Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 714 Paying Homage to the Mountain

Xu Huang has now become the spokesperson for Zhuo Bufan's Kuangmen and a part-time errand runner.

Zhuo Bufan is not very familiar with this world, and Yi Meng and the others are women and it is inconvenient for them to come forward.

So the purchase of real estate and other matters were left entirely to Xu Huang.

Fortunately, when Zhuo Bufan wiped out the Wolf Riders, he also took the Wolf Riders' treasures.

With the wealth of the Wolf Riders, land was built in Tianhuo City.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan and his Kuangmen settled in the jurisdiction of the East City Gui Family.

The land was large enough, with 30 rooms and three courtyards.

The girls had three rooms in one room, and there was room to spare.

Kuangmen was established so simply.

"Master, according to the rules of Tianhuo City, after moving into Tianhuo City, you need to go to the family under your jurisdiction to pay your respects and hang a house sign!"

These two days, Xu Huang has been doing his best to run around for the resettlement.

He may not be as smart as Lu Fei, but he is still very reliable and hardworking enough.

Zhuo Bufan naturally took his contribution into consideration.

"Go and prepare some small gifts. We will go to the Gui family later, and maybe we can even have a free dinner."

Hearing Zhuo Bufan say this, Xu Huang was shocked.

His sect leader was really bold, and he actually wanted to go to the four major families for a free meal.

"What gifts do we need to prepare?" Xu Huang asked.

"A small gift, a small gift is enough. Just bring a jar of wine!"

Zhuo Bufan's gift was really small, which made Xu Huang feel embarrassed.

In the end, he still prepared two jars of wine according to Zhuo Bufan's request.

"Then Yi Meng, the affairs of the mansion will be handed over to you."

"You should rest early at night. I think our Kuangmen may not have such a leisurely life in the near future."

Zhuo Bufan must give Yi Meng a shot of vaccination.

Zhuo Bufan has very high development requirements for Kuangmen.

He wants to expand Kuangmen as soon as possible.

Let the whole hell know the existence of his Kuangmen.

Only in this way can Zhuo Bufan find Zifan and Xuanyuan Hao as soon as possible.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Yi Meng turned her beautiful eyes and nodded.

"I understand, I will tell the girls."

In fact, Yi Meng had already realized when she decided to kill.

She wanted to follow Zhuo Bufan and protect the girls behind her.

Zhuo Bufan could feel Yi Meng's awareness, so he handed the girls to her with confidence.

Then, Zhuo Bufan took Xu Huang to the Guifu compound.

When you come to someone else's territory, you naturally have to pay homage to the mountain.

And this time, Zhuo Bufan is not going to simply pay homage to the mountain. Instead, he is going to explore the background and strength of the Ghost Gate.


"Xiao Xu, do you understand this world?"

On the way to the Ghost Mansion, Zhuo Bufan suddenly asked Xu Huang a question.

Xu Huang responded with two jars of fine wine on his shoulders.

"Master, I haven't even been out of the South."

"South? Tell me, how are the demons distributed in this world?"

Xu Huang replied after hearing this.

"Master, I also heard it from others. This world is divided into the North and the South."

"The North and the South are separated by the Golden Sand Sea."

"Golden Sand Sea?" Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought that the desert he walked out of was probably the Golden Sand Sea.

"Yes, the Golden Sand Sea is just north of the Jingfeng Wasteland where we came from."

"That's right."

Zhuo Bufan confirmed that the desert he walked out of was the Golden Sand Sea.

Unexpectedly, he came to the South.

"I hope Zifan has also come to the South."

Zhuo Bufan didn't know where Zifan had gone, but now he could only develop in the South.

"What forces does the South have?"

Xu Huang responded immediately.

"Replying to the Sect Master, there are 3,813 cities and 8,900 resurrection pools in the South Country. Among them, there is one God City, three Emperor Cities, nine King Cities, 800 Heaven Cities, and 3,000 Earth Cities."

"The Tianhuo City where we are is the Tianzi City!"

"It is the Tianzi City closest to the Golden Sand Sea."

From Xu Huang, Zhuo Bufan roughly knew the approximate territorial division of the South Country.

The Tianhuo City where they are is a Tianzi city, which belongs to the second-to-last echelon in the South Country.

Above this, there are the King City, the Emperor City, and the God City.

"Where is the God City?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"God City? God City is in the small South Country! In the hinterland of the South Country, the land is fertile and the land is rich. The eighteen palace gods of our South Country live there!"

"Eighteen Palace Gods? What are those!"

"The eighteen palace gods are all tenth-level Yan slaves, the most powerful existences under the King of Hell."

After listening to Xu Huang's introduction, Zhuo Bufan also understood the ultimate power of this world.

The tenth-level Yan Nu seems to be the ultimate power of this world.

The Qing Emperor asked Zhuo Bufan to come to this world to find a way to enter the Dao realm or even the Saint realm.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan's path of experience should be the ultimate power of this world.

"We have arrived at the Ghost Mansion!"

After chatting along the way, Zhuo Bufan and Xu Huang came to the gate of the Ghost Mansion.

The gate of the Ghost Mansion is very impressive, with vermilion walls and a huge archway more than ten meters high.

Zhuo Bufan thought he had arrived at the gate of the palace!

Even the guards standing outside the gate of the mansion are two rows of twenty people. And there are patrols around the wall.

It must be said that the defense of the palace is just like this.

"Haha, it seems that this ghost mansion is really a big family and a big business!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at this formation and was obviously a little surprised.

After hearing this, Xu Huang responded.

"Master, there are more than 3,000 people in this ghost family including the guards and maids."

"They control 70% of the mineral veins covering a hundred miles radius."

"It is said that the head of the Gui family, Gui Wusheng, is now a sixth-level slave. He is one of the three masters of Tianhuo City."

"Sixth level?"

Zhuo Bufan was very calm. For him, sixth-level opponents were nothing to be afraid of.

Facing this tightly guarded ghost house, Zhuo Bufan still showed no signs of timidity.

He took Xu Huang and walked to the gate in a swaggering manner.

As a result, the two front guards stopped him.

"Stop, who is it?"

After Zhuo Bufan said that, he took out an iron plate.

This iron plate is the house plate of the mansion where they live now.

According to the rules of Tianhuo City, if you worship the mountain, you must hand over your house card to the four major families.

Zhuo Bufan and his family's mansion is under the management of the Gui family, so naturally his house sign is also given to the Gui family.

The guard saw this and looked at the house sign.

"It turns out I'm here to pay you a visit! Please!"

After saying that, the two of them moved out of the way.

Later, a guard led Zhuo Bufan and the others into the ghost mansion.

"Follow me, don't get lost in there!"

"Otherwise, we don't care if anything happens."

The doormen all looked ferocious and very unfriendly.

They walked through a huge corridor and came to a large hall.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to inform Butler Su!"

The guard asked Zhuo Bufan and the others to wait outside, while he ran into the hall.

After a while, a fat man walked out of the hall.

He was dressed gorgeously, wearing a square hat and holding a black fan, and walked out staggeringly.

He was as weak as a ball, and Zhuo Bufan was afraid that he would roll down the stairs.

Looking at his forehead, there is actually a third-level ring, a fourth-level Yan slave, just like Zhuo Bufan and Xu Huang.

"Oh? Fourth level?"

Obviously, the fat man also noticed the slave marks on the foreheads of Zhuo Bufan and others.

After Zhuo Bufan saw the fat man, he lowered his head slightly and smiled coldly.

"I am Zhuo Bufan, who has just entered a treasured land. I heard that the ghost family in this city is a big one, so I came here to pay my respects!"

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