Chapter 582 Awakening

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that it would be divine power that awakened everyone.

"Brother, have you practiced Shinto?"

Gao Yangxu said slightly surprised.

"Well, I'm lucky enough to have practiced it. So, sworn brother, you have also practiced Shinto?"

Listening to what Gao Yangxu said before, he also practiced Shinto.

"My divine power was given to me by Xuanyuan Hao."

"Xuanyuan Hao asked me to take his father out of this world, so he gave me part of his divine power. It is specifically used to wake up his father."

Gao Yangxu said to Zhuo Bufan.

"How does Xuanyuan Hao know that divine power can awaken a sleeping person?"

"Didn't he lose all his memories of this world?"

Zhuo Bufan said in confusion.

Gao Yangxu said that people who leave this world will have their memories erased.

"And since Gao Yangxu knows this method, why doesn't he rescue him?"

"He entered the virtual realm after his father, right?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Actually, Xuanyuan Hao only discovered it after he left this world."

"He used his divine power to restore his memory in the virtual realm."

"Then he investigated many ancient books and finally discovered that divine power can awaken the sleeping person."

"According to Xuanyuan Hao, the virtual tree is the sacred tree of the virtual world. The dreams created by the virtual tree can only be used by the divine power from the virtual world."

After listening to Gao Yangxu's words, Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly.

"I see, this guy is really powerful. He can still find a way to leave the virtual realm even though he is no longer in the virtual realm."

"But why didn't this guy tell me."

Zhuo Bufan said in confusion.

Xuanyuan Hao asked him to wake up his father, but he didn't tell him how.

"Xuanyuan Hao has already leaked the secret in order to find this solution."

"This guy must be afraid of being struck by lightning!"

"When he told me, he got hacked once."

Gao Yangxu said.

"I didn't expect that, my sworn brother, you would also know the way of Shinto."

"Haha, good luck. I'm lucky enough to have the favor of the Red Emperor!"

Gao Yangxu said excitedly.

"It seems to be God's will, God's will!"

"Originally, the divine power Xuanyuan Hao gave me was limited, and I could only awaken a few hundred people at most."

"Although there is Senior Xuanyuan, one person's power is limited after all."

"Now that my foster brother is here, we have a better chance of winning."

Seeing Gao Yangxu so excited, Zhuo Bufan said.

"What do you want me to do next?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Gao Yangxu. He had mastered the divine way and was the hope to awaken all those who were sleeping.

They want to awaken everyone and unite everyone's strength to destroy the virtual tree.

Gao Yangxu replied after hearing this.

"According to what Xuanyuan Hao said, divine power can distort the dreams created by Xu Shu."

"The dreams created by Xu Shu are beautiful, and cultivators will indulge in them. Once they are distorted by divine power and changed, the people sleeping inside will feel abnormal and will naturally regain their original intention."

Gao Yangxu said lightly.

Zhuo Bufan was obedient and nodded in reply.

"I understand, then leave it to me! I think this is the so-called providence. God's will is such that I come here and wake up everyone."

Zhuo Bufan didn't believe in God's will before, but recently he had a new understanding of God's will.

Some things can really only be described as God's will, such as when he met Bai Emperor in the Yunmeng Realm, or when he met Gao Yangxu in the Virtual Realm.

All of this can be said to be God’s will.

God's will allowed him to come here, God's will allowed him to learn Shinto, and God's will gave him the ability to change the world.

"Two boys, what are you waiting for? Since the divine power can wake everyone up, then go quickly and wake up everyone, and then, let's go together and destroy this damn tree for me."

A group of people began to urge.

They put all their hopes on Zhuo Bufan.

"Okay, sworn brother, let's go." After Gao Yangxu finished speaking, he took Zhuo Bufan into action.

"Wake everyone up!"

Zhuo Bufan, led by Gao Yangxu, began to walk towards the nearest dome.

In that amber giant egg lies a Sleeping Beauty.

This was the first person Zhuo Bufan wanted to wake up, a female monk.

In the world of cultivation, female cultivators are inherently inferior to male cultivators, and there are even fewer female cultivators who can cultivate to the virtual realm.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Sleeping Beauty lying in the Amber Dome.

"Brother, let's do it!" Gao Yangxu said on the side, "Brother, pour your divine power into this dome, and the divine power will interfere with the dreams in the dome.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand and pressed it on the dome.

Then he began to replace the divine light in his body, and for a while, a sacred halo began to gather on his head.

The moment the divine ring appeared, Gao Yangxu on the side was stunned.

"It is indeed divine power, such pure divine power."

Zhuo Bufan didn't say much.

Immediately afterwards, he allowed divine power to slowly pour into the giant.

You can clearly see the eyebrows of the Sleeping Beauty in the dome, and she actually blinked.

"She had a reaction. She felt something strange in her dream."

"Dreams are beautiful, but once the dream changes even a little bit, the sleeper will naturally notice it. Then, he will deeply realize that he is just in an illusory dream, and it will slowly become clear on its own. "

Zhuo Bufan recalled that he had indeed felt the strangeness of his dream before.

To him, everything in front of him was false.

Gao Yangxu said on the side.

"Let her wake up slowly next, we have more people to wake up."

Zhuo Bufan nodded, and then he started the next goal.

In this way, with the help of Zhuo Bufan's divine power, they began their calling journey to wake everyone from their dreams.

This road is obviously very long, because the people who need to be awakened are not one or two people, but millions of people.

It is a huge project to call everyone.

Zhuo Bufan's divine power is not infinite, and it is impossible to wake everyone up at once.

But since it has been done, he will not give up easily.

Since it has been decided to destroy this virtual tree, then they will continue to do it.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up, boy, she wakes up."

Just as Zhuo Bufan and Gao Yangxu kept calling the sleepers.

They heard cheers.

Zhuo Bufan flew over quickly.

They only saw that the sleeping beauty they called at the beginning slowly woke up.

Not only her, more and more people began to wake up.

"It really works, kid, you are really good."

"Wake everyone up! Whether we can get out depends on you."

People placed their hopes on Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan was even more motivated.

"Then let's continue!"


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