Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 570 ? Which is true and which is false

Chapter 570 What is true and what is false

"Ah, where is this?"

Zhuo Bufan woke up.

He was surprised to find that he was still lying in the training room.

"What's going on? I didn't, I entered the virtual realm."

Zhuo Bufan stood up and looked around.

He found that he was in his own training room.

All the furnishings were exactly the same without any changes.

He walked out and found that Nian Nian and the others were still at the door, so no one had left yet.

"Smelly Bufan, why did you come out? Didn't you enter the virtual realm?" Xiaomei asked.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment and didn't answer.

"What's going on?"

"Daddy, did you come out of seclusion? So fast."

Nian Nian looked at Zhuo Bufan who came out and laughed.

Zhuo Bufan was dumbfounded. What was going on?

He closed his eyes and silently felt his body.

Then suddenly felt that a layer of light luster appeared on his body.

"I seem to have broken through."

Zhuo Bufan himself said inexplicably.

"What's going on? I took a nap and broke through."

"No, this is the virtual realm, this should be the virtual realm."

Zhuo Bufan has not figured out what's going on.

"No, you are not Nian Nian, you are not Xiao Mei, and you are not Zi Fan. You are all fake, not real, all of this is fake, this is the virtual realm, don't try to deceive me, this is the virtual realm, right?"

Zhuo Bufan asked decisively.

"Daddy, are you stupid from practicing?"

"I don't want a stupid daddy, wow!"

The little girl Nian Nian looked at Zhuo Bufan who was talking to himself and cried in fear.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

"We are all, it's true!"

"No, I just took a nap, nothing happened, how could I break through the virtual realm like this? What's going on?"

Zhuo Bufan believes that everything he sees is fake.

But, the fake is so real, Nian Nian's voice, the temperature of the body, everyone is flesh and blood.

He even pinched himself and found it painful.

That's right, he could feel the pain. If it was fake, why would he feel such a strange feeling?

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand. He knew too little about the virtual realm.

"Boss, although I don't know what the virtual realm is, many people break through the virtual realm with a whoosh, and they break through the virtual realm in an instant."

Zhuo Bufan has experienced this situation before.

That's Bai Su.

Bai Su also broke through from the Great Golden Pill to the Real Person Realm in an instant, directly skipping the virtual realm.

Some people can indeed break through this realm in an instant.

There is no reason.

Is this the case with me?

Zhuo Bufan, talking to himself.

"Boss, are we still doing what you said? Should we build a monument of faith for the Red Emperor?"

Lu Fei said to Zhuo Bufan. This was the order Zhuo Bufan gave him before, to build a monument of faith for the Red Emperor.

This is strange. The order he gave to Lu Fei should have been issued in the cultivation world.

In the virtual realm, everything is fake. Since it is fake, how can Lu Fei know the order he issued?

"Are you stupid, Chou Bufan?"

"I was planning to take the children out to play while you were away, but I didn't expect you to come out so soon. It's not fun, really not fun."

Xiaomei spread her hands and shrugged.

Zhuo Bufan asked her to take care of the two children before. This girl was going to take the two children out to play as soon as Zhuo Bufan was in seclusion.

I didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to come out so soon.

"Father, is there something wrong?"

Bai Zifan asked seriously.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head and didn't say much.

"I'm a little confused now. I'm going to Yunmeng Realm."

Zhuo Bufan said, returned to the training room, closed his eyes, and used the soul to leave his body.

Zhuo Bufan thought that Yunmeng Realm only existed in the cultivation world.

If it was a virtual realm, it should be impossible to go to Yunmeng Realm.

However, when he closed his eyes and his soul left his body, he suddenly found that he could enter Yunmeng Realm.

"What's going on? Have I really broken through the virtual realm? It's that simple."

Zhuo Bufan was at a loss. He didn't expect that he could break through the virtual realm so easily. This was too fake.

Brother Xuanyuan, Brother Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan Hao, are you there?

After Zhuo Bufan came to Yunmeng Realm, he contacted Xuanyuan Hao as soon as possible.

Soon, Xuanyuan Hao responded.

He came to the soul altar where Zhuo Bufan was.

"Why, haven't you entered the virtual realm yet?" Xuanyuan Hao asked.

Zhuo Bufan didn't answer, but asked back.

"Are you real or fake?"

"Am I real or fake? What do you think?" Xuanyuan Hao said calmly, which was Xuanyuan Hao's nature.

After listening to Xuanyuan Hao's answer, Zhuo Bufan continued to ask.

"I have a question for you, what the hell is the virtual realm? It is a world exactly the same as the cultivation world."

Xuanyuan Hao answered.

"The Void Realm is a false world, a fake world. There is nothing in it. Everything exists only by your own will. It's time for you to go to the Void Realm."

Xuanyuan Hao urged.

"I thought this was the Void Realm."

Zhuo Bufan told Xuanyuan Hao the reason for the incident.

"It's really inexplicable. I just took a nap, and the world didn't change at all. Is this the world of cultivation, the world of Yunmeng, or the virtual world?"

At first, he firmly believed that this world was the virtual world, but in the face of various situations, it became more and more real, and he believed more and more that this was the real world.

From what you mean, have you entered the virtual world and broken through?

"I broke through just by closing and opening my glasses. You're crazy, nothing happened, can you explain it to me? What happened?"

Zhuo Bufan looked for the answer from Xuanyuan Hao.

Xuanyuan Hao shook his head after hearing this.

"Everyone's situation is different. I broke through after sitting for an afternoon."

Xuanyuan Hao replied calmly.

Xuanyuan Hao also sat for an afternoon, and Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes and opened them, feeling like he had a nap, and woke up to become a real person.

If you still have doubts about this world, you can go around in this world more and find the truth.

"The so-called real person is someone who sees through the false."

"In the eyes of the real person, everything in this world is real."

"In the eyes of the false, everything in this world is false."

After Xuanyuan Hao finished speaking, he disappeared on the spot.

But the words he left behind benefited Zhuo Bufan a lot.

"In the eyes of the real person, this world is real."

"Could it be that the so-called virtual world is not the truth or falsehood of this world, but depends on whether we determine it to be true or false."

"If I think this world is real, then this world is real. If I think this world is false, then it is false."

"The truth or falsehood of the whole world is decided because of me."

Zhuo Bufan entered a very strange state.

"It's too fucking weird, no, this is too weird, what should I do, I want to see what the hell is going on in this world."

Zhuo Bufan, who couldn't figure out the truth or falsehood, was about to go crazy.


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