Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 559 ?The final trick

Chapter 559 The Last Special Skill

The two great geniuses finally started the battle.

The strength displayed by both sides was evenly matched. The people watching the battle were deeply shocked.

"I thought Zhuo Bufan would definitely lose in this battle. Now it seems that it is hard to tell who will win or lose in the end."

"Where did this group of parts come from? There are simply endless means."

"This guy is very strong to be able to fight against Zhong Shenxiu without any difference."

More and more people recognized Zhuo Bufan's strength.

The world underestimated Zhuo Bufan, and they all thought that Zhuo Bufan could become a genius because of his unparalleled spell ability.

However, Bufan was able to get to this point more because of his increasingly powerful strength.

The two sides fought for 300 rounds, and the flames of war had burned the entire sky of the Temple City.

This was the most powerful blow that the Temple City had ever suffered, because the flames of war between the two of them had begun to burn the Temple City, and some tall buildings began to collapse and burn.

"Who can stop these two crazy guys?"

"If they keep fighting like this, I'm afraid that the Temple City will be demolished by them in the end."

"The two overlords of the Temple City are really patient. Do the Talisman Temple and Tianyi really not intend to take care of it?"

Facing the fight between Zhuo Bufan and Zhong Shenxiu, some people became worried.

The duel between the two is small, but if the Temple City is destroyed because of it, it will be great.

Of course, no one came to stop this decisive battle, after all, one of the parties was the leader of the Wuji Sword Sect. The leader of the Wuji Sword Sect, Zhong Shenxiu, represents a sect.

And, I am not just Zhong Shenxiu. There are many sects coming here just to deal with Bufan.

Whether this duel can go on or not, the Temple City is doomed.

The battle is still going on, and the combat power shown by Zhuo Bufan makes Zhong Shenxiu feel a little pressure.

This little real person did not expect that the cultivation of the gradual points was obviously much lower than his, but he was able to show that his ability was not inferior to his own.

Whether it is speed, strength, reaction, or even the mastery of sword energy, Zhuo Bufan is not inferior at all.

Zhong Shenxiu certainly doesn't know that Zhuo Bufan's Blood Burning Divine Art can multiply his ability, but relatively speaking, it will consume Zhuo Bufan's vitality.

Zhuo Bufan can't use the Blood Burning Divine Art for a long time. Once the blood in his body is stained, he will be in trouble.


In the sky, the battle between Zhuo Bufan and Zhong Shenxiu is still going on, and it is difficult to tell who is better.

On the ground, several major forces began to discuss secretly how to deal with Zhuo Bufan after the battle.

Taishang Sword Sect, Shura Sea, Changsheng Palace, Tianwu League.

These four major forces usually have no intersection, but this time, because of Zhuo Bufan, they walked together.

Zhuo Bufan robbed their soul altars in Yunmeng Realm, which can be said to have cut off their financial resources.

How could these guys swallow their anger?

"Zhuo Bufan will most likely lose this battle, but it is very likely that Zhong Shenxiu will not be able to kill him in the end."

"Zhuo Bufan has made countless enemies and has countless means to survive until now. It is not easy to kill him."

"That's why he has to be handed over to us. Everyone, keep an eye on Zhuo Bufan. Once he is ready to escape, kill him on the spot."

"Yes, kill him on the spot."

The four major sects are secretly discussing how to kill Zhuo Bufan.

But as of now, they have reached a consensus.

No matter whether Zhuo Bufan wins or loses in the end, he must die.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan also knows that he has been angered by the public, and many forces want him to die in this duel, but. Zhuo Bufan, who has the power of Chen Deng, will be afraid of these?

He had grown up long before he went to the Temple City. Regardless of whether this disaster can be avoided, Zhuo Bufan has a retreat to choose.

Zhuo Bufan's duel with Zhong Shenxiu is not for the name of a strong man.

His real reason is for Bai Su, to find out Bai Su's whereabouts.

As long as he could get Bai Su's whereabouts from Zhong Shenxiu, it would not matter even if Zhuo Bufan died in this conspiracy trap.

Zhuo Bufan's archive door existed just for this moment.

Not to change something? But to get something?

The battle was still going on, and Zhuo Bufan was still retaining his strength, not exerting all his strength to duel with Zhong Shenxiu.

Because Zhuo Bufan could also feel that Zhong Shenxiu still had some killer moves, or the ultimate skills that he hadn't used.

Boom boom boom!

Another fierce collision, Zhuo Bufan and Zhong Shenxiu, two men who were fighting extremely closely, finally pulled away.

Both of them were already covered with scars.

This was Zhuo Bufan's first hard battle, and he had countless wounds on his body. Blood mixed with his sweat seeped out of his skin and then seeped under his skin.

The pain was numb, or he could no longer feel the pain.

There were bloodstains on his elegant white clothes.

Zhuo Bufan had to admit that Zhong Shenxiu was definitely a rare opponent.

The same thought also occurred in Zhong Shenxiu's mind.

In Zhong Shenxiu's view, Zhuo Bufan was also an admirable opponent. He rarely encountered a man of the same generation who could fight him equally.

"Zhuo Bufan, you seem to be hiding something? Is it time to use it?"

Zhuo Bufan exhaled slowly after hearing this.

"Same here, you seem to be hiding something too? No need to hide now, let's have the final duel!"

The two looked at each other, and at that moment, both sides actually felt a sense of mutual appreciation.

It seemed that in each other's eyes, they saw a precious feeling of appreciation.

"You actually saw it, so I don't intend to hide it."

Zhong Shenxiu put the magic sword back into the sheath, and then stood with his hands folded.

"Who is the peak at the end of the sword path? Once you see Taixu, everything becomes empty."

"When I see the intention, there is a supreme peak, Zhang Taixu."

"Rumor has it that he is the god of swordsmanship, the peak of swordsmanship."

"When I entered the state of emptiness and tranquility, I was fortunate to have a dreamlike communication with Zhang Taixu, and cultivated a move of Taixu swordsmanship."

"Now I will use Taixu swordsmanship. There are only three moves, this is my last killer."

"After three moves, if you don't die, then I will lose!"

This Zhong Shenxiu really has a trick hidden in the bottom of the box.

He actually found a sword skill left by the Sword God Zhang Taixu in the virtual world.

Sword God Zhang Taixu, that is a figure older than the Four Emperors.

In the field of swordsmanship, he has always been revered as a god-like figure.

Even if it is just one or two moves, it can make people achieve extraordinary achievements.

After listening to Zhong Shenxiu's trump card, Zhuo Bufan did not hold back.

He opened his hands, and suddenly, the world was vast, all things worshiped, and the people hummed.

Countless golden particles began to condense on Zhuo Bufan.

Finally, a golden halo formed behind Zhuo Bufan's head.

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