Half an hour later...

The more than fifty members of the Steppenwolf Cavalry were all subdued by Zhuo Bufan.

At this moment, Xu Huang was a little confused. He couldn't believe what had just happened.

From beginning to end, Zhuo Bufan acted alone.

He didn't even ask Little Potato to help.

Not to mention the girls, all stood outside the Wolf Riding Group's camp.

After Zhuo Bufan took care of everyone in the Wolf Riding Group, he allowed the girls to enter the camp.

When the girls arrived at the camp, they found that everyone in the Wolf Riding Group had fallen to the ground in mourning.

Zhou Bufan walked towards Xu Huang, patted Xu Huang on the shoulder, and said.

"Xiao Xu, be more active! You will be the mainstay of my Kuang Sect from now on. You can't have me, the sect leader, do everything myself."

Xu Huang was speechless after hearing this.

He wanted to help, but before he could reach out, Zhuo Bufan had already taken care of everything.

"Okay, tie them all up and execute them one by one!"

Zhuo Bufan handed over this task to Xu Huang, who quickly found ropes and tied up everyone in the Wolf Riding Group.

"Three percent!"

Zhuo Bufan silently recorded the amount of divine power he had just consumed.

To destroy such a 50-man wolf cavalry group, it is impossible to rely solely on the power of Nuyin.

After all, Zhuo Bufan was only a fourth-level slave, and the two leaders of the Wolf Cavalry were both fourth-level.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan could only use his divine power.

He spent a total of 3% of his divine power to destroy the wolf riding group.

In addition to the fact that he had consumed 7% of his divine power to subdue Little Potato, now Zhuo Bufan has consumed 10% of his divine power.

Although the girls continue to pass on the power of faith to Zhuo Bufan.

However, there are too few of them, and the power of faith given to them is limited.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan's current task is to strengthen Kuangmen. In this way, not only can he find Zifan, but he can also rediscover the source of his divine power for himself.

Bang bang bang!

"Girls, gather together, I have something to say."

Zhuo Bufan clapped his hands and asked all the girls to gather.

Then Yi Meng called on the thirty-two girls to gather.

Now the girls have obeyed Zhuo Bufan, because they know that only by following Zhuo Bufan can they survive.

"Okay, next I want to say one thing."

"This matter is very serious. It is related to your future and the future of Kuangmen."

Zhuo Bufan stood on a wooden barrel and looked down at all the girls.

"Today, I hope you are mentally prepared to kill someone!"

When Zhuo Bufan mentioned killing, there was a commotion in the audience.

"Killing? Why kill."

"I can not!"

"I don't want to kill anyone, and I don't want to be killed by others."

Zhuo Bufan seemed to have expected this result, so he raised his hands and shouted.


The audience fell silent.

"Girls, I can't protect you forever. You must clearly understand this."

"We are an organization, a team. Everyone must contribute their own strength."

"I believe you know better than me how miserable the first-order slaves of hell are in this world."

When Zhuo Bufan said this, everyone lowered their heads, showing sadness.

"Do you always just want to be the lowest persecuted person?"

Zhuo Bufan asked a question.

There was silence.

After this and death, Yi Meng, as the leader, took a step forward and spoke.

"No, we want to live well."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Yi Meng, stretched out his hand to lift her chin, and said.

"Then, you have to learn to kill. This is the law of this world. You can't violate it. I can't violate it either."

Although cruel, Zhuo Bufan must teach these little white rabbits, whose hands have never been stained with blood, how to kill people today.

How to become a fearsome tiger.

Just like Zhuo Bufan said, this is the law of this world.

Survival of the fittest has simply been evolved to the extreme here.

No one can survive alone.

In this world, if you don't kill, you can only be killed! Then stay at the bottom forever and become the prey of others.

If you want to become strong, you have to kill people and seize the slave seal.

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he picked up a scimitar from the ground and said.

"Now, I give you a choice. A cruel choice."

"This is the entry test for my Crazy Sect. Whoever can pick up this knife and go in and kill a person can enter my Crazy Sect."

"Otherwise, you have no choice but to leave."

Zhuo Bufan knew this was cruel, but he had to teach these girls the rules of survival in this world.

Zhuo Bufan gave them a choice, it was up to them.

He handed the scimitar to Yi Meng in front of him, and then gave Yi Meng a look.

"do not let me down!"

Zhuo Bufan reached out and touched Yi Meng's head with an extremely earnest look, hoping that Yi Meng could make the choice he wanted.

Yi Meng raised her beautiful eyes and looked at Zhuo Bufan.

Then she fixed her gaze.

"I want to protect everyone! I don't want to see anyone die again."

Yi Meng is clearly out of touch with Zhuo Bufan. She understands Zhuo Bufan and understands his deep meaning.

So, she picked up the scimitar and rushed to Xingtai aside.

Without saying a word, she raised her knife and chopped off the head of one of the Wolf Riders.

Blood splashed on her beautiful face, and the sisters next to her couldn't help but exclaimed.

The next second, the Wolf Rider who was chopped disappeared on the spot.

The slave mark on Yi Meng's forehead finally changed from one ring to two rings.

Looking at Yi Meng's sharp knife.

Even Xu Huang was a little stunned.

After chopping off the man's head, Yi Meng raised the scimitar in her hand high and shouted to her sisters.

"Everyone, from now on, we will no longer be slaves!"

When Yi Meng shouted loudly that she would no longer be slaves, even Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that Yi Meng had such ambitions in her heart.

You know, the lives of the entire hell are slaves of the King of Hell.

The words she shouted were obviously intended to change the basic laws of this world!

At that moment, in Yi Meng, Zhuo Bufan seemed to see the brilliant glory of a female revolutionary.

I have to say that Yi Meng is very appealing.

When her words came out, the girls were moved one after another.

Then one by one, the girls rushed into the slaughterhouse.

Before this, they were little sheep that could be slaughtered at will.

And after today, they will be female warriors that no one dares to mess with.

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan didn't want to see all the girls become people with blood on their hands.

However, this transformation is necessary.

He sat on the wooden barrel, with his right hand on his leg, looking at the killing in front of him with an arrogant look.

He was very calm and rational.

He knew what he was doing.


"Xiao Xu, I said, I won't let you down."

"The third-level one and the deputy head of the group will be handed over to you."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Xu Huang and handed him a knife.

Xu Huang was very excited when he heard it.

Then, he raised the machete high and rushed in...

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