Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 564 ? Bai Su's whereabouts

Chapter 564 Whereabouts of Bai Su

Xuanyuan Hao was responsible for resisting all the attacks for Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan went to find Bai Su's whereabouts without hesitation.

Zhuo Bufan had learned from Zhong Shenxiu where Bai Su was most likely to appear.

Now thinking back, Bai Su woke up from that place.

Naturally, she would go back to that place.

So Zhuo Bufan hurriedly pursued Bai Su's memory and rushed to a cemetery.

Zhuo Bufan quickly headed north.

The cemetery was located in the territory of the Northern Tianwu League, on an unnamed hillside.

There were several solitary graves on the hillside, and Bai Su woke up from one of the ancient solitary graves.

Zhuo Bufan recalled that he also woke up from a mass grave.

In the mass grave, there were only groups of corpses, nothing else.

Perhaps the only similarity between him and Bai Su was in this point.

The cemetery was not easy to find.

After Bai Su woke up, she left the cemetery aimlessly.

Zhuo Bufan could only determine the approximate location.

He finally locked onto one of the three thousand mountains in an area.

Zhuo Bufan was very persistent in order to find Bai Su.

He worked tirelessly and never rested.

For the next period of time, Zhuo Bufan searched on every mountain peak.

It is worth mentioning that the result of the battle between Zhuo Bufan and Zhong Shenxiu quickly spread in Yunmeng Realm.

Zhuo Bufan won and Zhong Shenxiu lost.

This result surprised everyone.

Many gamblers bet that Zhong Shenxiu would win.

As a result, Zhuo Bufan gave them a surprise.

After defeating Zhong Shenxiu, no one doubted Zhuo Bufan's strength anymore.

It's not just Zhuo Bufan's strength.

It's also worth mentioning Xuanyuan Hao.

Xuanyuan Hao blocked everyone for Zhuo Bufan.

Xuanyuan Hao blocked the four major forces by himself.

It is said that the battle made everyone in the world realize how terrible Xuanyuan Hao was.

Xuanyuan Hao controlled hundreds of ancient gods at once and trampled the entire sky wantonly.

That day, everyone understood that the world's number one genius was not a joke.

Xuanyuan Hao's strength has exceeded everyone's imagination.

Some people suspect that he may no longer be a little immortal, but a legendary immortal.

Xuanyuan Hao, who is in the realm of immortal, is almost invincible.

You know, among his opponents, there are immortal masters like the Lord of the Changsheng Palace.

That battle also completely broke Xuanyuan Hao and the Ancient God Palace.

In Xuanyuan Hao's words, he came specifically to cut off this relationship.

Xuanyuan Hao disdains to be the son-in-law of the Changsheng Palace.

It doesn't matter whether it's Zhuo Bufan, Zhong Shenxiu, or Xuanyuan Hao.

In just a few months, the entire cultivation world has undergone earth-shaking changes because of these three people.

All topics revolve around these three people.

People finally understand that the era of genius has arrived.

The influential figures of this world have grown up.

Zhong Shenxiu, Zhuo Bufan, and Xuanyuan Hao are the geniuses of this era.

They showed the kingly attitude of their generation to the whole world.

Many people began to sigh that the figures of this generation have far surpassed the previous generation.

It is hard to imagine what kind of vicissitudes and great changes will happen to this world thousands of years later.

Many people can feel that these geniuses have begun to affect the turmoil in the world of cultivation.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan is still Zhuo Bufan. He did not become famous because of this battle and show off his power in front of the world.

He is still searching for Bai Su's whereabouts in the three thousand mountains in the north.

Zhuo Bufan searched for more than a month in the three thousand mountains in the north.

Finally, he found the cemetery in Bai Su's memory.

It was a very ordinary cemetery.

In the cemetery, he saw the two lonely graves.

In Bai Su's memory, these two lonely graves are very important.

Because Bai Su crawled out of one of the lonely graves.

There were no coffins in these two lonely graves.

There were only two deep pits left.

There was nothing in the deep pits.

Zhuo Bufan vaguely remembered that Bai Su had climbed out of the deep pit on the right.

Then what about the deep pit on the left?

Who is this person?

Where did he go?

"Not here?"

Zhuo Bufan was slightly disappointed.

After searching for so long, he still couldn't find Bai Su.

Looking at the two graves in front of him, he didn't know why.

He didn't find Bai Su, whom he wanted to find, and he didn't know where Bai Su was.

Did Zhong Shenxiu lie to her?

No, Zhong Shenxiu just said that Bai Su could be found here.

But could he really find her? He didn't say it clearly.

Zhuo Bufan sighed.

Although he didn't find Bai Su, he felt the breath of Bai Su left here.

"She came back."

He could feel that Bai Su had indeed come back here, she returned to this place, the place that belonged to her.

Zhuo Bufan, looking at the two empty deep pits, hesitated for a moment.

Zhuo Bufan walked to the pit on the right, and then lay down in it without thinking.

That's right, Zhuo Bufan lay down in it.

He lay down in the grave where Bai Su had once been.

When he lay down in the grave, he felt an inexplicable feeling.

The kind of comfort from the soul.

He wanted to feel the breath of Bai Su in the past.

This trip took more than half a month.

For more than half a month, Zhuo Bufan lay motionless, like a dead man.

He lay there for more than half a month, actually wanting to wait for Bai Su's return.

But in the end, he still didn't see Bai Su.

However, Zhuo Bufan felt a familiar power in the grave.

Just more than half a month later.

Zhuo Bufan's younger brother Lu Fei contacted him.

"Boss, come to Yunmeng Realm."

Lu Fei said briefly.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"What are you going to Yunmeng Realm for?"

"You'll know when you go there."

"Just say it if you have something to say. Don't be fake."

Zhuo Bufan didn't find Bai Su, and he was depressed! How could he have the mood to talk to Lu Fei.

When Lu Fei heard it, he knew that if he didn't say it, Zhuo Bufan would not pay attention to him.

So he hurriedly said.

"Boss, there is the whereabouts of my sister-in-law."

Why did Lu Fei change his name to Bai Su now?

He also knew that Zhuo Bufan had been looking for this sister-in-law, so Lu Fei was also secretly asking the intelligence agency of Kuangmen, Baixiao Building, to find Bai Su's whereabouts.

Zhuo Bufan was surprised when he heard it.

"Really! Is there her whereabouts?"

"Yes, we found my sister-in-law. Boss, come to Yunmeng Realm, we will tell you in detail."

Lu Fei said excitedly.

Zhuo Bufan did not hesitate any longer, he hurried to Yunmeng Realm.

Then he found Lu Fei.

Lu Fei took him to Baixiao Building and met Sister Mo Qiu, whom he had not seen for a long time.

"It was Sister Mo Qiu who found it, Boss, my sister-in-law has been found."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked at Mo Qiu, a little nervous and didn't know how to speak.

It was Mo Qiu who took the initiative to speak when he saw this.

"Little brother, don't be excited, we found her."

"Where is she?"

It would be a lie to say that he was not excited.

Zhuo Bufan was so excited that he tightly grasped Mo Qiu's shoulders.

It hurt her.

But Mo Qiu did not resist, but said calmly.

"You will never guess where she is."

"She is in the place you are most familiar with, Huoyun City."

"Huoyun City?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, and the next second, he disappeared in Yunmeng Realm...

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