Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 694 Qing Emperor's Advice

Qingdi intends to accept Bai Zinian as his apprentice, and Zhuo Bufan, as a father, is naturally happy.

Finally, after seeking Nian Nian's consent, Zhuo Bufan agreed to Qingdi's request.

But on the other hand, Zhuo Bufan wanted to know why Qingdi went to Jingyuan this time.

"Boy, are you curious?"

Qingdi looked at Zhuo Bufan and squinted his eyes and said.

"Yes, I'm curious. Your Majesty Qingdi, didn't you just say that you would take Nian Nian to see her grandparents?"

"Can I understand that Xuandi and Baidi are not dead yet?"

"Are the legendary four emperors still alive?"

"Why did your Majesty Qingdi seal yourself?"

"Also, what is Jingyuan? What is the conspiracy in the virtual world? Where is hell?"

"Why did Xuandi seal the sky, why did Baidi create Yunmeng Realm, and why did Chidi suppress Qianyu Beast?"

"I have too many questions that I want people to answer, Your Majesty Qingdi, can you help me?"

Zhuo Bufan asked a lot of questions in one breath, leaving Qingdi speechless.

"Boy, you have a lot of questions!"

"And the questions you ask are so tricky!"

"It seems that you know a little about this world."

The more Qingdi looked at Zhuo Bufan, the more interesting he found him.

In fact, after Qingdi woke up, he noticed Zhuo Bufan the first time.

Zhuo Bufan is not only the current owner of the Chaos Bell, he also feels a familiar yet strange breath in Zhuo Bufan.

Most importantly, he can't see Zhuo Bufan's future, can't see Zhuo Bufan's past, and can't even see Zhuo Bufan's present.

Zhuo Bufan is more mysterious than he imagined.

A seemingly ordinary boy, even the Qing Emperor who dominated the world 200,000 years ago can't see through him, which shows how deep the secret of Zhuo Bufan is.

Of course, the Qing Emperor can't see through Zhuo Bufan, in addition to being related to Zhuo Bufan's identity of crossing, it is also likely related to the file reading door in Zhuo Bufan's soul.

"Boy, you have too many questions."

"Let me answer your first question first!"

"Why do I seal myself? That's because I don't have the divine power of Jiang Taixuan to borrow life from the sky, nor do I have the destiny of Ah Shu to live with the sky. I can only seal myself so that time can't erase me."

"Then wait for the opportunity to wake up again."

Zhuo Bufan seemed to understand a little after hearing this.

It turns out that the reason why the Green Emperor sealed himself was because he wanted to prolong his life. He sealed not only his body, but also the corrosion of time.

It was because of his self-sealing that time could not explain it, so he was able to revive after 200,000 years.

"I understand!"

"So, His Majesty the Green Emperor sealed himself just to wake up after 200,000 years?"

"Yes, all this is just the agreement between me and Ashu."

"Okay, kid, I have told you such a big secret. Now, it's your turn to tell me a secret that belongs to you."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he heard it.

He didn't expect that the Green Emperor was so cooperative in telling his secret in order to exchange secrets with him.

Obviously, the Green Emperor has developed a strong interest in Zhuo Bufan.

"My secret?"

Zhuo Bufan became inexplicably nervous.

His biggest secret is nothing more than the mysterious archive door and his identity as a time traveler.

"Haha, Your Majesty Qingdi, I don't have any secrets. If I have to say I have, then I am not from this world."

After thinking it over, Zhuo Bufan still said the biggest secret in his heart.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan could feel it, even if he didn't say it, Qingdi had already felt it.

"It's true, no wonder your breath is so strange, and it also has some breath that doesn't belong to this world."

Qingdi has indeed discovered that Zhuo Bufan doesn't belong to this world.

Of course, Qingdi didn't ask more about the details, because he knew that even if he asked, Zhuo Bufan might not tell the truth.

"Boy, let me ask you again, are the real tree and the virtual tree both on you?"

Qingdi's question made Zhuo Bufan inexplicably nervous.

Looking at Zhuo Bufan's nervous expression, Qingdi laughed.

"Hahaha, it seems to be true."

"Boy, you are good, really good. You can get both the real tree and the virtual tree at the same time."

"There are some secrets that I can't tell you now, but you must keep these two trees well."

To Zhuo Bufan's surprise, the Green Emperor did not have any idea of ​​the two trees in his soul.

"Unfortunately, your cultivation is too weak."

"Boy, do you really want to become stronger? This emperor can show you a way."

The words of the Green Emperor made Zhuo Bufan stunned.

He really wanted to become stronger, and he wanted to become stronger in his dreams.

Only by becoming stronger can he save Bai Su.

"Please give me some advice, Green Emperor."

Zhuo Bufan clasped his hands and begged.

"Boy, you just asked me, where is hell?"

"I can send you to hell, then you are your training ground!"

"Go to hell to practice?"

Zhuo Bufan was slightly surprised.

"Yes, hell is the gap between the real world and the virtual world."

