Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 548 Meeting an old friend

After finishing the soul altar occupied by Qianhun Yu, after finishing the soul altar occupied by Qianhun Yu.

Zhuo Bufan took everyone back to Meicheng.

The first time he returned to Meicheng, Zhuo Bufan went to visit Yunyun.

Zhuo Bufan felt a little indebted to Yunyun.

He did not bring back his brother Duan Xinghe as agreed.

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan really wanted to bring Duan Xinghe back, but Duan Xinghe was already deeply possessed and some things were impossible to change.

When Zhuo Bufan looked at Yunyun, Yunyun was still in a coma. Later, he told Xiaomei that Yunyun could only be temporarily entrusted to her younger sister to take care of her.

In addition to Yunyun's affairs, Zhuo Bufan had more important things to do.

His Plum City has now entered the airspace of Temple City.

The sun is just right and there are no clouds in the sky.

The Temple City remains as sacred and inviolable as ever, and the Talisman Temple located in the center of the Temple City is filled with divine brilliance.

Unknowingly, it has been three years, and the Reverend Meeting of the Talisman Temple is still being held.

The Zunren Conference is dedicated to breaking the wall of curses and sighs.

Originally, they were close to the chance to break the Talisman Wall.

However, the person with the most hope left at the most critical moment. This person was naturally Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan is known as the Talisman Temple, the most talented genius in history.

Zhuo Bufan's attainments in talismans have surpassed many of the current temple masters in the Talisman Temple.

However, because of the incident with the Demon Lord.

Zhuo Bufan has left the temple, and may never return to the temple in this life.

And now the Talisman Temple is not only facing the situation where the sighing wall cannot be broken.

The biggest problem he faced was that he owned the Tianyi Sect, which was more powerful than the Talisman Temple.

The Tianyi Sect suddenly emerged three years ago.

Then he began his rapid development, which was so fast that it exceeded the imagination of the Talisman Temple.

The Providence Technique of the Tianyi Sect is the predecessor of the Talisman Technique of the Talisman Temple.

It has been passed down for a long time, and so far, it has spanned millions, even tens of millions of years.

The origin of the art of providence must be traced back to the ancient Xihe, the mother of mankind.

If you want to trace it further, you need to trace it to the mysterious tree that taught Xi He the art of providence.

And that tree is now deep in Zhuo Bufan's soul.

"Temple City has changed."

Arriving in the airspace of Temple City, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but sigh.

The powerful turrets that were originally on the city wall have now disappeared.

Because the Demon Lord invaded, all the forts were destroyed along the way.

Now, the Talisman Temple not only has no forts, but also has lost its former prosperity.

"Let's go to the Holy Lord first."

Zhuo Bufan's main purpose of coming to Temple City this time was to find the Holy Lord.

Then, let the Holy Lord be the Red Emperor and re-establish the merit temple.

Because Meicheng's goal was too big, Zhuo Bufan chose to hide Meicheng.

After choosing to hide Meicheng in the Mysterious Bone Ring, Zhuo Bufan entered the temple city alone.

At this moment, the temple city is no longer as lively as it was when Zhuo Bufan came for the first time.

However, the Temple City is still the holy place that all spellcasters yearn for.

It is worth mentioning that since Zhuo Bufan made an appointment with Zhong Shenxiu, Temple City has once again become the most popular city in the world.

The battle between the two geniuses is naturally unprecedented and attracts attention.

Everyone in the world wants to know who is stronger and who is weaker between the legendary genius of the Northern Territory, Zhong Shenxiu, and the number one spell genius in Zhongzhou, Zhuo Bufan.

This battle attracted the attention of many forces, and of course, many of them came for Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan has made too many enemies in recent years, and there are countless powerful people who want to kill Zhuo Bufan.

Among them, the one who hated Zhuo Bufan the most was because Zhuo Bufan killed five powerful forces in Yunmeng Realm.

Three of the major forces have already announced that they will come to kill Zhuo Bufan.

Therefore, the battle between Zhuo Bufan and the Northern Territory genius Zhong Shenxiu is not just a duel between two geniuses.

It is very possible that this is another game specially designed for Zhuo Bufan.

Of course it doesn't matter anymore. Since Zhuo Bufan dares to say it, he is not afraid of being pursued by other forces.

Moreover, what he most urgently wants to know now is Bai Su's whereabouts.

As long as he could see Bai Su again, Zhuo Bufan would never frown, even if it was a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan has recently become aware of Bai Su's departure without saying goodbye.

He seemed to understand something, especially after meeting Bai Emperor, Zhuo Bufan became more convinced of the reason for Bai Su's departure.

Walking on the streets of Temple City, Zhuo Bufan recalled from time to time what he saw and encountered when he first came to Temple City.

Obviously, that feeling no longer exists.

Now, he feels more like a young boy who left home and returned home, except for the faint nostalgia for Temple City and Talisman Temple.

There is no longer any complaint against the Talisman Temple.

And just when Zhuo Bufan was about to arrive at Tianyi Sect, where Nong Yue Tower was located.

Suddenly someone appeared in front of him, and it was an old acquaintance whom he had not seen for a long time.

The person who came was wearing a long golden dress and looked so exaggerated and gorgeous.

However, people can't feel the noble temperament in him, but he has a bit of a dick.

The most terrible thing is that he is like a sun, warm and extraordinary.

He folded his hands and stood quietly at the other end of the long street, then showed a warm smile, looked at Zhuo Bufan, squinted, and smiled shamelessly. .

"You're really back. I thought you wouldn't come back, but I didn't expect that everything they said was true."

Seeing the visitor, Zhuo Bufan also showed a rare smile.

"Why are you still in the Talisman Temple? As the prince of the demon clan, are you living too leisurely?"

Zhuo Bufan walked over and punched the opponent.

This Jin Shining is none other than Huang Haotian, who was the brother-in-law of Zhuo Bufan.

Of course, his true identity is Dongfang Haotian, the prince of the demon clan.

This guy is very good at concealing his identity. It can be said that he has deceived almost everyone, including his favorite Lan Miaoren.

"Come on, give me a hug."

Dongfang Haotian showed a gangster-like expression, and then stretched out his hands, wanting to give Zhuo Bufan a big hug.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly shouted, "Get lost."

"Why do I only see you alone?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"How many people do you think there are?"

Dongfang Haotian replied.

"Why am I asking you this question? Don't you have a clue?"

"You guys, didn't I come out to greet my old friend when I saw him coming? Yes."

Huang Haotian didn't give Zhuo Bufan the answer he wanted.

This guy has never been honest, and Zhuo Bufan didn't expect to hear the answer he wanted from him.

"Come on, have a drink, I'll buy you a drink."

Donghuang Haotian said.

"No, your wine tastes bad, let me drink it!"

Zhuo Bufan said wow, and took out a jar from his mysterious bone ring.

Xiaomei brewed plum wine before.

When old friends meet, they will never return unless they are drunk...

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