Chapter 670 Star Map

In the middle of the night, after Donghuang Haotian had almost settled the matters in the Demon Palace, he came outside the city gate as invited.

He didn't bring any entourage, and even changed out of his flamboyant royal robe.

Wearing a black cloak, he came to the appointment.

Zhuo Bufan saw the sneaky figure, stepped forward and asked with a smile.

"You, the majestic king of the demon clan, are so sneaky. What do you want to do?"

After hearing this, Donghuang Haotian hissed at Zhuo Bufan.

"Brother Zhuo, I ran out secretly. I told my aunt that I was going to practice in seclusion and accept the inheritance from my ancestors. Then my aunt let me go."

"Haha, don't you want to have a farewell party?"

"I can't help it, my aunt is more restrictive than my father."

"So I can't let others see that I have left the Demon Court."

Now Donghuang Haotian has returned to the interesting young man he was before, full of joy.

It was obvious that he had slowly gotten over the pain of losing his father.

"Okay, then let's head to the South China Sea immediately."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he ran towards the south.

Donghuang Haotian saw this and followed closely behind.

Along the way, Zhuo Bufan learned from Donghuang Haotian what the so-called Tianxing Tomb was?

It turns out that the Tianxing Tomb is a strange stone from the sky that fell into the world of cultivation before ancient times.

Legend has it that the Qing Emperor was born together with this extraordinary stone.

In other words, this Tianxing Tomb is actually the home of Qing Emperor.

Later, the Qing Emperor sealed himself in this strange stone from the sky, so the Tomb of the Stars was born.

The Tianxing Tomb is just a legend among the demon clan, and no one can find it.

After all, the South China Sea is vast and it is not easy to find a meteorite.

The Star Sea Map is an heirloom passed down from generation to generation of the Monster Clan.

Legend has it that the legendary Tomb of Stars can be found on the Star Sea Map.

However, no one of the previous emperors of this demon tribe found this tomb.

So until now, the existence of Tianxing Tomb is a legend.

However, Bai Di would not deceive Zhuo Bufan.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan firmly believes that Tianxing Tomb must exist. And Emperor Qing must still be alive.

"Brother Zhuo, this is the Star Sea Map. You can take a look at it first and see if you can find the secrets in it."

Donghuang Haotian said, handing the Star Sea Map to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan took the Star Sea Map, and when he looked at the so-called Star Sea Map, he couldn't help but be stunned.

The drawing that is less than half a square meter in front of you is densely dotted with thousands of stars.

These stars, some big and small, were dazzling to everyone, and Zhuo Bufan was even more confused.

He looked at the star sea map, and then looked at Donghuang Haotian.

"Are you sure, this is the Star Sea Map??"

"Yes, that's why it's called the Star Sea Map? Look, it's full of stars, like a sea of ​​stars."

"Don't tease me. There's nothing marked on it. How do you ask me to find the Tianxing Tomb?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

The dense stars in front of him made him dazzled and his head was filled with stars.

Donghuang Haotian spread his hands helplessly and said.

"Brother Zhuo, I really didn't lie to you. This is really a map of the star sea. I got it in the royal cemetery of my demon clan. Only the demon emperors of the past generations can view it."

"In fact, I have been studying it for two days and two nights, and found that this picture is really weird, but I can't see anything wrong with it."

"Haha, isn't this nonsense? Tell me, how can this thing find the Tianxing Tomb?"

Zhuo Bufan helplessly looked at the star sea map in front of him, feeling like he wanted to cry but had no tears.

The star map he had worked so hard to find was this dense collection of stars.

He couldn't understand anything.

"Brother Zhuo, I think this star map must have a secret, even though it doesn't indicate where the Star Tomb is? But look, this star should correspond to the Red Devil Star in the sky."

Dong Huang Haotian said a red star on the star sea map.

"Red Devil Star, what is that??"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know much about astronomy in this world.

After hearing this, Donghuang Haotian raised his hand and pointed to the sky.

"Look, it's the star."

Donghuang Haotian pointed at a star as scarlet as blood, which was the so-called Red Devil Star.

"I see, then do you have any other discoveries?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand the star patterns of this world, so he could only place his hopes on Donghuang Haotian.

After hearing this, Donghuang Haotian said helplessly.

"Sorry, Brother Zhuo, I only have a partial understanding of astronomy."

"I do recognize some of the more famous stars. For example, this one is called Purple Pole Star."

Donghuang Haotian pointed at a purple star on the star sea map and said.

Then, looking for correspondence, he pointed to the purple star hanging in the sky.

"This one, the ice dust star."

He pointed to a white star and said.

And this one, Xunlong Star, Blue River Star...

Donghuang Haotian pointed at dozens of stars, and it was not difficult to find that there was indeed a corresponding relationship between these stars and the stars in the sky.

However, even if you know what these stars are? They still couldn't find the real Tianxing Tomb.

"I think we need to find an astronomy expert."

Donghuang Haotian said.

"Astronomy expert, do you have a suitable candidate?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Since Donghuang Haotian said so, he obviously has a suitable candidate.

Donghuang Haotian nodded after hearing this.

"I do have a suitable candidate. In our demon clan, there is a well-known astrologer. She is the most outstanding astrologer in our demon clan."

"It just so happens that she lives in Wanghai Valley on the coast of the South China Sea."

"In that case, let's go to meet this astrologer first."

There is no way, Zhuo Bufan has already made psychological preparations.

He knew that this trip to the Tianxing Tomb would definitely be difficult.

But so far, it has been smooth.

Donghuang Haotian nodded after hearing this.

"Okay, then let's go to Wanghai Valley first."

After saying that, he began to take Zhuo Bufan to Wanghai Valley on the coast of the South China Sea.

Three days later, the two of them finally arrived at the southernmost tip of the world...

Wanghai Ancient is a huge sea canyon.

At the junction of the continent and the sea, there is a cliff thousands of meters high.

On the cliff, there are buildings hanging on the cliff.

These buildings include caves and stilt houses.

They are connected one by one, and they are endless.

"This is the Winged Demon Clan, one of the hundred tribes of my demon clan."

Zhuo Bufan and Donghuang Haotian stood on the canyon and saw many people with wings circling and flying in the air in the strait.

"I need to disguise myself."

At this time, Donghuang Haotian on the side suddenly said.

He put the hood of his cloak on his head, and then his face began to change. The aura on his body gradually converged.

Obviously, his identity as the Demon King cannot be made public here for the time being.

"Then how can we find this astrologer."

"I don't know this either. We can only enter the Winged Demon Clan and look for it ourselves."

Donghuang Haotian had just taken over the position of Demon King, and he didn't know much about the demon clan.

At this time, the Winged Demon Clan members circling in the air suddenly discovered Donghuang Haotian and Zhuo Bufan.

Then, two Winged Demons holding steel forks flew towards Zhuo Bufan and Donghuang Haotian.

Donghuang Haotian saw this, stretched out his hand to block Zhuo Bufan, and then said.

"Let me do it."

However, Donghuang Haotian just took a step forward.

Suddenly, the two winged monsters threw the steel forks in their hands towards Donghuang Haotian.

Bang bang!

The two steel forks fell heavily in front of Donghuang Haotian, and Donghuang Haotian was directly confused...

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