When Chu Mubai heard Zhuo Bufan's questioning, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Who knows, this girl suddenly appeared and said to me, I am Feng Jun."

"What the hell is Feng Jun? Am I crazy?"

"Brother, you have to believe me, I have never done anything to let you down, and I didn't even touch the girl in your family."

"It's just that she is pestering me, which makes me feel helpless."

Zhuo Bufan stared at Chu Mubai with his eyes fixed. This guy is a profiteer, who lies all the time and not a word is trustworthy.

But if he doesn't tell the truth, he can't do anything to him.

It seems that he can only find the answer himself.

Zhuo Bufan knows that the root of the problem lies with this old profiteer.

In the next few days, Zhuo Bufan took the two children and stared at Chu Mubai closely.

Just to see if Bai Su will come to find this man again.

Perhaps it was because she saw Zhuo Bufan following Chu Mubai that Bai Su never showed up.

Chu Mubai, on the other hand, was somewhat confused by the surveillance.

"Brother, why are you doing this? It's not a good idea to keep following me like this."

"Find a way to get that girl out, and then we can discuss it properly, how about that?"

The current situation is that Zhuo Bufan and his men are guarding Chu Mubai, and Bai Su can't show up. If Bai Su doesn't show up, Zhuo Bufan and his men will continue to guard Chu Mubai.

In this way, they formed a dead loop, and no one was willing to give in easily.

A few days passed like this.

Finally, Chu Mubai couldn't stand it anymore and told them the truth.

"I confess, I confess."

"Actually, I really don't know who the Feng Jun she is talking about is."

"But maybe it's really related to me."

Zhuo Bufan knew that this guy didn't tell the truth.

Under Zhuo Bufan's repeated questioning, this guy finally told the reason.

"Let me tell you clearly, the original owner of this body of mine was surnamed Feng."

When Zhuo Bufan said this, his eyes flashed coldly, staring at someone with a chill.

"What do you mean, are you the eagle occupying the nest of the sparrow, not the real owner of this body?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that Chu Mubai actually had a big secret.

There is something wrong with Chu Mubai's body.

Chu Mubai obeyed and shook his head.

"I can't tell you this question now. I can't explain it to you clearly."

"What I can tell you is that this body is both mine and not mine now."

Chu Mubai said that he didn't understand it. Of course, no matter what his explanation was, Zhuo Bufan had already guessed who the Feng Jun in Bai Su's mouth was?

Now recalling it, Zhuo Bufan realized that this Feng Jun had appeared in his memory a long time ago.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know who he heard it from?

The Emperor Xuan had a disciple named Feng Xie.

Afterwards, he learned from the Emperor Bai that Bai Su might have an old love, Xiao Feng.

Obviously, this Fengxie is Xiaofeng, the current Feng Jun.

After connecting all these things, Zhuo Bufan suddenly found that he might really be a spare tire.

That's right, after Bai Su's memory awakened, she suddenly remembered that she had a lover who had made a vow to her.

However, at that time, she had already given birth to her and Zhuo Bufan's child.

The relationship became complicated in an instant.

Bai Su felt that she was sorry for Feng Jun, after all, Feng Jun was his love.

The two of them made a vow to each other, promising to be together for life, for three lives and three worlds.

However, she had a child with Zhuo Bufan.

Bai Su betrayed her oath with Feng Jun, and she was sorry for Feng Jun.

So, she resolutely left Zhuo Bufan and them.

However, in this way, he was sorry for Zhuo Bufan again.

It can be said that the current relationship is very complicated.

Of course, all of this is only Zhuo Bufan's inference for the time being, and Zhuo Bufan dare not confirm it.

However, the result seems to be very clear, and it is probably the case.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan recalled the two graves in the cemetery. Obviously, one of the empty graves was Feng Jun, who was originally buried with Bai Su.

However, now...

After sorting out all the cause and effect relationships, Zhuo Bufan finally admitted one thing.

He finally understood why Bai Su still chose to leave him.

If it was really as Zhuo Bufan speculated, then Zhuo Bufan was relieved and understood.

If it were anyone else, they would not be able to stay with their new love at ease in this situation.

"Sure enough, it's a bad fate!"

Zhuo Bufan sighed.

After sorting out the relationship, Zhuo Bufan decided to have a good communication with the two children.

Bai Zifan, his mood has calmed down a lot in the past two days. Bai Su's departure was indeed a big blow to him.

But he has recovered, and he believes that his mother must have her own difficulties.

"Zifan, Nian Nian, listen to me, your mother is lost and confused. She is going to find herself now. We have to give her time."

"So, let's choose to leave!"

After hearing this, the two children felt lost.

Unexpectedly, Bai Zi Nian burst into tears at this time.

"No, no, I don't want to leave, I want my mother."

This girl realized it later. She only now understood what her mother meant to her?

Zhuo Bufan picked up Nian Nian and continued.

"Believe in Daddy and believe in Mom, she will definitely come back."

"Mom is in pain now, let her think it through."

After hearing this, the two children agreed with Zhuo Bufan's approach.

"Daddy, can I really see Mom again in the future?"

"Of course, did Dad lie to you?"

"Believe Dad, I will definitely see Mom again."

Zhuo Bufan chose to believe Bai Su.

Naturally, the two sensible children also chose to believe him.

"I believe in my father."

Bai Zifan showed his mature side at this time.

"Okay, let's believe Mom, let her handle this matter herself!"

Zhuo Bufan has always believed in Bai Su.

When he left, he wrote a long letter and gave it to Chu Mubai.

Let Chu Mubai pass it to Bai Su.

After Chu Mubai took the letter, he said.

"Don't worry, brother Zhuo, I will definitely pass it to her."

"Brother won't compete with you for a woman."

Chu Mubai, this guy, is just asking for a beating.

But Zhuo Bufan doesn't want to get close to him.

Zhuo Bufan is trying to save this relationship in his own way.

Finally, the two children followed Zhuo Bufan and left Baihua City.

When leaving, Zhuo Bufan found a white figure standing on the highest peak of Baihua City, watching them quietly.

Bai Su, from beginning to end, was secretly observing him and the two children.

When he saw Bai Su, Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand, waved, and smiled at him.

Whether Bai Su could see this smile or not, it expressed his longing for her.

"My child and I will wait for you to return."

Bai Su saw his eyes, saw his mouth shape, and read Zhuo Bufan's current longing from his lips.

When Bai Su saw this, she answered Zhuo Bufan seriously.

"I'm sorry."

Zhuo Bufan did not respond to this. Instead, he took the two children and left silently.

Don't worry, there is no cuckold plot in this book. It belongs to the protagonist, and no one can take it away.

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