Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 595 ? Become a disciple (Part 1)

Chapter 595: Apprenticeship (Part 1)

Bai Zifan's fire of anger turned into the Eye of Fear, illuminating all the lives around him into the world of fear.

The demon soldiers were immersed in the great terror in their hearts.

Even the demons have their own most feared things.

Everyone has their own most feared existence, and these models are no exception.

Their inner demons are even more terrifying. Once they are controlled by their inner demons, they will eventually go crazy and start killing each other.

Sure enough, after these demon soldiers were immersed in the world of fear for a period of time, they were all infected.

Their eyes suddenly became the same as Bai Zifan's blood eyes.

These guys looked at each other, and then started to point their swords at each other and kill each other.

Those infected by fear eventually died in the fight between themselves, died under the swords of their own kind, and became the dead souls under the swords.

"Niannian girl, quickly control your brother, don't let him run away."

Seeing this scene, Xiaomei shouted.

While she was fighting with the poisonous demon, she was also paying attention to the situation of Xiaofan and Nian Nian.

Nian Nian rushed towards Bai Zifan after hearing this.

Then she hugged her brother.

"Brother, wake up quickly, brother."

Bai Zi Nian was Bai Zifan's best sedative.

When Bai Zifan heard his sister's call, he slowly closed his eyes, and the blood-red light dissipated.

"Brother, don't scare me, you scared me to death."

Bai Zi Nian kept comforting Bai Zifan. After a while of silence, Bai Zifan slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and then silently opened his eyes again.

He looked at his sister who was already scared silly in front of him, then reached out and touched her head.

"I'm fine, girl."

After hearing his brother's comforting voice, Bai Zi Nian knew that his brother had recovered.

Then the brother and sister looked back and found that all the demon soldiers had died, and the poisonous gas began to dissipate.

Bai Zifan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

"Aunt Xiaomei, I'll help you."

After dealing with the demon soldiers here, Bai Zifan did not forget Xiaomei who was still fighting.

Xiaomei was facing the poison demon, and it was still a real person.

The poison demon was murderous and terrifying.

He cut off the branches on Xiaomei one by one with his sword, and then the poison began to penetrate into the branches.

Xiaomei had already felt that her body was being corroded by an extremely strong poison.

But she couldn't let the two children take risks.

"Don't come over, you two."

After Xiaomei finished speaking, the surrounding tree roots began to rise into the sky, forming a wooden wall, blocking Bai Zifan and the others outside.

"Hurry up, you two go back to the city, I will find you after I finish here."

After Xiaomei said this.

There was a laugh from behind.

"Hahaha, you want to escape? Can you escape?"

As soon as the voice fell, a fierce knife hit the tree trunk heavily.

"Ah!" Xiaomei shouted.

"I told you not to make me angry, the consequences will be serious, you just won't listen, why don't you listen?"

"It would be great if you listened, now I'm going to kill you, you idiot."

"So what I hate most in my life is idiots."

The madman, Du Mo, kept slashing at Xiaomei's trunk with the blade in his hand.

He was crazy, but the knife in his hand had no intention of stopping.

He turned into a human whirlwind and began to shuttle freely in the plum forest, cutting off Xiaomei's branches one by one.

Soon, Xiaomei was covered with wounds, and Xiaomei's attack was completely useless, and she was getting more and more powerless.

"Want to sleep? Are you running out of strength? The poison I use will slowly corrode your soul."

"At first, your soul will start to feel itchy, and then it will be like countless ants crawling, and then you will slowly feel pain. At this time, these ants are biting your soul, and then you will feel worse than death. Oh, no, it should be ecstasy, you enjoy that feeling."

"But you know you are slowly dying, but you enjoy this feeling. Isn't it great?"

"This poison is created by me. You will die very peacefully without any pain. Shouldn't you thank me?"

The poison demon said to Xiaomei in front of him.

"Brother, Aunt Xiaomei, Aunt Xiaomei will be fine, right?"

Bai Zifan and Bai Zinian were blocked outside the curtain wall.

Although they couldn't see the situation inside, they could feel that Aunt Xiaomei was no match for the poison demon.

"No, I can't let Aunt Xiaomei get hurt, otherwise my father will blame me."

Bai Zifan knew the relationship between Aunt Xiaomei and his father Zhuo Bufan. If Xiaomei got into trouble, Zhuo Bufan would definitely go crazy.

Clang clang clang clang!

The poisonous demon easily cut off the branch that Xiaomei attacked, and then penetrated the venom into its trunk.

Xiaomei's movements became slower and slower, and her soul was already on the verge of collapse.

"Stinky Bufan, I can't hold on any longer."

Xiaomei couldn't help but shout.

In fact, she had been struggling to hold on, and she was no match for the poisonous demon at all.

She knew this from the beginning.

Recently, for some unknown reason, she wants to sleep more and more, just like some animals want to sleep in winter.

"It stinks, it stinks!"

Xiaomei's consciousness became weaker and weaker, and she could only keep shouting Zhuo Bufan's name.

"Where is it? Where is your demon elixir?"

And that vicious poisonous demon was grabbing his poisonous blade and cutting Xiaomei's trunk one by one, trying to get out Xiaomei's demon elixir.

Once the demon pill is destroyed, there will be no chance of Xiaomei surviving.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

Bai Zifan finally broke through the wooden wall.

When he broke the wooden wall, he happened to see the poisonous demon cutting Xiaomei's body.

Xiaomei's trunk was almost cut off by him.

Xiaomei, who was covered with bruises, cried and shouted when she saw that Bai Zifan and the others were not leaving.

"You two idiots, what are you doing back here?"

Bai Zifan didn't answer. Seeing this scene, Bai Zifan felt extremely distressed.

"Go quickly, go quickly."

Xiaomei's remaining consciousness allowed her to let out her final cry.

"You two brats, don't leave either. Just stay here and watch me dig out its demonic elixir bit by bit, okay?"

"Just stand here dumbly, stand obediently!"

The poisonous demon didn't take the Bai Zifan brother and sister seriously at all.

He continued his cruel behavior and began to cut Bai Xiaomei's trunk one by one.

"Where is the demon pill? Where is your demon pill?"

He was looking for the location of the demon pill.

"Stop! You bastard."

Bai Zifan was so angry that he had the momentum to reopen his bloody eyes.

But this time, he did not open a bloody eye, but took out a bright pearl.

The poisonous demon looked at Bai Zifan and said coldly.

"What are you doing with a bead? Why do you want to bribe me? Don't say I didn't tell you. I hate people with low IQs. Do you think it's useful to bribe me now?"

Bai Zifan ignored the talkative idiot in front of him at all. He resolutely crushed the pearl in his hand.


The sound of the pearl breaking was heard, and in the next second, a majestic force flew the Bai Zifan brothers and sisters away.

Immediately afterwards, a huge blue vortex formed in the open space.

In the whirlpool, a huge blue statue was born.

The blue statue was obviously an ancient and great god, and the palms of his two palms were exactly where the whirlpool was.

I saw a blue figure slowly walking out of the blue vortex, the vortex in the palm of my hand.

Lan, that powerful man, appeared once again.

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