After Zhuo Bufan rested for two days, his spirit recovered again.

Li Daoxian began to use the immortal method on Zhuo Bufan.

The cooperation between the two can greatly improve the efficiency of waking up the sleeping person.

And Zhuo Bufan is also looking forward to Li Daoxian's immortality method, because he wants to see the immortal again.

This time, Zhuo Bufan and Li Daoxian sat cross-legged across each other.

Gao Yangxu is still the protector.

Li Daoxian pinched his Dharma fingers, uttered mysteries, followed the Dharma, and the light ball of immortal power condensed on his head again.

Then, Li Daoxian began to move the fairy power light ball, and then it landed on Zhuo Bufan's head.

This time, even Zhuo Bufan could clearly see a little man sitting cross-legged in the golden ball of fairy light.

What surprised him even more was that this little golden man was exactly the same as the little man from the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death technique that he practiced.

Zhuo Bufan had no time to be surprised, as the fairy light ball had already enveloped him.

Immediately afterwards, the immortal power dropped from the light ball and poured into Zhuo Bufan's head.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan felt as if his soul was being drenched by a clear spring mixed with honey.

It's cool, with a hint of sweetness.

Immediately afterwards, his soul was pulled into that pure world again.

Coming to that holy world again, Zhuo Bufan saw the person he wanted to see.

He was still wearing a white shirt, with his left hand on his back, like a gentle and elegant scholar.

However, his appearance was exactly the same as Chu Mubai's, which made Zhuo Bufan somewhat unable to accept his gentleness.

"You're here again!"

When the other party saw Chu Mubai, he smiled.

A warm smile, like a virtuous lady.

Zhuo Bufan, it was rare to see such a gentle man, and even such a gentle woman.

"Is he Mr. Feng?"

Zhuo Bufan was absolutely certain that this was the real Fengjun.

How could Chu Mubai's profiteer temperament be the oath of love that Bai Su had longed for?

"Are you, Mr. Feng?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Although he had confirmed the other party's identity, he still wanted to ask one more time.

Feng Jun is Feng Jun, and Chu Mubai is Chu Mubai. They are completely different.

Bai Su just mistakenly identified Chu Mubai as Feng Jun.

"Am I Fengjun?"

Unexpectedly, the other party turned to Zhuo Bufan.

Obviously, the other party doesn't even know who he is.

"I think you are!"

Zhuo Bufan affirmed that he was not going to explain to the suspicious mysterious immortal in front of him.

He just wanted to observe this mysterious immortal more and see what kind of temperament he had.

What kind of existence is Bai Su's oath of love and Bai Su's concern?

"If you think I am, then I should be."

The other party has a good temper and doesn't care whether Zhuo Bufan lied to him or not, and accepts his identity as Feng Jun.

"So, you are an immortal?"

Zhuo Bufan asked again, he wanted to find out this question.

Immortal, this is the most sacred and mysterious existence in the world of cultivation.

Immortals are existences that transcend all living things. After a cultivator becomes a flying immortal, all legends about him in the world will disappear.

Therefore, no one in this world ever talks about immortals.

Because there is no immortal to discuss it with.

There are no legends or stories about immortals in the human world.

Some people even doubt whether there are really immortals in this world.

However, Li Daoxian swore that this was a ball of immortal power left by his immortal master.

Although he doesn't remember who his master is.

"Immortal? Maybe, maybe not."

Faced with Zhuo Bufan's question, the other party's answer seemed ambiguous.

If your love rival is an immortal, then this love rival is so awesome!

Zhuo Bufan suddenly regretted leaving the dream created by Xu Shu.

In a dream, wouldn't it be nice to live with your beloved Bai Su and your lovely children?

Why do you have to wake up and be abused?

"It seems that you don't know anything about it, so what can you tell me?"

Zhuo Bufan asked several questions, but he didn't get the answers he wanted.

Either the other person is confused and knows nothing, or he or she asks him questions and pretends to be mysterious.

"I’m waiting for you!"

The other party said suddenly.

"wait for me?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

Yes, someone asked me to wait for someone here, saying that he would show up sooner or later.

Zhuo Bufan confused the neighbor.

"How do you know it's me who's waiting for you? You don't know me!"

"That person told me that the person I am waiting for will come sooner or later."

"The person who comes is the person I want to wait for."

If the other party had something to say, Zhuo Bufan looked confused.

However, since the other party was determined that he was the one to wait, Zhuo Bufan did not continue to dwell on this issue.

"Then tell me, someone asked you to wait for me, who was that person?"

"Since you are asked to wait for me, you obviously have something to tell me, right?"

Zhuo Bufan asked this, so the other party should be able to answer it.

After hearing this, the other party replied.

"I don't know who that person is. Ever since I was born, I have had this voice, or mission, in the back of my mind."

"That person asked me to wait for you here and give you a blessing."

As soon as the other party finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan's eyes were blank.

"Send me a chance? What chance?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

Someone asked an immortal to wait for him in the virtual tree space, and then gave him a chance.

As for why, what was the purpose, and what was the identity of the other party, it was not explained at all.

What puzzled Zhuo Bufan the most was why this immortal Feng Jun, who looked exactly like Chu Mubai, would determine that Zhuo Bufan was the person he was waiting for.

What if Li Daoxian didn't meet Zhuo Bufan at the beginning, what if Li Daoxian used the immortal method on others?

The randomness of all this was too outrageous, and it didn't seem like a premeditated arrangement at all.

However, when Zhuo Bufan calmed down, he thought about it carefully and was terrified.

The other party arranged Li Daoxian to wait for him in the virtual world, which was obviously intentional.

Because the virtual world is a realm that all cultivators must experience.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan will inevitably enter the virtual world, which is not accidental or random.

Once Zhuo Bufan enters the virtual realm, his destiny, which has been arranged long ago, will start to drive the entire destiny.

"The good fortune I give you is to give you this virtual tree!"

"So, this time, please be sure to bear all my strength."

"Give me the virtual tree?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

Before he could come back to his senses, the next second, the immortal in front of him turned into a stream of light again and turned into Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows.

For a moment, Li Daoxian, who was using the immortal method on Zhuo Bufan, was suddenly shaken away.



Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan's whole body began to emit golden light, floating like the sun, illuminating the world!

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