

The demon king was ready to risk his life and escape, but he soon discovered that these terrible beings could even swallow his soul.

"I am the king of humans and demons, an evil beast seeking death!"

The King of Human Demons was angry. He didn't know what the creature in the abyss was. In his opinion, it was just a beast.

A black sword light shot out from his soul, shooting towards the King of Yin Ruins under the abyss.


In an instant, more than twenty giant devouring pythons tore him apart piece by piece.

"Damn it, what on earth is this? What on earth is it?"

The soul of the human-demon king held his head and roared.

Knowing that his last ray of soul was completely devoured by one of the giant devouring pythons.

He couldn't even express his last resentment, and ended up being completely devoured by the King of Yin Ruins.

At the same time, on the remote West Sea Human Demon Island.

The real body of the human demon suddenly opened its eyes and burst into a painful howl.

"Damn, damn, you bastard!"

He howled, his ordinary soul was swallowed by the King of Yin Ruins, and now his soul cultivation level fell directly from the Liutong Realm to the Body Seizing Realm.

The true body is empty, and the golden elixir is dim and dull.

He didn't expect that there would be such a terrifying existence in that mysterious abyss.

"That boy, he plotted against me, how dare he plot against me."

The Human Demon King, whose cultivation had completely declined, suddenly realized that he had been plotted by Zhuo Bufan.

He never saw Zhuo Bufan from beginning to end, but he died unexpectedly.

"Little beast, I curse you not to die well, not to die well."

This time, the Demon King not only lost his cultivation, but even his lifespan also dropped at the same time.

Overnight, he aged hundreds of years.

Now he might even no longer be Zhuo Bufan's opponent.

Although Zhuo Bufan couldn't completely kill him this time, the existence of the body-taking realm was very difficult to kill.

However, the Demon King was punished by his eyes.

After this battle, it was clear that the Human Demon King was no longer qualified to be Zhuo Bufan's enemy.

"Damn brat, you won't give in, I won't give in!"

He couldn't understand why Zhuo Bufan wanted to kill his own hall master.

Could it be that Zhuo Bufan knew about his seizure of "Wu Zhi"?

But how could he know? I believe that no third person other than him will know about this matter.

Of course he didn't know that Zhuo Bufan had sacrificed his life in exchange for such information.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan, after killing the human-demonic king-like soul, his true form hiding in the dark raised the corner of his mouth.

Everything went as he imagined, using the King of Yin Ruins to kill the Human Demon King.

Although the old devil was not completely killed, he was severely injured this time. I believe it is impossible for the old devil to become arrogant again.

As for Zhuo Bufan, he agreed to let the King of Yin Xu out.


If the King of Yin Ruins is released, it will definitely lead to a catastrophe in the world.

Zhuo Bufan left the light and shadow clone in the abyss and continued to fool the King of Yin Ruins, while he himself turned around and headed out of the cave.

However, just when Zhuo Bufan was about to turn around and leave triumphantly.

Suddenly, there was an explosion from the depths of his soul.

"Insect, where do you want to go?"

That was the voice from the King of Yin Ruins.

As soon as he finished speaking, an extremely huge devouring power came from the depths of the cave.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan had no time to escape.

His body and soul were sucked into the cave...

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