As his body disappeared, Zhuo Bufan suddenly opened his eyes.

As a result, I found a big face appeared in front of me.

There was a layer of light yellow glass-like substance between him and the big face.

"Gao Yang? Are you Gao Yang?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted.

That big face is none other than Gao Yangxu!

At this moment, Gao Yangxu was outside, vigorously tapping the light yellow glass cover.

Only then did Zhuo Bufan realize that he was trapped in a small space like a space capsule.

Gao Yangxu, Zhuo Bufan's sworn brother.

He should also be in the virtual realm and not go out.

Bang bang bang bang!

Gao Yangxu slapped the light yellow shield hard.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuo Bufan found that the light yellow shield began to break.

Gao Yangxu stretched out his hand and waved to the side, signaling Zhuo Bufan to hide aside.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and hid.


Only a crisp sound was heard, and then a hand grabbed Zhuo Bufan's arm, and then yanked him out.

"Brother, come out quickly."

Zhuo Bufan finally heard Gao Yangxu's familiar voice.

Zhuo Bufan was pulled out of the small space by Gao Yangxu.

The two of them were floating in the air, surrounded by darkness, with only a faint blue light coming from nowhere.

"Gao Yang, why is it you?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Gao Yangxu in surprise.

He thought that he had escaped from the virtual realm and should return to the world of cultivation.

Unexpectedly, I came to a more unknown field.

"Who am I? I want to ask you, brother, why are you here?"

Gao Yangxu asked Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"I was summoned by the virtual realm."

Gao Yangxu was stunned when he heard this.

"Summoned by the Void Realm?"

"Awesome, sworn brother, so your cultivation has also reached the virtual realm? I didn't expect it to be the same as my sworn brother."

Gao Yangxu was obviously shocked.

"It seems that I stayed in the virtual realm for too long."

He thought that he had stayed in the virtual realm for too long and that Zhuo Bufan's cultivation had caught up with him.

"It's indeed a long time. You have been in the virtual realm for almost four years!"

Zhuo Bufan said.

"What, only four years?"

"Yes, what is this place? I thought I should leave the virtual realm."

Zhuo Bufan tearfully destroyed the beautiful life he longed for in order to break the virtual state.

However, now it seems that he has arrived at an even stranger place.

After hearing this, Gao Yangxu pointed behind Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan turned around and took a look.

"This is the real virtual realm, the virtual tree space!"

Hearing Gao Yangxu's words, Zhuo Bufan took a closer look and couldn't help but be speechless.

I saw that the dark time in front of me was filled with egg-like things that emitted a faint yellow light.

And these huge egg-like light cocoons are hung on an unattainable crystal mineral tree.

The tree was extremely tall, with nine dragon-like roots intertwined with each other.

The roots of the trees below reach into the bottomless abyss, swallowed up by the darkness. No one knows how deep it is.

The tree canopy above towers into nebulae as bright as the Milky Way, entwined by countless auroras, and looks quite majestic.

At the top of the sacred tree, there seems to be a huge crystal palace.

From the crystal palace, majestic and magnificent life energy came.

It seemed like a huge creature was sleeping and breathing again.

With each breath, it seemed as if the whole world was relaxing and contracting.

And the crystal diamond tree is covered with countless yellow light cocoons.

Zhuo Bufan emerged from that yellow cocoon of light.

Not only him, Zhuo Bufan discovered that in every yellow cocoon of light, there lay a cultivator with a peaceful face.

"Xu Shu? What is this?"

Zhuo Bufan thought that he was just passing through a certain state in the world of cultivation.

Unexpectedly, I would come to a mysterious space.

"The virtual tree is the sacred tree of the virtual world. It is completely opposite to the tree of truth in the real world."

"The real tree is the union of all truth. The virtual tree is the union of all falsehood."

Gao Yangxu's words shocked Zhuo Bufan.

He didn't expect Gao Yangxu to actually know this stuff.

"Tree of Truth?"

For some reason, when Zhuo Bufan heard this name, his soul suddenly trembled.

Is it the tree in my soul?

Zhuo Bufan thought.

"Brother-in-law, do you know why those of us in the world of cultivation are summoned by the virtual realm after our cultivation reaches a certain level?"

"It's because of this tree!"

"It is the sacred tree of the virtual world, specially weaving dreams for those of us in the world of cultivation."

"The vast majority of people will be confused by the dreams it weaves, and then sink into it forever."

Gao Yangxu's words made Zhuo Bufan recall that everything he had just experienced was a dream woven by this tree.

"It will interpret the deepest dreams of everyone, and then use the method of programming dreams to realize them."

"Those who are not mentally firm will inevitably perish."

"I'm very happy, sworn brother, that you successfully broke the dream weaved by it."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said with shame.

"I almost couldn't get out. I have to say that the dream this guy compiled is so beautiful. I really don't want to wake up."

Zhuo Bufan dreamed of being with Bai Su and holding an unforgettable wedding with Bai Su.

A family, living a peaceful and happy life.

However, he personally broke this dream.

Do you regret it?

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan regretted it very much.

But he was more afraid of what his children would do if they indulged in it forever?

"Brother, look, how many such dream cocoons are there on this virtual tree?"

Gao Yangxu pointed to the light cocoons hanging on the virtual trees, which he called dream cocoons.

"I'm afraid there are millions of them!"

Zhuo Bufan said.

Those dream cocoons are densely packed, like the stars in the sky, countless, hanging on the branches of the virtual tree.

"Yes, this virtual tree appeared after Emperor Xuan sealed the sky."

"It has been in the world of cultivation for more than 200,000 years so far."

"In the past two hundred thousand years, he has blocked the progress of countless cultivators."

"Many of these cultivators have died because their lifespan has expired and their time has come."

"What's on this tree now are all the cultivators of immortality in the past thousand years."

"They are trapped in the virtual tree and will sink forever. Until their end comes."

"This so-called virtual realm is just a conspiracy from beginning to end."

"It's a trap set by the virtual world to prevent too many masters from appearing in the real world."

When Gao Yangxu said this, Zhuo Bufan really felt like he suddenly realized something.

The so-called virtual realm does not exist from beginning to end.

The current cultivation system is a cultivation system that was slowly formed after the Four Emperors.

And this virtual realm was not on the path of cultivation at the beginning.

But because of the existence of this virtual tree.

Xushu will summon all those who have reached a certain level of cultivation to this world.

Then weave sweet dreams for them and trap them here forever.

In this way, it would be difficult for a master to appear in the world of cultivation.

I have to say, this is quite a cruel method!

It cuts off the chance for an extremely powerful person to appear in the world of cultivation.

"Who brought this tree from the virtual world?"

Zhuo Bufan asked Gao Yangxu who was standing aside.

After hearing this, Gao Yangxu replied calmly.

"It's Emperor Xuan!"

Arranging a beautiful wedding for the protagonist is worthy of him! Then, our boss Xuan Emperor is back!

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