Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 518: Establishment of the Holy See

Zhuo Bufan returned to Meicheng and spent some time with his two children.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan did not forget his mission.

Build a monument of merit for Chidi, so that people can once again establish sacred faith in this ancient emperor.

Chidi's power comes from people's faith, and now he needs this power to strengthen the seal.

Zhuo Bufan promised Chidi, and he also knew that the King of Yinxu under the abyss must not be released.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan found Lu Fei to discuss the matter of building a monument and a temple for Chidi.

"Boss, I think it is far from enough for us to do this alone."

Lu Fei handled this matter more maturely than Zhuo Bufan.

"It is easy to build a monument of merit, but it is difficult to make people believe in it."

"Chidi is a figure in ancient times. Perhaps he was an ancient emperor believed by people all over the world in that era."

"But in this era, people now have limited understanding of him and know very little. I am afraid it is difficult to have faith."

Lu Fei's analysis makes sense.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded solemnly and said.

"I have also thought about the question you mentioned. So I plan to promote the merits of the Red Emperor."

"In addition, I plan to establish a new religion."

Lu Fei was surprised when he heard it: "Establish a religion?"

"Yes, a religion led by the four ancient emperors."

Zhuo Bufan had already thought deeply about this issue when he was in the Blood and Bone Cave Heaven.

Speaking of establishing faith, Zhuo Bufan first thought of the three major religions on earth.

Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam!

The three major churches have countless believers.

Looking at the three major churches, they all have strict doctrines and complete and rich religious systems.

There are similar religious systems in this cultivation world, and the most famous one is the Demon Cult.

All demon cultivators are crazy about the belief in the Heavenly Demon.

There is also the Talisman Temple, which is a religion. All the talisman cultivators in the world are believers of the temple.

Zhuo Bufan also gets so many beliefs because of his identity as a little venerable of the Talisman Temple.

In addition, the ancient temple in the east is also a religion.

The ancient gods of the Ancient Temple were born out of faith.

In the Ancient Temple, there is a strict religious system.

What about Si Lan, the God of Space, Mo Bai, the God of Strength, Luo Fu, the God of the Earth, etc.

The cultivators who join the Ancient Temple will naturally receive the 108 ancient gods of the Ancient Temple.

However, the people of the Ancient Temple may not know that the ancient gods they believe in are not the lives of the cultivation world, but come from the virtual world, the same world where the King of Yinxu is.

Zhuo Bufan told Lu Fei his ideas one by one.

After listening, Lu Fei thought for a moment and nodded.

"Boss, although your idea is crazy, it is not completely impossible."

"Then what specific ideas do you have, such as the name of this religion and the specific system?"

Lu Fei asked, he knew that Zhuo Bufan must have a clear plan to make such a decision.

Zhuo Bufan did not disappoint Lu Fei, he said.

"I've already thought of a name, it's called Xijiao!"

"Xijiao? What's the meaning of this?" Lu Fei asked.

Zhuo Bufan explained.

"First of all, the word Xi represents the morning light, represents hope, and represents vigor. Of course, this is just the literal meaning."

"Have you heard of Xishu?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Lu Fei shook his head.


Zhuo Bufan continued.

"Xishu is a name given by a legendary figure known as the Mother of the Earth and the Queen of Humanity."

"It is said that as early as the beginning of the ancient times, Xihe, a great patriarch of the human tribe, came to the center of the world and found a talking tree!"

"This tree was born before the birth of the cultivation world. It knows everything about the world."

"Xihe explored the mysteries of the universe under the Xishu."

"It was Xihe who named the world under the Xishu. She named the sun, moon, stars, the sky, the earth, spring, summer, autumn, winter, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas."

"Later, Xihe accepted four apprentices. These four people were the four ancient emperors who shocked the universe in ancient times."

Zhuo Bufan told Lu Fei the legend he had heard from Su Yao.

It is unknown whether these legends are true or false. They may be fabricated.

But for Zhuo Bufan, this has a far-reaching significance for his establishment of Xijiao.

In fact, this is the history of Tianyi Sect, but when Tianyi Sect promoted its own sect, it never mentioned Xihe and Xishu.

They only said that their doctrines came from Tianyi.

"I need to discuss this matter with the leader of Tianyi Sect first."

"If Tianyi Sect is unwilling to set up a merit monument for Chidi, then I can only do it myself."

Since its birth, Tianyi Sect has been trying its best to promote various Tianyi techniques.

It has a significant impact on the development of Tianyi techniques.

However, they did not publicize some of the history of Tianyi Sect.

As a result, although there are many believers in Tianyi Sect, the faith generated by these believers is not limited to one person.

"I haven't been back to the Talisman Temple for a long time, I'll go back!"

Zhuo Bufan is now entangled with many things and can only solve the current urgent tasks.

In addition to the task of the Red Emperor's faith, he also had to solve the matter of the Demonic Path as soon as possible.

Then, Zhuo Bufan drove the floating city towards the Temple City in the center of the world.

At the same time, Lu Fei told him about the recent changes in Yunmeng Realm.

"Boss, there are eight soul altars left in the center of Yunmeng Realm. Do we grab them?"

There are only eight soul altars left in Yunmeng Realm. Now almost all the powerful forces in the world are staring at the last eight soul altars.

"Grab, why not grab?"

Zhuo Bufan has never lost in the matter of grabbing soul altars.

"Not only do you have to grab, the remaining soul altars are all mine."

Zhuo Bufan is now the number one in Yunmeng Realm, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Then, Zhuo Bufan and Lu Fei returned to Yunmeng Realm again.

Nowadays, Zhuo Bufan's soul power has reached more than 10 billion.

There is too much soul power, and he doesn't know how to consume it.

He can now earn up to 40 million soul power every day.

He doesn't need to do anything, all these soul powers are contributed by those under his camp.

Because there was too much soul power and nowhere to spend it.

So he simply used it to distribute benefits to his followers.

In this way, the disciples of the Crazy Sect worshipped Zhuo Bufan even more.

The faith altar in the depths of Zhuo Bufan's soul also gained more and more faith points.

Occupy the soul altar, obtain the soul power contributed by the people in the camp, and then distribute it to gain more faith points.

By exchanging soul power for faith points, Zhuo Bufan's skill of getting something for nothing was also perfectly demonstrated.

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