Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 553: The Invincible Way

Chapter 553: Invincible

Only a roar was heard, and the Sword Throne where Zhong Shenxiu sat was smashed to pieces by the Chaos Clock.

In an instant, everyone watching the battle was in a state of confusion.

"What's going on? Why did the Sword Throne explode suddenly?"

"It's the Chaos Clock. Look at the sky. Isn't it the Chaos Clock?"

Someone pointed at the big clock as black as ink in the sky and shouted.

"Chaos Bell, what's going on? When did Zhuo Bufan use the Chaos Bell, and it was a sudden attack from behind Zhong Shenxiu."

Because of the sudden attack of the Chaos Clock, Zhong Shenxiu was caught off guard and was in such a panic that he could only fly up from the suddenly exploding Sword Throne.

The invincible Chaos Bell shines with the brilliance of chaos in the sky. Everyone who sees it feels that their souls are being powerfully oppressed.

Today's Zhuo Bufan has been able to exert 30% of the power of Chaos Zhongzhong.

Even with 30% power, it can still make Zhong Shenxiu feel better.

But when Zhuo Bufan activated the Chaos Clock made people very confused.

Zhong Shenxiu looked at Zhuo Bufan not far away in front of him with disheveled hair, and then let out a roar.

"You dare to sneak attack me?"

"Sneak attack on you, isn't that right? When did I sneak attack you? Besides, it's not about whether I made a sneak attack or not, but your ass has already left the Sword Throne. No, no, it should be that your Sword Throne has already, bang, exploded ”

"According to the nonsense you just said, do you think you are a waste now?"

Zhong Shenxiu had just made a big statement. If Zhuo Bufan could get his butt off the Sword Throne, it would prove that he was a waste.

As a result, less than a second after saying this, the Sword Throne he was sitting on was fucked and exploded by Zhuo Bufan. The speed of this slap in the face caught Zhong Shenxiu a little off guard.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's sarcasm, Zhong Shenxiu was furious and furious.

"Asshole, you dare to tease me?"

"I'm teasing you. Where did you start from saying this? Everyone has heard it. I didn't force you to say it. You said it yourself. If I let your ass leave the Sword Throne, you will be a waste. Everyone. Is that right? Is he a waste?"

Zhuo Bufan also interacted with everyone.

What this guy did and said made Zhong Shenxiu feel ashamed.

"Die to me."

Zhong Shenxiu shouted loudly and pointed towards Zhuo Bufan, and a golden flying sword dozens of meters long shot through the air and reached between Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows.

The flying sword was indeed as fast as lightning. Before anyone could respond, the sword had already reached Zhuo Bufan's forehead.

"As expected of Zhong Shenxiu, he is so fast and this sword is irresistible."

"Zhong Shenxiu can't stop him without the Chaos Bell, which has the strongest defense."

Everyone said in horror.

None of them expected Zhuo Bufan to be able to block this sword.

That was a fatal blow from Xiao Zhenren, and it was not easy to block it.

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan didn't grasp the situation at the moment, so he didn't block it at all.


A sword shot to the head, Zhuo Bufan was unable to resist, and the sword penetrated between his eyebrows.

This scene made everyone stunned.

"It's over, isn't it? Zhuo Bufan is just finished like this?"

"This, this Zhuo Bufan has no power to resist at all?"

"This is so surprising. I thought Zhuo Bufan could compete with Zhong Shenxiu. Even if he is not strong enough, he wouldn't be killed instantly, right?"

Zhuo Bufan was killed just like that, and his body slowly disappeared into the air and disappeared from the same place.

Even Zhong Shenxiu was dumbfounded when he saw this scene. Zhong Shenxiu never expected that this part would be so weak.

"No, no, that's not Zhuo Bufan."

"That's not Zhuo Bufan. Look at his body. His body has disappeared."

"Don't you forget that Zhuo Bufan is known as the Master of Light and Shadow. His light and shadow spell is the clone of light."

There are always people who understand and see the way.

Zhong Shenxiu reacted immediately and turned around immediately.

I saw a huge chaos clock falling from the sky and shooting towards him.

On top of the Chaos Clock, Zhuo Bufan stood with his hands behind his back and smiled.

"Hey, do you still remember to give me three moves?"

Zhuo Bufan stepped on the Chaos Clock, and the mouth of the Chaos Clock was pointed at Zhong Shenxiu.

From the chaos clock, the light of chaos is projected, trying to contain it.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan did not forget to stimulate Zhong Shenxiu.

The sentence "Give me three moves" made Zhong Shenxiu tremble all over.

"Hey, don't move. Give me three moves."

Zhuo Bufan was still shouting for me to do three moves.

"This is the first move. Don't touch me. Just be honest and accept my move."

As Zhuo Bufan said, the energy of chaos projected by the Chaos Bell had already entangled Zhong Shenxiu.

But Zhong Shenxiu was really drunk. He was stunned for a moment and did not move.

"You idiot, let me show you off."

Zhuo Bufan laughed.

At this time, Scholar Zhong Shen realized and followed Zhuo Bufan's instructions.

"The sword rises from the beginning!"

No matter why I gave you three moves, you are going to die now.

Zhong Shenxiu quickly realized that if he followed Bu Fan and played mean, he would not be as mean as him.

Reputation serves a purpose, life is the most important.

Ever since, Zhong Shenxiu no longer held back.

A large purple sword rushed up from the Tianling Cap above his head and struck towards Zhuo Bufan's Chaos Bell.

"You bastard, don't get carried away. Do you think I can't stop you with the Chaos Clock?"

Zhong Chengxiu's purple sword that flew out from the Tianling Gai was extremely powerful.

It is said that when Zhong Shenxiu was born, he was born with a purple sword.

When he was born, the entire sky reflected a Shura battlefield, with thousands of mountains and rivers.

There is a peerless swordsman who wields such an invincible purple sword and sweeps across the world.

This purple sword is probably also an invincible and unique artifact.

Although it can't compare to the extraordinary Donghuang Bell, it is not far behind.

The purple sword penetrated the air and the energy penetrated the rainbow, actually strangling the chaotic energy in the chaos.

Zhong Shenxiu took this opportunity to escape from the entanglement of the chaotic energy, and then quickly distanced himself from Zhuo Bufan.

"Ten thousand swords are coming to court."

I saw Zhong Shenxiu shouting loudly, and all the swords in the world were coming.

Crossing thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, he headed towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Zhong Shenxiu, I didn't expect you to break your promise, go back on your word, and talk about being a swordsman giant. Bah!"

"You don't dare to give in, do you? In that case, let me give you three moves."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he summoned the Chaos Clock, and then let the Chaos Clock drop the energy of Chaos, covering him.

The energy of chaos formed a bell-shaped shield, protecting Zhuo Bufan safely inside.

Zhong Shenxiu summoned thousands of flying swords with great effort.

Like a torrential flood, they continued to kill Zhuo Bufan.

However, the Chaos Shield in Chaos made it impossible for Zhong Shenxiu's sword to penetrate it.

This war has finally entered a serious stage.

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