Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 662: Reading the File

Bai Zinian's soul is integrated with all the energy of the jade ultimatum of creation.

Her current soul cannot bear this power, which will cause his soul to collapse directly.

In this case, she will directly expose herself to death!

It is said that death in Yunmengjie will never really happen, but this time Bai Zinian obviously did not die in an ordinary way.

But her own soul is shattered, which will cause her soul to be wiped out in reality.

Zhuo Bufan would not watch his daughter Bai Zinian die in vain.

So before Bai Zinian died, Zhuo Bufan drew his sword and killed himself.

When he opened his eyes again, he returned to the archive space again!

Three white archive doors stood before him again.

Da da da da…

Zhuo Bufan discovered that the dust on the archive door was becoming more and more serious.

There are small piles of ashes in the corners of all three gates.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and stepped forward.

Then he knelt down and grabbed a handful of dust.

There is still a faint energy swimming around these grains of sand.

"The power of the Sands of Time was exhausted, so did it fall down?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows knitted together.

The last time he came to the archive space, he discovered this problem. The archive door actually has usage restrictions.

Each time you pass through this door, its energy is consumed.

After all, this save door was forged by the sands of time.

The energy of the Sands of Time is not endless.

So once it is consumed to the limit, these sands of time will fall.

Seeing that the archives were dropping more and more Sands of Time, Zhuo Bufan was certain that the number of times the archive gate could be used was limited.

And it seems that it is already heading towards destruction.

"It seems that I can't easily load files and start over again in the future."

Zhuo Bufan began to be wary.

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand and touched the wall, feeling the remaining energy of the save door.

Of course, he felt nothing.

Then, he looked up and looked at the three gates in front of him. The archives of these three gates were.

Yunmengjie Seven


mass grave

Among them, the file of Yunmengjie Qi was saved when he led the resource army to attack the Lord of Qianyu.

This archive was saved by him today.

And this file of Ume Chengba was the file he saved before he decided to attack the Lord of Thousand Yus.

This archive is from a month ago.

As for the archive of Mass Graves, it was saved when he first came to this world ten years ago, and it has not been touched yet.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the three doors in front of him and fell into deep thought.

This time, which save should he choose?

First of all, there is no need to think about the third archive. It is impossible for Zhuo Bufan to read the third archive.

Then his choice is the first two archives.

If he chooses to save the first file, he will still have to face the difficulty of attacking the Lord of Thousand Royals.

It turns out that the Lord of Qianyu is more terrifying than he imagined.

With their current abilities, they simply cannot defeat the Lord of Thousand Royals.

We have already seen how powerful Zhuo Bufan is, the Lord of Thousand Royals. It is the ultimate boss that even the 60 million volunteers cannot defeat.

This big boss is obviously not reserved for Zhuo Bufan.

After so much effort and effort, the result was still unbeatable. Even if you have to do it again, it is meaningless. Instead, it will consume the number of file loading times.

Zhuo Bufan now knows the situation of the save door, and he will no longer read files casually.

Therefore, after thinking for a moment, Zhuo Bufan decided to go back to a month ago.

That was before deciding to attack the Lord of Qianyu.

Just pretend that nothing has happened in the past month.

But at least Zhuo Bufan knew one thing.

His daughter Bai Zinian is the Lord of Yunmeng.

And the Lord of Qianyu is destined to be solved only by Bai Zinian.

"In that case, let's choose the second save file!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he reached out and pushed open the second archive door.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling golden light shone from behind the gate.

Zhuo Bufan took a step forward and walked into the light.

The next second, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Hearing the chirping of birds, Zhuo Bufan looked up and saw his precious daughter Bai Zinian practicing in the small garden.

Seeing the girl practicing hard, Zhuo Bufan smiled happily.

Zhuo Bufan chose the second archive and returned to a month ago.


The little girl was tired from practicing, so she ran towards Zhuo Bufan and threw herself into his arms.

Zhuo Bufan picked up his daughter and caressed her!

What Zhuo Bufan fears most in this life is losing his family.

Therefore, when he saw the little girl dying, he felt extremely sad in his heart.

Now that the archive has been restored, in addition to saving the tragedy, Zhuo Bufan is even more caring for his daughter.

"Girl, daddy wants to tell you something!"

After learning that his daughter was the Lord of Qianyu, Zhuo Bufan decided to train his daughter well.

Let her one day be qualified to inherit the Yunmeng Realm.

"Dad, what's going on?"

Niannian opened her big eyes and looked at Zhuo Bufan cutely.

Zhuo Bufan grabbed her little hand and spoke earnestly.

"Girl, starting from today, promise dad not to use your Horcrux easily in the Yunmeng Realm."

Bai Zinian's Horcrux, the Jade Certificate of Creation.

All the rules of the Yunmeng Realm are recorded on it.

If someone with ulterior motives finds out and uses it, it will be very disadvantageous to Bai Zinian.

"Don't use the Horcrux? Why?"

Bai Zinian was puzzled.

"Don't ask why, just promise Daddy."

"Okay, Nian Nian promise Daddy."

"Girl is so good."

Zhuo Bufan patted Bai Zinian's head and continued.

"Also, from now on, your cultivation focus will be on the soul."

"I will let Lu Fei and the others take you to strengthen the cultivation of the soul. If you have any questions, remember to tell Daddy, okay?"

Zhuo Bufan was uncharacteristically disapproving of Bai Zinian's cultivation before.

But now, he is eager to let Bai Zinian's cultivation increase greatly.

The reason is that Zhuo Bufan knows Bai Zinian's true identity.

Bai Zinian will become the master of Yunmeng. She is born extraordinary and cannot be stopped by Zhuo Bufan.

Since it cannot be stopped, let it go and let Nian Nian become the master of Yunmeng as soon as possible.

If Bai Zinian can become the master of Yunmeng, it will play a significant role in their family's rescue of Bai Su in the future.

Bai Zinian didn't understand Zhuo Bufan's intention, and just nodded.

"I know, Daddy, Nian Nian must work hard to practice, and Nian Nian must also save Mom."

Seeing his daughter so sensible and obedient, Zhuo Bufan smiled with relief.

"Okay, in the next month, Daddy will take you to practice in Yunmeng Realm and improve your soul cultivation as soon as possible."

According to Xuanyuan Hao, Bai Zinian can only be qualified to become the master of Yunmeng Realm if he has reached the Yangshen Realm.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan will strengthen Bai Zinian's soul cultivation in the next period of time.

"Well, let's go to Yunmeng Realm now."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took Bai Zinian into Yunmeng Realm together.

Then, they came to the headquarters of Kuangmen.

"Boss, you are here!"

Lu Fei saw Zhuo Bufan and the little princess coming to Kuangmen, and immediately led people to greet them.

Afterwards, Lu Fei reported to Zhuo Bufan about the development of the Crazy Sect during this period of time.

When he had almost finished reporting, Lu Fei suddenly said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Boss, there is still one soul altar left in Yunmeng Realm that has not been occupied. Should we take advantage of it now?"

Lu Fei wanted Zhuo Bufan to lead them to attack the Lord of Qianyu.

Since Zhuo Bufan has returned from the future to the present, he will not let the tragedy happen again.

Or Bufan waved his hand and said to Lu Fei.

"No, the last soul altar will be kept for the time being."

"The time is not right now."

Zhuo Bufan explained to Lu Fei and the others.

Since Zhuo Bufan said so, the others did not say anything more.


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