The Fengtian Sword sealed deep in Bai Zifan's soul has turned into his soul weapon in Yunmeng Realm.

Fengtian Sword: Can seal everything that is at most one level higher than the soul weapon level.

The effect of Fengtian Sword is really touching!

This is the first time that Zhuo Bufan has encountered a soul weapon with a higher level than his own level.

His Life and Death Sword is also limited to everything that is equal to or less than the level of the original body.

For example, the highest level that a soul weapon can reach in Yunmeng Realm is level ninety-nine.

Zhuo Bufan is currently the first and only soul cultivator who has reached level ninety-nine with his soul weapon.

His Life and Death Sword can instantly kill everything that is equal to or less than level ninety-nine.

However, the guardian beast of the Central Soul Altar is level one hundred, which is a terrifying existence that he cannot deal with at present.

But Bai Zifan's Fengtian Sword can seal creatures that are higher than himself.

In other words, if Bai Zifan's Fengtian Sword is upgraded to level ninety-nine, it will be just right to seal the guardian beast of the Central Soul Altar.

This will be of great benefit to Zhuo Bufan and his team in attacking the guardian beast of the Central Soul Altar in the future.

"Very good, Zifan, with your Fengtian Sword, we will be more confident in attacking the guardian beast of the Central Soul Altar."

Zhuo Bufan has a huge amount of soul power, and can upgrade Bai Zifan's Fengtian Sword to level 90 at the fastest speed.

Who said that Yunmeng Realm has no bugs? Zhuo Bufan is a bug.

In this world, with soul power, you can do whatever you want.

"Is there one soul altar left? Lu Fei, what's going on in Shura Sea?"

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy will ensure a hundred battles. Zhuo Bufan had already arranged people to monitor Shura Sea's actions.

Of course, no one is a fool, and the people of Shura Sea have been secretly monitoring Zhuo Bufan and his team.

When Zhuo Bufan and his team killed Qianhou Yu, the people of Shura Sea had already learned the news at the first time.

However, facing the aggressive Zhuo Bufan, the people of Shura Sea did not avoid his edge and chose to avoid it.

"Didn't leave? Then this Shura Sea is really awesome."

Facing Zhuo Bufan's army, Shura Sea didn't leave, obviously confident to fight against Zhuo Bufan.

"What's the situation in Shura Sea?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't dare to take it lightly and asked the people around him.

"Boss, I brought Zhou Shan and Zhou Hai."

Lu Fei seemed to know what Zhuo Bufan was going to ask, so he found Zhou Shan and Zhou Hai early.

Zhou Shan and Zhou Hai were the first to join the Kuangmen, and now they are one of the ten great altar masters of Kuangmen.

The twins came from Shura Sea, so they are more familiar with Shura Sea.

"Master, we are here."

Zhou Shan and Zhou Hai bowed to Zhuo Bufan.

"No need to salute, tell me, what kind of force is Shura Sea?"

People in the cultivation world have always been on their own and rarely care about other forces.

And Shura Sea is one of the northernmost forces in the cultivation world.

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand what kind of place it is.

"Master, we don't know much about Shura Sea."

"My two brothers were once fishermen in a small fishing village on the coast of the North Sea."

"Later, with the guidance of a cultivator, my two brothers went out to sea to find immortals, and then encountered a group of pirates."

"Later, we inexplicably joined the island forces."

As the elder brother, Zhou Shan was reluctant to mention this matter.

"Is Shura Sea a pirate group?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Yes, the former Shura Sea was a sea area where pirates were rampant."

"Although they were pirates, there were many peerless masters among them."

"Seven Shuras among them were cultivators who were not inferior to the Eight Kings of Tianwu."

"Because they were located north of the Tianwu League, these pirates often harassed the Tianwu League."

"Because they were too rampant, they attracted the anger of Wang Xingbadao. Wang Xingbadao was ready to go out in person to wipe out Shura Sea."

"However, at this time, a mysterious and powerful person came out of Shura Sea, known as Jingzun!"

Zhou Hai continued.

When it said the word "Mirror Master", Zhuo Bufan's brows obviously lowered, revealing a trace of fear.

"Mirror Master? You mean, Mirror Master?"

Zhuo Bufan was very familiar with this name.

Zhuo Bufan still remembered that when he was in Huoyun City, he fought with Shang Xingdao.

And the woman hiding behind Shang Xingdao was called Mirror Master by Shang Xingdao.

Zhuo Bufan even had a chance encounter with that Mirror Master.

Moreover, there was another mirror like that in Zhuo Bufan's Chaos Bell.

Could it be that the Mirror Master of Shura Sea was the same person as the Mirror Master of Huoyun City?

Zhuo Bufan was puzzled.

"Have you seen that Mirror Master?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Yes, it's the Pirate King, Ao Long!"

"Pirate King, Ao Long?"

Hearing this name, he knew it was a man, that is, he was not the same person as the Mirror Master that Zhuo Bufan knew.

When thinking about the mysterious bronze mirror he had, Zhuo Bufan had reason to believe that Mirror Master was not only not one person, but there were probably multiple people.

"Master, this Shura King, also known as Pirate King Ao Long, heard that there is a mysterious creature in the magic mirror in his hand, and even Wang Xingbadao is extremely afraid of it."

Zhou Shan's useful information is very limited, but Zhuo Bufan probably already knows the situation.

It seems that the reason why Shura Hai dares to be so unscrupulous is obviously not aimless.

"Brother Xuanyuan, it seems that I still have to rely on your strength!"

Zhuo Bufan said.

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Hao replied: "I need to remind you that the so-called Shura King is not scary, what is scary is the magic mirror in his hand."

"It can enter the Yunmeng Realm."

Xuanyuan Hao seemed to know something about the Shura Sea.

"I understand, what does Brother Xuanyuan think?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Hao looked at Bai Zifan on the side, and then said.

"Upgrade his Fengtian Sword to the highest level."

Xuanyuan Hao put forward his own idea.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan also looked at Bai Zifan.

But Bai Zifan looked confused.

"I understand!"

The two of them appreciated each other, and Zhuo Bufan immediately understood Xuanyuan Hao's strategy.

Obviously, Xuanyuan Hao also bet on Bai Zifan's Fengtian Sword.

Once Bai Zifan's Fengtian Sword is upgraded to the top level, he will be able to seal all the creatures in the Yunmeng Realm.

However, if you want to upgrade it to a certain level, you need a lot of soul power.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan has enough.

"Xiaofan, Daddy is going to upgrade your Fengtian Sword to the highest level."

"Your Fengtian Sword is crucial to our next battle."

Zhuo Bufan said to Bai Zifan.

Bai Zifan nodded, indicating that he understood.

"But in this case, you will have to fight with Daddy, are you afraid?"

Bai Zifan's cultivation level has improved too fast, but he himself does not have much combat experience.

It's like a child who suddenly gets a peerless sword.

The sword is a magic sword, but can the child really exert its power?

Facing Zhuo Bufan's inquiry, Bai Zifan nodded resolutely and said.

"I know, father, I want to fight with you."

"Okay, I was right about you, let's fight together."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he shared half of his more than 6 billion soul power with Bai Zifan.

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