"There are both the king of the real world and the god of the virtual world. It is a training ground that can best train you."

"If you go there, you will be able to find the true meaning of the Tao realm. Maybe when you come out of that place, you can become a Taoist master!"

Qingdi's words had to be said to be extremely attractive to Zhuo Bufan.

"Hell, I want to go to hell."

This is not the first time that Zhuo Bufan has heard about hell. Bai Su had to seal himself because of the battle with Kui Ba who crawled out of hell.

And such a powerful Kui Ba is just a lackey of the King of Hell in hell.

"Boy, things are going to change soon. Become as strong as you can!"

"Perhaps we will borrow your power in the future."

Qing Emperor could not see Zhuo Bufan's future, and Zhuo Bufan was no longer among the destiny laws of this world.

He is a variable, and perhaps he can affect the future direction of the world.

"You asked a lot of questions, but I can't answer you yet."

"I can only tell you that when the time comes, your mission will naturally call you."

Qingdi did not continue to answer Zhuo Bufan's questions.

Qingdi naturally had his own considerations for catching him in this way.

And Zhuo Bufan didn't dare to ask any more greedy questions.

At this time, Emperor Qing slightly raised his finger, and suddenly, a burst of colorful brilliance was released in the Bronze Immortal Palace of Zhuo Bufan Plum City.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, and saw the light flying from the Immortal Palace to Zhuo Bufan's hand.

"Boy, it will guide you to hell."

Qingdi slowly spoke.

Zhuo Bufan took a closer look and saw that what he was holding was the glazed green immortal lamp he got from the Bronze Immortal Palace!

"The glazed green fairy lamp, isn't it useless?"

Zhuo Bufan remembered that Donghuang Haotian said that in order to survive the catastrophe of ten thousand years, the Qing Emperor used the glazed green fairy lamp to withstand the catastrophe, and finally scrapped it.

After hearing this, Emperor Qing had no explanation.

Just tap lightly on the glazed green fairy lamp with your finger.

In an instant, small flames burned one by one in the lotus seat of the glazed green fairy lamp.

There were nine lotus seeds in the central lotus pod of the glazed green fairy lamp. They all lit up at once, releasing a boundless bright light.

"These nine bronze lotus seeds can guide you nine times."

"Boy, if you go to hell, don't lose yourself."

After Qingdi finished speaking, he flicked the glazed green fairy lamp, and instantly the light on the glazed green fairy lamp disappeared.

"Thank you Qingdi!"

Zhuo Bufan quickly thanked him.

"Your boy is very capable. He was able to obtain Jiang Taixuan's inheritance and even caught his daughter."

"If I had met you earlier, I would have accepted you as my disciple."

"I got a disciple and married his daughter. Just thinking about it makes me excited."

Emperor Qing has been competing with Emperor Xuan Jiang Taixuan his entire life.

What a pity that he missed an opportunity to take advantage of Jiang Taixuan.

"Go to Jingyuan now, and I will inform Jiang Taixuan of your situation. Maybe he didn't expect that he would have such an outstanding successor."

"You still have the Chaos Clock, so just use it for the time being! It's contracted with you and your Dao Lu at the same time, so it's useless if I take it away."

"I will also give you my Tianxing Tomb."

As Qingdi spoke, he made a move with his right hand in the air, and a black lotus platform appeared in his hand.

That lotus platform is the mysterious altar of the fifth Tianxuan Pagoda that Zhuo Bufan has been searching so hard for.

"Boy, I'll take you away so you can take care of yourself!"

After Qingdi hurriedly explained everything, he finally decided to take Bai Zinian away.

"Dad, Nian Nian is gone!"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he felt sad in his heart.


He quickly archived this moment, he was afraid that if Niannian went to Jingyuan, something would happen, and he would still have another chance.

This save covers the second save gate.

This means that Zhuo Bufan will not only dare not use the third save file, but he will also not dare to use the second save file.

All he can use is the first save.

"Dad, when you see your brother, tell him that Nian Nian will miss him!"

Niannian was very determined this time. Although she was reluctant to give up, she wanted to follow Qingdi even more.

She knew that only by following Qing Emperor could she have her own future.

She also has to work hard for this family.

"Girl, practice well with Qing Emperor, do you understand?"

"I met my grandparents. Say hello to your mother and brother for me."

"Also, you must be good. Daddy is waiting for you to come back."

Zhuo Bufan hugged Niannian for one last time, and then personally delivered her to Qingdi's hands.

"Your Majesty the Qing Emperor, I leave my daughter to you."

"Don't worry, kid. In five years, I will let you see a safe little girl."

"We walked!"

After Qingdi finished speaking, he stopped remembering.

In fact, he could not wait to go to Jingyuan.

I saw him holding Nian Nian's hand and taking a step forward.

The next second, the bodies of Qing Emperor and Nian Nian slowly disappeared from the spot.

Zhuo Bufan watched Nian Nian disappear in front of him, stretched out his hand, but caught a handful of air.

"Goodbye, girl!"

At this moment, Bai Zinian's fate completely changed!

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