Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 705 Slave Seal Upgrade

As expected, Zhuo Bufan brought Little Potato with him.

He guessed correctly, Little Potato was the hell creature that transformed into a sandstorm giant.

In fact, its real scientific name is the King of Sadan, and he is the leader of the Sadan beast group in the hell desert, the sixth-order Yama slave!

I just didn't expect that the current leader would be captured by Zhuo Bufan.

Also, Zhuo Bufan's conjecture is also correct. In hell, all creatures are slaves of the King of Hell, so they are called slaves of Hell.

Among them, those with only one concentric circle, like Zhuo Bufan, are called first-level slaves.

And if you don't improve a realm, there will be an additional concentric circle.

When it increases to three concentric circles and a dot in the center, it is the fourth-level Yama.

On the way up, instead of adding concentric circles, we add triangular marks on the outermost circles of the concentric circles.

Little Potato has two triangular marks, so it is the sixth-order Yama.

Up to six triangles can be added to the outer circle, which means that the highest level of Yama is the tenth-level Yama.

Going up, there are still higher changes in the mark of Yama.

However, the tenth-level Yama slave is already a high-ranking official in the Palace of Hell.

Basically, the tenth-level Yan slaves are already the top combat power in this world.

Further up are the ten palaces of Senluo, and the Lord of the World, King of Hell!

No matter who he is, no matter what his previous identity was in other worlds.

When you get to hell, you can only start from scratch with the lowest level of the first-level slaves.

On a hellish night, the sky is filled with stars.

Above the night sky, there is a very conspicuous star river.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the stars in the sky and lowered his head silently.

"I wonder if Xiaofan is doing well now!"

As a father, Zhuo Bufan is naturally extremely concerned about his son's condition.

If Bai Zifan is in hell, he has no ability.

He was very worried that Zifan would suffer a lot in this world.

It's okay for boys to endure hardships. What Zhuo Bufan is most worried about is that Zifan will be bullied and even put his life in danger.

"I hope I can get out of this damn desert soon and find Zifan."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he lit a fire.

"This potato, if he's still awake, isn't he really dead?"

"Then just bake it and eat it!"

Zhuo Bufan kept twisting the little potato.

He actually felt that the little potato had woken up a long time ago, but it had been pretending to be comatose.

This little potato had to pretend to be in a coma because it met a strange human being.

He was obviously a first-level slave of hell, but he actually defeated him as a sixth-level slave of hell.

This simply does not fit into the hierarchy of hell.

It was scared to death of this strange human being, Zhuo Bufan, for fear that Zhuo Bufan would kill it.

"If you're still pretending, let's bake it!"

Zhuo Bufan said, throwing the small potato onto the fire.

Little Potato was so frightened that he peed on the spot and ran out of the fire.

"Want to escape?"

Zhuo Bufan slapped Little Potato on the tail. Little Potato tried hard to dig a hole and escape, but unfortunately Zhuo Bufan caught his tail.

Then Zhuo Bufan twisted its tail and lifted him up upside down.

"Little thing, you caused me to waste seven percent of my divine power. Do you think it's so easy to escape?"

"Now, either you become my little brother, or I roast you and eat you."

"I'm sure I'll get a lot of surprises if I eat you."

Zhuo Bufan said, opening his mouth.

The little potato was bitten, and he quickly begged for mercy.

It started to squeak like a mouse.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know what it was doing.

At this moment, a faint light suddenly released from its forehead.

Immediately afterwards, that ray of light actually projected onto Zhuo Bufan's forehead.

Zhuo Bufan clearly saw that one of the small triangles in the Yan Nu Nu seal on Xiao Tudou's forehead had disappeared.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan felt hot energy fluctuations coming from his forehead.

Zhuo Bufan was so painful that he threw the little potato on the ground.

And at this moment, he suddenly felt that there was a strange energy in his body.

This energy is very similar to the spiritual energy in the world of cultivation.

Under his nails, there was faint static energy jumping.

"Is this the power of the slave seal?"

"I got the slave mark and got an upgrade!"

Zhuo Bufan subconsciously touched his forehead.

It's a pity that Zhuo Bufan couldn't see it, otherwise he would have found that the slave mark on his forehead had turned into two concentric circles.

This means that his slave seal has been upgraded and he has become a second-level slave.

When he was a first-level slave, he failed to sense it.

When he reached the second level, Zhuo Bufan clearly felt that there was an extra force in his body.

He can control this power.

Obviously, this power comes from the slave seal.

"Interesting, it seems like you little potato gave me my power, right?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know why Xiaotuo did this. It was probably the rules of this world.

Anyway, Xiaodou changed from the sixth-level Yama slave to the fifth-level one, while Zhuo Bufan changed from the first-level Yama slave to the second-level one.

It's a pity that Zhuo Bufan couldn't communicate with this little potato, otherwise he would really want to ask what happened.

"Seven percent of the divine power was wasted in exchange for the upgrade of the slave seal."

"It's not too bad!"

After Zhuo Bufan's slave seal was upgraded, he suddenly found a way to upgrade in this world.

The next day, Zhuo Bufan continued on his way.

After having the power of the slave seal, his physical strength, speed and power have all been improved.

So walking is much easier.

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was that he had let go of Little Potato last night.

But this Little Potato wanted to follow him today!

Wherever Zhuo Bufan went, it followed.

It seemed to have identified Zhuo Bufan and become his pet.

"Hey, are you going to be my little brother?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised.

You know, in this hell, all creatures are slaves of the King of Hell.

Logically speaking, the level of this Little Potato is much higher than him. He doesn't need to follow him at all.

But Zhuo Bufan looked at Little Potato's posture, and it seemed to have identified Zhuo Bufan.

"Well, okay! Just treat it as a pet, and follow me in the future!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took Little Potato and continued to move forward.

Finally, after walking for two days, Zhuo Bufan and Little Potato finally saw the oasis.

"I've walked out, finally out of this damn desert."

When he saw the oasis, Zhuo Bufan was so moved that he almost burst into tears.

He walked out of the desert as a mortal!

It's worth being proud of!

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly saw a group of people rushing towards him.

And the ones rushing over were a large group of women.

They hurriedly ran into the desert. Zhuo Bufan roughly looked around and saw that there were nearly thirty women.

And behind the group of women, there was a group of guys wearing armor and riding beasts, chasing them relentlessly and killing them!


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