Chapter 572 Revenge

With today's extraordinary fleet, it can be said that it is easy to destroy a Tianwu Alliance general altar.

In a burst of artillery fire, the main altar of the Tianwu Alliance was riddled with holes by Zhuo Bufan, leaving only a bare soul altar in the end.

"Zhuo Bufan, I curse you to die a good death."

The people of the Tianwu Alliance can only shout like this now.


Zhuo Bufan ignored the Tianwu Alliance's wails.

He is now studying Xuanyuan Hao.

Xuanyuan Hao once said that if you want to break through the virtual realm, you cannot be confused by the things in the virtual realm. Breaking through everything in front of you is the truth behind it.

This is what Zhuo Bufan is doing now.

"Boss, who's next?" Lu Fei asked.

"Eternal Life Hall, I don't like this sect."

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking calmly, and then led the fleet towards the Palace of Eternal Life.

To be honest, he had no enmity with the Palace of Eternal Life, and there was no need to cause the current level of tension.

However, after the duel between Zhuo Bufan and Zhong Shenxiu, the Palace of Eternal Life took advantage of others' danger.

This behavior is disgusting.

The Palace of Eternal Life blamed Zhuo Bufan for their loss of the soul altar.

The person who caused the Eternal Life Palace to lose its soul altar was Xuanyuan Hao.

Zhuo Bufan just took a scapegoat. Even so, the Palace of Eternal Life still refused to let him go.

It is indeed disgraceful for someone from a well-known and upright family to take advantage of others' danger.

So Zhuo Bufan planned to take revenge on them.

When the extraordinary sky fleet arrived at the main altar of the Eternal Life Palace.

The people in the Eternal Life Palace all put on defensive postures.

Obviously, the news that Zhuo Bufan destroyed the Tianwu Alliance has spread throughout the Yunmeng Realm, and all major forces have begun to take precautions.

"You brat, are you done yet? We have stopped pursuing you regarding the Soul Altar in the Palace of Eternal Life, but you still refuse to let us go. What do you mean?"

In the Palace of Eternal Life, the villain complained first, accusing Zhuo Bufan of doing whatever he wanted.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan chuckled.

"Go away, you old guys, now you know what morality you want to tell me? Why were you so unreasonable when you intercepted and killed me?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to talk nonsense to them.

Back then, when he was in Temple City, he was cornered and almost committed suicide while reading files.

If not for Xuanyuan Hao's spiritual rescue at the last moment, Zhuo Bufan might have loaded the file and started over.

Since it was the other party who was unkind in the first place, he didn't need to talk about morality.

"Kill these guys to death, tmd, I want to kill you all. Kill all your lies."

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking.

The entire fleet began to form a formation, and all the guns were aimed at the main altar of the Eternal Life Palace.

"Blow me up! Blow up all the falsehoods and reveal the truth."

Zhuo Bufan finished his words.

Boom boom boom boom boom…

The entire sky is filled with bombings.

The mere Immortality Palace was instantly blown to pieces. There is ruins for hundreds of miles around.

"Zhuo Bufan, I will fight with you. You do all evil things, you should die."

The surviving elders of the Eternal Life Palace went towards Zhuo Bufan to kill him.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and smiled coldly.

"You're welcome, I just want to give it a try to see if the power of this sword of life and death is real or fake."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he opened the Soul Book.

Then, a pair of black and white swords flew out.

One of the black swords, as usual, exuded a deadly aura.

The death sword turned into a black light, and with an extremely fierce momentum, it struck towards the old man's eyebrows.


The elder screamed, and his eyebrows were pierced.

Then, it just disappeared into ashes.

Zhuo Bufan showed an incredulous look when he saw the elder who was reduced to ashes.

Was even the ability of the Eternal Life Sword perfectly faked?

Zhuo Bufan said in disbelief.

You must know that the ability of the Life and Death Sword is given by the rules of Yunmeng Realm.

Under the rules of Yunmeng Realm, the Sword of Life and Death can instantly kill anything with a level lower than his.

This is the ability of Yunmengjie.

But does this ability also exist in the virtual realm?

Zhuo Bufan couldn't understand. He felt more and more that the world he was in was the real world.

"How could this happen? Is this all real and not an illusion?"

The facts were placed in front of him one by one, without any falsification, which made Zhuo Bufan somewhat confused.

You must know that what is true cannot be false, and what is false cannot be true.

However, everything Zhuo Bufan saw before his eyes was true, without even the slightest trace of fraud.

If this is all fake, it's too real.

Zhuo Bufan looked around blankly, looking at the ruins of the main altar of the Eternal Life Palace below, without any emotion.

The Palace of Eternal Life is not benevolent, so he does not need to be moral.

"Zhuo Bufan, I, the Palace of Eternal Life, will fight with you until death."

The Lord of the Eternal Life Palace spoke.

After saying that, he disappeared into Yunmeng Realm. He was also afraid of being killed by Zhuo Bufan.

"I'll fight to the death, or I'll fight to the death. Anyway, my master won't leave you alone."

Zhuo Bufan seemed indifferent.

After saying that, he took the fleet and headed towards the next target.

The next target is Shura Sea.

Zhuo Bufan and Shura Hai have no enmity or enmity.

It was because he robbed a soul altar that he became filled with hatred.

When Temple City intercepted and killed Zhuo Bufan, they also had a share.

Knowing that Zhuo Bufan and his men were coming, Shura Sea actually left the realm.

The entire main temple was empty.

"Boss, they all ran away."

Lu Fei reported.

"Run away? Haha, the monk can run away, but the temple cannot."

"Bomb this place flat for me."

Zhuo Bufan had a disagreement and asked Lu Fei to bomb the main temple of Shura Sea flat.

The royal city that Shura Sea had built with great difficulty was bombed into slag by Zhuo Bufan.

"Boss, there is only the Supreme Sword Sect left."

The four major sects, there is only the Supreme Sword Sect left.

Zhuo Bufan obeyed, waved his hand, and said.

"Continue, I want to break this false world."

In fact, Zhuo Bufan didn't care about the resentment of the four major sects at all.

Because in his heart, all this is fake, since it is fake, then no matter what he does, it will not be involved in reality.

He is now thinking about how to leave this world.

How to break this virtual world.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan's Sky Fleet finally arrived at the headquarters of the Supreme Sword Sect.

The Sky Fleet was obviously well prepared. Zhuo Bufan and his fleet had just entered the airspace when they were attacked.

Of course, the attack of the Supreme Sword Sect was completely insignificant to Zhuo Bufan's Sky Fleet.

It was like an ant tickling an elephant.

"Lu Fei, let them taste our power."

In return, Zhuo Bufan's fleet directly bombed the Supreme Sword Sect without any mercy.

Facing Bufan's bombardment, the Supreme Sword Sect had no power to resist.

The elders who had escaped the artillery fire flew into the sky and denounced Zhuo Bufan.

"Zhuo Bufan, you are too much of a bully. Do you really think that Yunmeng Realm is a place where you can do whatever you want?"

Zhuo Bufan waved his hand after hearing this.

"That's right, I do whatever I want, come and do it!"

"When you robbed and killed me in the Temple City, did you think about today? Did you think that one day, I, Zhuo Bufan, would come to seek revenge?"

"So, old man, die!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, a sword fell and pierced the elder's forehead.

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