Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 613: Two trees enter the soul

Chapter 613 Two trees enter the soul

A battle that the world will never forget.

After that battle, the entire Beihai was devastated.

After that battle, Wang Xingbao returned triumphantly, and the result was obviously clear: Wang Xingbao won.

Later, people all over the world learned that the battle was not between Wang Xingba and Bai Su, but between Wang Xingba and the legendary Evil Emperor.

The people who came back to their senses let out bursts of exclamations.

"Evil Emperor? Oh my god, it's actually the Evil Emperor. The legendary Evil Emperor. When did he return??"

"That's not the point. The point is, how could he suddenly have a domineering decisive battle with the Northern Emperor?"

"Also, wasn't Bai Su the one who fought against Beidi?"

"That's not the point, okay? The point is, the Evil Emperor actually lost. He actually lost to the Northern Emperor's domineering behavior."

"Oh, my God. How powerful is the Northern Emperor who is domineering now? He is the legendary Evil Emperor. The Evil Emperor who can fight against the devil actually lost to the Overlord. This is impossible."

"Nothing is impossible. I can only say that after the Northern Emperor returned from his domineering behavior, his strength is no longer what it used to be. Even the legendary Evil Emperor is no longer his opponent."

The world was obviously not prepared for this sudden and unexpected battle.

Therefore, when people learned that the Evil Emperor Zhanbai was involved in this battle, they all felt as if they were dreaming and couldn't believe it. After all, in the minds of many people, the Evil Emperor was already invincible.

You know, the legend was already a false saint thousands of years ago. Many people thought that he had become a saint and was about to fly away. Unexpectedly, he suddenly appeared, but was defeated by Wang Xing's domineering hands.

After that battle, Beidi Wang Xingdao not only defeated the Evil Emperor, he also captured Zhuo Bufan's two children, Bai Zifan and Bai Zinian, and he also captured Xuanyuan Hao, the master of the ancient temple.

After Wang Xing tyrannically captured the three of them, he once again issued a decisive battle letter to Bai Su above the sanctuary.

This time, he had leverage and the means to threaten him, and he was not afraid of Bai Su and dared not agree.

The world once again witnessed Wang Xing's domineering tactics.

"This Beidi is too powerful. After the battle with the Evil Emperor just now, will he still accept Bai Su's challenges one after another?"

"I'm afraid that the current Northern Emperor is already invincible. Even the Southern Demon Lord and the sleeping demon may not be his opponents."

"It's hard to say. If Wang Xingbao can defeat Bai Su in a battle with Bai Su, then he will be truly invincible in the world and even worship two fakes. This will be a real legend.

People began to have an almost obsessive admiration for Wang Xing's domineering power. After all, he was the man who defeated the Evil Emperor. You must know that in the minds of many people, the Evil Emperor was a god-like existence.

Chu Mubai failed in the end. He was defeated not by Wang Xing's domineering hands, but by the master of his body.

After that decisive battle, no one knew whether Chu Mubai was alive or dead.

However, it is impossible for a king to act tyrannically and leave behind troubles. It is obvious that Chu Mubai is in trouble.

A generation of heroes and a generation of evil emperors are likely to fall like this.

"Bai Su, after seven days, there will be a battle in the sky. If not, God will punish his son."

Finally, Wang Xing became domineering and issued an ultimatum to Bai Su.

Wang Xing arrogantly captured Bai Zifan and Bai Zinian, and obviously he would not give Bai Su any way out.

Therefore, no matter what, Bai Su must challenge.

At this moment, in the virtual world, Zhuo Bufan is still sleeping in his soul world.

The mysterious existence known as the Immortal wants to give Zhuo Bufan a blessing.

Give the virtual tree to Zhuo Bufan.

And Zhuo Bufan is evolving into a tree with golden light at this moment.

The appearance of this tree caused Xu Shu's reaction.

Obviously, everything is developing according to the immortal's design, and Xu Shu is slowly integrating towards the extraordinary soul world.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan will eventually own two World Trees, the Zengzhen Tree and the Virtual Tree.

Although until now, Zhuo Bufan still doesn't know what the functions of these two trees are, and he is completely unable to use these two trees.

But it is obvious that if two trees penetrate into Zhuo Bufan's soul world at the same time, Zhuo Bufan will become an extraordinary existence in the future.

Seeing the brilliance of the tree on Zhuo Bufan becoming more and more powerful, Xu Shu finally made his final resistance.

Xushu definitely didn't want to become Zhuo Feifan's possession, it was just forced to assimilate.

Obviously, the power left by the mysterious immortal is to assimilate Xu Shuzhen, so that he can be integrated into Zhuo Bufan's soul world.

And the tree growing on Zhuo Bufan's body is actually a real tree.

Once the real tree grows, the virtual tree will inevitably be assimilated by the real tree.

At that time, Xu Shu will no longer have his own consciousness, but will be controlled by Zhuo Feifan's consciousness.

Faced with the assimilation of Zhenshu, Xushu launched a final attack.

He fused all the hatched virtual beasts to form a super beast that was ten thousand feet tall.

The size of this giant beast is comparable to that of a virtual tree. It is so big that it has no sides. When you look up, you can't even see the top.

There are countless virtual beasts on his body, with gaping teeth and cracked mouths. They are extremely ferocious and cruel, but at the same time they are also very disgusting and ugly.

Seeing the last virtual beast slapping towards the real tree growing above Zhuo Bufan's head, Gao Yangxu led everyone and rushed towards the giant beast.

"Protect Brother Zhuo, stop it at all costs."

"We must believe in Brother Zhuo, he can take us away from here."

Gao Yangxu placed all his hopes on Zhuo Bufan. Now the final battle between humans and the virtual tree has begun. Whether they can leave this world and this world, and whether they can open up a new path for future cultivators, depends on whether Zhuo Bufan can subdue the virtual tree.

Everyone focused their faith on Zhuo Bufan.

Once again, Zhuo Bufan's faith ring slowly emerged from his body.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan has gained everyone's faith this time, and the power of faith is increasing and becoming stronger.

This power has caused the real tree growing on his head to become thicker and stronger.

The growth of the real tree has weakened the power of the virtual tree.

The bigger the real tree is, the more the virtual tree is assimilated, so that its power becomes weaker and weaker.

All people, densely packed, swarmed like a swarm of bees, one after another, not afraid of sacrifice, and killed towards the sky.

They called all their faith to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan's faith in the divine power was getting stronger and stronger.

The virtual tree above his head also grew faster and faster, and began to grow wildly.

Zhuo Bufan could feel everyone's determination.


Zhuo Bufan shouted, and countless rays of light shot out from his body, wrapping around the virtual tree.

It was like a tree root, tightly wrapped around. The place where it was wrapped began to emit the same brilliance as the real tree.

The virtual tree was about to be assimilated.


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