Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 676 Grave Star (Part 1)

Zhuo Bufan and Donghuang Haotian successfully rescued the members of the Winged Demon Tribe, including the Winged Demon Princess Xing'er.

When they returned to the Winged Demon Tribe, Zhuo Bufan brought Xing'er, the Winged Demon Tribe members, and Ge Ba out of Meicheng.

Jiugongling, the chief of the Winged Demon Tribe, cried with joy when he saw his daughter.

That night, the Winged Demon Tribe held a banquet to entertain Zhuo Bufan and his friends.

At the banquet, there was singing and dancing. Princess Xing'er, in order to express Zhuo Bufan's life-saving grace, even presented a dance for Zhuo Bufan in public.

Looking at the woman dancing like a star in the center of the dance floor, Zhuo Bufan was calm and had no reaction.

"Hehe, Brother Zhuo, this girl is probably interested in you, right?"

Donghuang Haotian, who was standing aside, looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head slightly after hearing this.

"Then she used the wrong feelings. I have a family."

In Zhuo Bufan's heart, there was no one else except Bai Su.

The way of double cultivation is destined to be the only true love between each other. Apart from the affection between them, they will not have any feelings for outsiders.

However, everyone can see that Xing'er is really in love with Zhuo Bufan.

"Don't rush to reject the girl. We still need her to crack the secret of the star map."

"Even if you don't agree, don't refuse decisively and hurt the girl's heart."

Donghuang Haotian reminded on the side.

There is no way. They are asking for help now, so they can only wrong Zhuo Bufan.

At the dance, Xing'er invited Zhuo Bufan to dance.

She repeatedly expressed her feelings, and even a fool could see Xing'er's thoughts.

Unfortunately, she used the wrong feelings, and Zhuo Bufan had no idea about her.

"Xing'er girl, remember what I told you before, I want to ask you for a favor?"

Zhuo Bufan danced with Xing'er while not forgetting the matter of the star map.

Xing'er answered after hearing it.

"Well, if you have any requests, please tell me. Xing'er will do her best to help you."

"That's good. After the dance, please come to my room. There is something important to discuss."

Zhuo Bufan asked Xing'er to discuss the Star Sea Map in the evening.

Xing'er agreed without hesitation.

She didn't think much about Zhuo Bufan's request, nor did she worry whether Zhuo Bufan would do anything bad to her.

After the dance, Xing'er really came to Zhuo Bufan's room.

However, when she came to the room, she found that there were two people besides Zhuo Bufan.

That was Donghuang Haotian and Ge Ba!

The reason why Ge Ba was here was also arranged by Zhuo Bufan.

When Xing'er entered the room, Zhuo Bufan immediately closed the door.

"Brother Zhuo, why did you bring him here too?"

Donghuang Haotian was also a little surprised when he saw Ge Ba.

Zhuo Bufan said after hearing this.

"I'm going to take him to the Tianxing Tomb."

"What? Brother Zhuo, this matter is very serious. Can this guy be trusted? He is Donghuang Haoyue's man."

"He used to be, but not now. I trust him!"

Zhuo Bufan needs more power to help him on the trip to the Tianxing Tomb.

Ge Ba is powerful and is a very important force.

But Ge Ba frowned after hearing this.

"What are you talking about? Why don't I understand?"

"Hehe, I'll tell you about this slowly. First of all, let me introduce you to the person next to me, who is the new demon king of your demon clan, Donghuang Haotian!"

When Zhuo Bufan introduced Donghuang Haotian's identity to Xing'er and Ge Ba, they were all stunned.

As Donghuang Haotian recovered his true appearance, the two hurriedly knelt down holding Donghuang Haotian.

"Greetings to His Majesty the Demon King!"

Xing'er and Ge Ba were obviously a little shocked. They didn't expect the Demon King to come here.

"Everyone, get up. I came here for something important to do."

"That's right. We came to Wanghai Valley for something important to do."

"We want to revive the legendary demon ancestor, Qingdi!"

When Zhuo Bufan told them the purpose of their trip, Ge Ba and Xing'er opened their mouths wide and showed incredible expressions.

"Resurrect Qingdi?"

"Qingdi, didn't Qingdi disappear a long time ago?"

Xing'er and Ge Ba obviously couldn't accept it.

"Of course he is not dead. Qingdi sealed himself in the Tianxing Tomb."

"Now, we need the strength of the two of you. Let's work together to unlock the seal of Qingdi and rescue him!"

Zhuo Bufan's words made Xing'er and Ge Ba stunned for a moment.

Donghuang Haotian, who was standing aside, folded his arms and squinted slightly, looking at the two people in front of him.

"You don't believe his words, so you should believe my words, right?"

Although Donghuang Haotian didn't trust Ge Ba enough, it was enough for him to believe Zhuo Bufan.

He believed in Zhuo Bufan's vision.

After all, Zhuo Bufan takes the resurrection of the Green Emperor more seriously than he does.

Faced with the confirmation of the Demon Emperor Donghuang Haotian, Xing'er and Ge Ba no longer doubted.

"But Your Majesty, you are in the Demon Court now, aren't you afraid that the eldest prince and others will take advantage of the opportunity..."

Ge Ba didn't finish his words, but Donghuang Haotian already knew what he was going to say.

"Are you talking about rebellion?"

"Hehe, I am the emperor of destiny who has passed the test of the previous Demon Emperor and is witnessed by all the demons."

"He, Donghuang Haoyue, has no name, does he dare to rebel?"

Donghuang Haotian is fearless.

"But Your Majesty, as far as I know, the eldest prince and his men have been planning in secret. The demon king of the sea monster clan received their instructions and wanted to create chaos on this coast and create an opportunity for rebellion."

Ge Ba told Donghuang Haotian the information he had learned in the Sea Palace during this period of time.

After hearing this, Donghuang Haotian finally showed a worried look.

"I know their wolfish ambitions."

"So, I have to go to the Tianxing Tomb in person to revive the Qing Emperor. Let our ancestors come back again and take charge of the overall situation."

The reason why Donghuang Haotian followed Zhuo Bufan to the Tianxing Tomb to rescue the Qing Emperor was because he was worried about the rebellion among the monster clan.

Donghuang Haotian has no power in the monster clan.

If the eldest prince Donghuang Haoyue really wants to rebel, then with his strength, it is impossible for him to be hostile.

Now Donghuang Haoyue has been looking for opportunities. From his deployment in Wanghai Valley, we know that Donghuang Haoyue and his men have begun to act.

Therefore, Donghuang Haotian can't waste time now. He must revive Qingdi as soon as possible and uphold justice.

After listening to Donghuang Haotian's words, Ge Ba nodded in understanding.

"I understand, Your Majesty, if you need me, just tell me."

Although Ge Ba will no longer be anyone's subordinate, but now is the time when the monster race is at stake, as a member of the monster race, he must do something.

"Okay, if you can help me rescue Qingdi."

"Then you will be a hero of my monster race."

"I know you were born in a poor family. If you can rescue Qingdi, I will give you the position of Monster King!"

In the face of Donghuang Haotian's reward, Ge Ba just replied calmly.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty, the position of Monster King is not needed. I just want to do something for the monster race."

Perhaps only Zhuo Bufan can understand Ge Ba's intentions.

"Then, what can I do?"

At this time, a weak voice came, and Zhuo Bufan and the others looked in the direction of the voice, only to see Xing'er pinching the hem of her skirt, looking at Zhuo Bufan and the others in a state of bewilderment.

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