Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 575 ? Let's go home

Chapter 575 Let's go home

Sure enough, everything is just as Zhuo Bufan guessed.

The man that Bai Su had been thinking about was indeed the disciple of Emperor Xuan.

"Feng Jun and I have already secretly agreed to be together for life many years ago."

"Although we are not husband and wife in name or in reality, Feng Jun and I love each other."

"We have long made a promise to each other."

Everything is just as Zhuo Bufan guessed.

Bai Su and Feng Jun are really lovers who have made a promise to each other.

They are not husband and wife, but they are better than husband and wife.

"Really? What does it matter? He is gone, and the person next to you now is me."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly raised his voice and raised his tone, wanting to declare his sovereignty.

He didn't want to hear his woman talk about the promises she made with other men.

However, Zhuo Bufan couldn't stop Bai Su from continuing.

"I'm sorry. That was when I was in the Su Nu Sect, and the sealed soul was suddenly awakened. The first person that came to my mind was him."

"But, at that time, I had already given birth to Nian Nian."

"I feel sorry for him, but I feel even more sorry for you and the children."

Everything is exactly as Zhuo Bufan thought.

One is the old love of the past, and the other is the new love of the present.

This choice is difficult for anyone to make.

To be honest, if Bai Su had not awakened the sealed soul.

Then now, she would be willing to be with Zhuo Bufan.

However, after the memory deep in her soul was restored, she realized that in this way, there was still a man in her heart that she had not let go.

This is also the saddest thing for Zhuo Bufan.

The one he loves actually has someone else in his heart.

"So, you asked me to come here today to say this? I actually guessed what you said a long time ago."

Zhuo Bufan said this to Bai Su.

To be honest, although I had guessed it a long time ago.

However, when Zhuo Bufan heard these words from Bai Su, he still couldn't accept it.

What is this? God is really good at playing.

Bai Su replied after hearing this.

"No, I came here today to tell you that I have figured it out."

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up when he heard Bai Su's words.

"Have you figured it out? Su Su, what have you figured out?"

Bai Su looked at Zhuo Bufan, looked at his expectant eyes, and said calmly.

"My fate with Feng Jun may have ended here!"

"The Jiang Su who made a vow to him has long been buried in that tomb."

"Now I am Bai Su, the mother of Zifan and Nian Nian."

When Bai Su said this, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

Suddenly, his nose was sour, and his eyes were full of tears.

He didn't know how long he had waited for this sentence, and finally he heard it from Bai Su's mouth.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but hug Bai Su.

At that moment, Bai Su also felt the same way and also reached out to hug Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan had waited too long for this moment.

He had always thought that Bai Su would not accept it directly because of her hatred for him.

Zhuo Bufan had always thought that he was a villain and was not worthy of Bai Su.

They had always loved and killed each other, but they did not know that they had already loved each other sincerely.

The relationship between Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su was simple and complicated.

They had experienced too much, and now Zhuo Bufan was a little tired.

He just wanted to settle down and live a good life with Bai Su.

Just give the children a home.

And Bai Su was the same.

She had always been escaping.

Escaping from reality, she was also escaping from Zhuo Bufan.

Her life was too complicated.

Because of Feng Jun and Zhuo Bufan, she was in a dilemma.

No matter who she chose, Bai Su could not bear it.

So she kept hiding from Zhuo Bufan.

Hiding from Zhuo Bufan was actually a torture for Zhuo Bufan.

When Zhuo Bufan saw Bai Su like this, his heart was already deeply moved.

"No matter whether this world is true or false, I want to tell you that I love you."

Zhuo Bufan said the three words he wanted to say the most, and then the strength in his hand increased a little.

He had waited for these three words for so many years, and finally found the opportunity to say them.

So whether it was for Bai Su or Zhuo Bufan, at least this was a breakthrough.

He hugged Bai Su tightly, fearing that she would leave again.

He even began to tremble slightly, he was afraid, he was afraid, he was afraid that all this was fake.

He couldn't accept it, if all this was fake, what should he do?

So, he had begun to have the idea in his heart that "this world is real".

He longed for this to be true, because Bai Su's appearance and Bai Su's choice were what he longed for the most at the moment.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's love confession, Bai Su couldn't help but hugged him tightly, she replied.

"Me too, I miss you, you and the children, Xiaofan, Nian Nian, my children, I miss them, I miss them."

At this moment, Bai Su showed her deep maternal love as a mother.

After all, Bai Su not only has Zhuo Bufan, she also has two children.

Especially Bai Zi Nian, she lost her mother as soon as she was born, she was so pitiful.

Zhuo Bufan didn't want his children to be born without a mother.

So he wanted to take Bai Su back not only for himself but also for the two children.

After hearing Bai Su's decision, Zhuo Bufan slowly let go of her.

He had heard the answer he wanted to hear the most.

Bai Su forgave him and accepted him.

At this moment, for Zhuo Bufan, it was his happiest moment.

Of course, everything was too real, so real that Zhuo Bufan felt a little uneasy.

"Let's go, mother of the child. The children are still waiting for you to go home!!"

And now Zhuo Bufan really wanted to take Bai Su back to Meicheng.

Let his two children see their mother.

Zhuo Bufan could finally explain to the two children that he brought their mother back.

Bai Su nodded after hearing this.

"Okay, let's go home."

Looking at Bai Su, that happy look, Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt extremely happy.

At that moment, he no longer thought about whether this world was real or fake. Because it didn't matter anymore.

What he wanted most, he had already got. Since his desires were satisfied, why should he still be greedy?

Zhuo Bufan really couldn't believe that this world was a fake world.

Because everything was so beautiful.

Zhuo Bufan hoped to stay at this moment forever.

However, reality and illusion, real and fake, who can tell clearly?

Zhuo Bufan had long forgotten that he was not in the real world at all.

Everything in front of him might become a mirage, a beautiful dream!

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