Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 678 Soul-Catching Island

Xing'er agreed to go to the South China Sea with Zhuo Bufan and others to find the Tomb of Tianxing.

Except for this weak and inexperienced girl who could understand the Star Sea Map, everyone else could only look at it and sigh.

Because of the presence of Donghuang Haotian, they took Xing'er away, and the leader of the Winged Demon Clan didn't say much.

This trip is related to the future of the Monster Clan. After Donghuang Haotian told the leader of the Yi Monster Clan about the priorities of the matter, he expressed his strong support.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan and his party of four embarked on a journey to find the Tomb of the Star.

Because Xing'er is the only woman in the team, and her safety is the most important.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan and Donghuang Haotian can be said to have protected her meticulously.

In order to go to sea, Jiu Gongling, the leader of the Yi Yao Clan, also gave them the best ship of the Yi Yao Clan.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan originally proposed to take his floating city to the South China Sea to find the Tomb of the Star.

But Xing'er said that there are four steps to searching for Tianxing Tomb, and each step needs to be very precise.

Flying in the sky is not as good as flying in the sea.

Moreover, the extraordinary Meicheng's speed is too fast and fleeting. They may miss the key node.

Once you miss it, the result is likely to be completely different, and in the end it will be all useless.

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand, so he just listened to Xing'er's arrangements.

After all, only Xing'er can find the Tomb of Tianxing.

Others can only look back and sigh.

"My benefactor, Your Majesty, we will set off from this island."

Xing'er took out another nautical chart. On this chart, various islands in the South China Sea were marked.

"Why set out from this island?"

Donghuang Haotian asked.

"This island is called Guhun. Legend has it that the island was named after Emperor Qing."

"In astrology, the soul is the most important indicator star for finding the tomb star."

"I think that when the Qing Emperor named this island Guhun, it was actually to mark the location of the Tianxing Tomb."

"We start from Guhun. According to the instructions on the star sea map, we go southwest and proceed for about two thousand nautical miles. We will find the island corresponding to the Liucen star."

"Then we can walk about 1,800 nautical miles southeast from this island to the island corresponding to the Bufu star."

"Finally, we can reach the island corresponding to Zhengmen Star by traveling three thousand nautical miles due south from this island."

"And within a range of five hundred nautical miles to the west from this island, there is the Tianxing Tomb."

Xing'er told them their itinerary, and Zhuo Bufan, Donghuang Haotian and others were confused.

"In other words, we are going to Guhun Island now, right?"

Zhuo Bufan asked. He knew nothing about astronomy or navigation.

Now they can only rely on Xing'er and believe in Xing'er.

One can imagine how important Xinger is.

"Yes, we are going to Guhun Island now."

"We start from Wanghai Valley and head 900 nautical miles due south to Guhun Island."

"The area within a hundred miles of Guhun Island is covered in fog. This kind of fog can captivate the soul, so it is not easy to find it."

Xing'er warned Zhuo Bufan and the others in advance.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said to Xing'er.

"We believe in you, just go as you want! Now we will go as you say."

They knew nothing about it, so they could only place their hope on Xing'er.

"Okay, let's go!"

Donghuang Haotian personally took the helm, and Ge Ba was responsible for adding fuel. They began to head towards the South China Sea.

After floating on the sea for two days, they finally arrived at their first destination - Guhun Island.

Sure enough, just like Xing'er said, the surroundings of Guhun Island were shrouded in a fog that made it difficult to see even one's fingers.

This kind of fog can affect people's minds, making it difficult to distinguish reality from fantasy.

Of course, for Zhuo Bufan and the others, it won't have much impact.

At their current level of cultivation, it is difficult for some things in nature to cause any harm to them.

However, the interference of this fog is a fact.

It is really not easy to find the island in the mist.

"Let me do it! I am a member of the Kraken clan. I can easily find the island under the sea."

In the end, it was Ge Ba who took action. He jumped into the sea and merged into the water like a fish.

After disappearing for half the time, Ge Ba came back.

"I found it!"

Ge Ba brought back good news.

Then, he pulled a rope on the bow and led the entire ship into the rice house.

With Zhuo Bufan and Donghuang Haotian here, these fogs will not have much impact on Xing'er.

After advancing for a while, they finally saw an island hidden in the fog.

"Is this Guhun Island?"

Zhuo Bufan said while pressing the island that was getting closer and closer.

There is not a single tree on the entire Guhun Island. It is all jagged rocks and not even grass.

But this island is very big, and it is filled with a strange atmosphere.

"Let's go to the island first. We must make an accurate measurement here to ensure that our next trip path will not deviate."

"Guhun Island is our only reference for this trip. The next few turning points are not marked on my navigation chart."

Xing'er suggested going to the island, and Zhuo Bufan and the others naturally had no objections.

"Okay, let's rest on this island tonight, replenish our supplies, and set off tomorrow."

Zhuo Bufan suggested.

Anyway, we have already embarked on the journey to find the Tianxing Tomb. It doesn't matter if one more day is too late.

The important thing is that they must find the right direction.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan must give Xing'er some time to chart the correct direction of action.

Then they docked the boat in the bay.

Immediately afterwards, several people assigned work.

Ge Ba and Donghuang Haotian were responsible for finding ingredients and staying overnight.

Zhuo Bufan took Xing'er with him to conduct path mapping.

"Benefactor, let's go around this island first! I need to know its size."

Xing'er has always been respectful to Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"You should call me Zhuo Bufan! I will take you to map out tomorrow's course of action."

Zhuo Bufan asked Xing'er to change his words. After all, he had always called him a benefactor and benefactor. Zhuo Bufan was also a little embarrassed.

"But, you are my benefactor!"

"Xing'er doesn't dare to call his benefactor by his first name!"

The little girl also has her own obsession and dare not call Zhuo Bufan by his name.

Zhuo Bufan was helpless and finally gave up the idea of ​​asking her to change her story.

The two began to circle the island and do a survey.

Just when they were about to reach halfway, suddenly, a strange low roar sounded around them.

"Whirring whirring……"

That weird sound spread throughout the entire island and the entire bay.

Not only Zhuo Bufan and Xing'er, but also Donghuang Haotian and Ge Ba also heard the strange sound.

For a time, everyone cheered up and began to enter a state of alert.

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