Chapter 593 Trap

Nervous, nervous, nervous!

Bai Zifan and his friends actually met someone from the Poison Demon Island.

The extremely ugly man in front of them was the owner of the Poison Demon Island.

The owner of the Poison Demon Island had a cultivation base of the Great Unleaked Golden Elixir.

Such a cultivation base was not something that the little Bai Zifan could handle.

Not only that, the Poison Demon Island owner also brought a large number of people with him.

From the poisonous fog, a group of equally ugly demon soldiers came out one after another. These demons all came from the Poison Demon Island.

And the owner of the Poison Demon Island looked at Bai Zifan in front of him with great interest.

"Boy, what do you think this world relies on to survive?"

"Of course not by force, but by IQ. IQ, do you understand?"

The Poison Demon Leader nodded his head and said.

"Look at those idiots, they are looking for you all over the world. But you, you just delivered yourself to me."

"What does this mean?"


"Hey, I feel my IQ is greatly insulted by being with a bunch of idiots."

The Poison Demon Lord cracked his mouth and began to brag.

He looked ugly, not because of his amazing bones, but because his face had been poisoned beyond recognition by the poison he made.

This guy didn't seem to care about his appearance at all. On the contrary, in his opinion, the most important thing for a person is IQ.

After hearing what that guy said, Bai Zifan realized that they might have been fooled.

"Boy, you didn't react, do you want me to explain it to you? I like to give guidance to those stupid people. This is what we should do as highly intelligent people."

This Poison Demon Lord seemed to have a funny attribute.

"Actually, I don't like fighting and killing. You know, we can solve problems with our brains, so why do we have to fight and kill?"

"So I like to use poison the most. Poison can kill people without being seen, and it doesn't take too much effort. I am such a wise person."

"Praise me, praise me. What are you doing behind me? Praise me."

The demons standing behind him, who were also as ugly as him, began to clap their hands calmly and shout.

"Long live the poison demon, long live the poison demon."

The poison demon lord raised his hand, then kicked his clenched fist, signaling everyone to stop.

The people behind him stopped immediately.

At this time, the poison demon lord looked at Bai Zifan and the others, and then said.

"Do you think your mother is really in this so-called Luoheng Mountain?"

"That's just fake news I spread, understand?"

"Boy, I expected that after you came to Tianwu City, you would definitely ask about your mother's whereabouts, so as wise as I am, I have already sent people to secretly spread the false news."

"I didn't expect that you two silly guys would actually be fooled, hahahaha, so don't play IQ with me, you will be crushed by my IQ."

The Poison Demon Island Master was narcissistic again and again, without any bottom line.

Although he was a little self-righteous, as he said, Bai Zifan and the others were indeed fooled.

The news that Bai Su was in Luoheng Mountain was just fake news they deliberately spread.

The purpose was to spread it to Bai Zifan and the others.

Unexpectedly, the naive and romantic Bai Zifan and the others actually believed it.

So no matter what, the plan of the Poison Demon Dao Island Master was successful, and of course he could show off here.


Bai Zinian stood behind Bai Zifan and pulled his clothes.

Bai Zinian obviously felt that the group of people in front of him were too ugly and scared him.

Seeing this, Bai Zifan reached out his hand to comfort Nian Nian.

"It's okay, I'm here."

On the other side, Xiaomei stood up and walked in front of the two children.

"You two stay behind me."

Xiaomei protected the two children behind her, and then faced the group of weirdos in front of her alone.

The Poison Demon Island Lord couldn't help but hold my forehead when he saw this.

"Three little kids, to be honest, I'm embarrassed to do it. A wise man like me won't do it myself, so you just surrender. I don't want to poison you into a group of fools. The wise people are most afraid of fools."

"I don't allow so many fools to exist in this world!"

Bai Zifan looked at the neurotic Poison Demon Lord in front of him, and they seemed much calmer.

However, Bai Zifan still blamed himself because of his recklessness, which put his sister Bi Xiaomei in danger. He should have made a decision after confirming the news. After all, he was too young and made a decision without considering anything. He made a decision without much consideration.

"Hey! Why are you still planning to do it? I have to remind you that I usually don't do it easily. Once I do it, I won't be gentle with women. My actions will be a little rough. Don't blame me if you are scared."

"Actually, I like quietness and don't want to care about these things, but there is no way. There is an order from the top. You three little guys should cooperate with me."

"Cooperate? How to cooperate?"

Bai Zifan asked back.

"Of course, you follow me honestly and return to Lord Tianmo!"

"You have to remember that you are a demon, a demon of the sky. Do you think you can escape the demon in this life?"

Bai Zifan fell into silence after hearing what the Poison Demon Lord said.

He was right. As a demon, Bai Zifan would never be able to escape the control of the demon in this life.

"You have to think clearly. You three guys are definitely not our opponents. Instead of being beaten by me so hard that even your mother can't recognize you, it's better to surrender."

"Surrender? Sorry, I can't do it."

"I still have to work hard to survive, I still have to protect my sister, and I still have to find my mother, so I can't go with you. Let's fight. Even if I die, it won't be as you wish."

Bai Zifan said firmly at last.

"So, I just don't like those stubborn guys."

"Why? Because they are stupid, stupid, stupid, really stupid."

"Boy, you made the stupidest decision. In that case, I won't waste my time talking to you."

"Go ahead, kill those two girls. Bring this demon back to the Poison Demon Island. I don't want to waste my time talking to stupid people, because it will make me look very stupid."

This Poison Demon Lord who didn't want to waste his time was a complete chatterbox.

As soon as he finished speaking, the group of demon soldiers under his command rushed towards Bai Zifan and the others with a torrent of poisonous gas.

For a moment, the sky was full of poisonous gas, sweeping across the jungle.

The war was about to start!


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