Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 587 ? Ready to make a move

Chapter 587 Ready to make a move

Children have no control over their words, but Nian Nian kept claiming to call Chu Mubai grandpa, which really shocked Chu Mubai.

"You little girl, you can't speak just like your father."

"Tell me, you three brats, come to see grandpa this time. What do you want me to do?"

Since he was called grandpa anyway, Chu Mubai simply took advantage of him.

Seeing Chu Mubai say this, Niannian asked.

"Grandpa, have you seen my mother kiss?"

asked repeatedly.

When Chu Mubai heard this, he immediately thought of Bai Su.

He shook his head repeatedly.

"Your mother, I don't know. Where is your mother and why did she come to ask me?"

"But my brother said that you can find your mother."

Niannian asked innocently.

"Uncle, the Northern Emperor's tyranny has reappeared in the world, and he wants to fight with my mother. Can you help us find her?"

Bai Zifan was relatively calm, Chu Mubai said after listening to Bai Zifan's words.

"I really don't know where your mother is?"

"That girl struggled with me at first, and then she left suddenly after you guys came here. After that, I never heard from her again."

"But isn't my mother specifically looking for you? I believe that as long as you take the initiative to find your mother, she will definitely appear."

"Hey you little brats, you are pushing your mother into the fire pit. Does your father know what you are doing?"

Chu Mubai looked at Bai Zifan and said.

"Dad is in seclusion, we don't say he doesn't know."

Niannian also helped Bai Zifan and said.

Chu Mubai stared at the car in stunned silence. The two siblings had no idea what they meant by saying they wanted to do this.

They just want to see their mother as soon as possible.

"Okay, I can't find your mother, and I don't want to get involved in your family's affairs. The sky is high and the sea is vast, you can go find it yourself."

Chu Mubai said calmly.

He rejected the two brothers and sisters, but the two brothers stayed at their home and refused to leave.

"Grandpa, you are such a bad guy, did you kiss our mother? If you don't say anything, we won't leave. We will just stay at your house, eating and drinking."

Bai Zinian said angrily to Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai looked at the cute little girl in front of him and felt like crying.

"How did that guy Zhuo Bufan give birth to such a weird kid like you?"

He was completely defeated by Bai Zinian's innocence.

"Okay, okay, I'll take you to find your mother, but let me explain first, don't blame me if you can't find her."

Chu Mubai didn't want to help Zhuo Bufan raise his children in vain.

"Thank you, grandpa."

When they heard Chu Mubai promised to take them to find their mother for practice, they made a 90-degree bow towards Chu Mubai, and even slapped him in the face with her ponytail.

Chu Mubai looked at Nian Nian, sighed and said.

"You girl, I really can't do anything to you. Now I just want to find your mother quickly so that you, this girl, don't bother me again."

Chu Mubai joined the team to help Niannian find her mother.

However, as Chu Mubai said, the sky is high and the sea is vast, where is Bai Su and how can he find it?

The world of cultivation is boiling because of the tyrannical behavior of the Northern Emperor and his declaration of war on Bai Su.

"The Northern Emperor has arrogantly declared war on Bai Su."

"Speaking of which, Bai Su is also very powerful. Who is he? He can actually defeat Wang Xingbao?"

"No. In the battle in the sky that day, I didn't expect that Bai Su would be the one fighting Beidi."

"Once upon a time, Bai Su was just a little girl in the Golden Core realm, but in less than a year, he actually had the strength to fight against Beidi."

"I wonder if you have heard of the legend? It is said that Bai Su is the daughter of the White Emperor."

"There is indeed this legend that Bai Su is the daughter of the White Emperor. He is not a figure of the same era as us, but he awakened in this era. His own strength is already in the realm of false saints."

"Yes, that's why she has the strength to fight Beidi."

"Now it seems that Bai Su is probably the daughter of the White Emperor as the legend says."

"If that's the case, then it all makes sense."

"Bai Su used the strength of the White Emperor's daughter to defeat the Northern Emperor's tyranny."

"Wang Xingbao ran away after his defeat, and then concentrated on recuperating from his injuries. During this period, he may have received guidance or inheritance from an expert, and gained strength beyond what he had before. Now that the king has returned, of course it is to avenge his previous shame. So it makes sense for him to seek revenge from Bai Su."

People are vying to speculate that Beidi's search for Bai Su for revenge has become a matter of discussion in the world.

"Speaking of which, aren't Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su Tao couples?"

"Yes, it seems that I haven't heard anything about that guy Zhuo Bufan in the past year. It's not his personality!"

"It is rumored that Zhuo Bufan seems to have gone into seclusion."

"Retreat, Zhuo Bufan, why are you in retreat? Could it be..."

"That's right, it's the Void Realm Pass."

"It is rumored that Zhuo Bufan was summoned by the virtual realm and has now sneaked into the virtual realm. Therefore, he has not appeared in front of others in the past year."

In this world of cultivation, intelligence agencies are everywhere.

The news of Zhuo Bufan's retreat cannot be hidden from everyone.

Someone had long inquired that Zhuo Bufan was in retreat.

"Haven't been out for a year? It seems that Zhuo Bufan may stay in the virtual realm for a long time and cannot come out."

"This is great news for many people. Zhuo Bufan's virtual retreat may be a dead end."

"Throughout the ages, I don't know how many masters have been trapped in the virtual realm and cannot come out. Zhuo Bufan may also be trapped in the virtual realm. Maybe he will not be able to come out for thirty to fifty years, or even three to five hundred years."

"Your words remind me of a person, the peerless prodigy of the Western Continent, the Taoist Immortal!"

"It is rumored that the Taoist prodigy of the Western Continent entered the virtual realm many years ago, and there is no news so far."

"That's right, this Taoist is as famous as Xuanyuan Hao and Zhong Shenxiu. The generation of Tianjiao, he has been trapped in the virtual realm for several years. Some people speculate that the Taoist immortal may not be able to come out for one or two hundred years. "

"One or two hundred years, that's a lot of changes!"

"Back then, when he was a Taoist immortal, Zhuo Bufan was still an unknown junior. Now Zhuo Bufan has become a new generation of Tianjiao, and the Taoist immortal has been gradually forgotten by people."

"I think Zhuo Bufan is about to follow the footsteps of the Taoist immortal."

"So, many sects have been forbearing Zhuo Bufan. They are just waiting for Zhuo Bufan to enter the virtual realm. I think now that they have confirmed that Zhuo Bufan has entered the virtual realm, these forces are afraid that they are ready to move and can't hold back!"

Just as the world speculated.

After confirming that Zhuo Bufan entered the virtual realm, the major forces have begun to take action.

They secretly formed an alliance and prepared to take action against Zhuo Bufan's Meicheng.

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