Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 718: The three tribes are in panic

The news that Zhuo Bufan killed the three heads of the Ghost Clan soon spread throughout the Tianhuo City.

For a time, the whole city was terrified!

The other three families were like a change of fate.

The Nanmen Qi family received the news at the first time, and everyone was dumbfounded.

"Father, do you know what kind of force this Kuangmen is?"

"He killed the three brothers of the Gui family with his own strength. Could it be from the royal city?"

Qi Duanyun is about to take over the Qi family and become the new head of the family.

However, at this time, such a thing happened, making him, the new head of the family, a little uneasy.

"My son, don't worry. We have no grudges with the leader of the Kuangmen, and he should not come back to trouble us."

"But didn't our four major families just sign a joint agreement and are of the same blood? Something happened to the Gui family, and I'm afraid that the people of the Gui family will come to us for support soon."

"Then close the door and don't see! At this time of life and death, who cares about any agreement."

Qi Bai Nian, as the leader of the Gui family and the head of the family. He thought that his Qi family was no match for the Gui family.

Even the Gui family was destroyed, so he naturally didn't dare to take the Qi family to take risks.

Now, they only asked the mysterious leader of the Kuangmen not to trouble him.


At the same time, the Feng family of Ximen was also under martial law.

"Close the door of the mansion immediately and do not receive any visitors!"

The Feng family closed the door as soon as the street news came out.

They don't want to become the second Gui family.

The Feng family is different from the Gui family. The Feng family is a whole big family. Most people in the family have the surname Feng.

The Gui family can only be regarded as a gang at most. Except for the three big bosses who are surnamed Gui, all the others are gang members and slaves.

Even if the Guimen is destroyed, there will be no huge loss.

But if the Feng family is destroyed, the loss will be great.

In this situation, the best way is to avoid it.


However, the Lu family of Beimen had a completely different reaction.

Lu Zhengdao, the head of the Lu family, was furious after learning the news.

"Hmph, a mere Kuangmen dares to do whatever it wants and stir up trouble in my Tianhuo City?"

"My son Lu Sheng, gather the guards immediately. The order of Tianhuo City will eventually be maintained by my Lu family."

The Lu family is in charge of the order of Tianhuo City, which is equivalent to the role of the government office.

After learning that the Gui family was destroyed, Lu Zhengdao decided to personally ask the so-called Kuangmen.

"Father, the leader of the Kuangmen is the one who killed all three brothers of the Gui family."

"I think it's best for our Lu family to avoid their edge."

Lu Sheng, a young man with a scholarly look, often gives advice to his father.

After hearing this, Lu Zhengdao clenched his fists and hesitated.

"Do you want me to leave this Kuangmen alone?"

"If he can destroy the Gui family today, he may destroy our other three families tomorrow."

Lu Zhengdao wore a black robe and had a strong aura. He was determined to attack the Kuangmen.

Lu Sheng was beautiful and solemn. He thought about it and finally proposed.

"Father, how about I go to the Crazy Gate first and find out what's going on."

Lu Zhengdao heard this and said worriedly.

"Lu Sheng, no, the leader of the Crazy Gate is extremely cruel. I heard that he rushed into the Ghost Gate and started killing people without saying a word. Aren't you going to die?"

Lu Sheng heard this and stood up, clasped his fists, and then bowed and said.

"Father, if I don't come back, then you will unite with the other three major families to kill this man together."

This Lu Sheng went with the determination to die.

Lu Zhengdao hesitated again and again, but in the end he couldn't resist his son's determination.

"Father, I don't think the leader of the Crazy Gate is so cruel."

"He came to my Tianhuo City just to establish a foundation."

"Killing people is just to establish prestige."

"Now that his goal has been achieved, he will surely not kill innocent people again."

Lu Sheng is a strategist, and he is analyzing Zhuo Bufan's motives.

It must be said that his analysis is still very reasonable.

Zhuo Bufan destroyed Guimen without asking for the reason because he wanted to establish his prestige in Tianhuo City.

Zhuo Bufan knew the survival rules of this world very well, and only the strong could be respected.

If you want to be in Tianhuo City, you must show your strong side.

"Okay, my son. If you don't come back this time, your father will definitely avenge you."

Lu Zhengdao finally agreed to Lu Sheng's proposal, and he went to Kuangmen to meet the leader of Kuangmen in person.


At this moment, in the courtyard where Zhuo Bufan and his friends were, Zhuo Bufan was teaching the girls some simple boxing and kicking skills.

Zhuo Bufan did not take the opportunity to occupy the territory of Guimen.

He just came to demonstrate, and his goal had been achieved.

Next, the more important thing is how to quickly develop Kuangmen.

Now Kuangmen only has these girls in front of him.

Although they already have the power of the slave seal, they have not mastered this power yet and need to practice.

This punch and kick, every step, Zhuo Bufan must teach the art in person.

"Girls, the sword technique I'm teaching you is called the Su Nu Sword. It's the basic sword technique of a legendary female school, and it can be considered the pioneering sword technique."

"This Su Nu Sword emphasizes that my heart is as pure as a plain, and my mind is not distracted. The heart, eyes, and sword are three in one."

"Where the heart thinks, where the eyes go, that's where the sword goes!"

"Once the sword is out, it must go straight to the target, do you understand?"

Although Zhuo Bufan always felt that practicing routines was useless.

After all, at the end of the practice, this kind of moves, swordsmanship, and all kinds of magic are not as practical as a punch and a sword.

However, in the early stage of practice, learning these sets of moves will help improve your body's coordination and body memory.

In many combat situations, body memory can face different battles and find ways to break through.

These are all the essences absorbed from some sets of moves.

Therefore, when he taught Yi Meng and the others the skills, he chose this set of Su Nu Sword of the Su Nu Sect.

After all, the Su Nu Sect is in his Meicheng, and Zhuo Bufan has also studied some of the swordsmanship of the Su Nu Sect.

The swordsmanship of the Su Nu Sect is simple and capable, suitable for beginners to practice.

Especially suitable for girls to practice.

"Master, the Lu family of the North Gate is here."

At this time, Xu Huang walked into the courtyard and brought Zhuo Bufan the news that Lu Sheng was coming.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said to the girls behind him.

"You continue, practice well, I will take you to actual combat tomorrow."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he followed Xu Huang away.

The girls were left looking at each other in bewilderment.

"Actual combat? Are we going to kill people again?"

"I, I'm still a little afraid."

"There's nothing to be afraid of. The Sect Master is right. This is the law of survival in this world. Just like rabbits eat grass, jackals eat rabbits, and tigers eat jackals."

"Although we are human, in this world, we are no different from jackals, tigers, leopards, plants, fish, insects, birds and beasts."

As the deputy Sect Master, Yi Meng naturally had to stabilize the morale of the army at this time.

"Everyone, you don't want to go back to the past, back to the days when you were hunted by people, right?"

"Although we won't die, we will lose the most important memories."

"Compared to death, I am more afraid of losing those memories. So, I don't want to die again, we have to make ourselves stronger."

Yi Meng's words were quickly responded to by the girls.

"Sister Meng, we know. We will definitely follow you and the Sect Master."

Yi Meng looked at Zhuo Bufan who had left, and said in her heart.

"Master, I will definitely help you to strengthen the Kuangmen."

Yi Meng knew that the Kuangmen was now almost supported by Zhuo Bufan alone.

He also knew that the ambition of the master Zhuo Bufan was definitely not like that. He wanted to build the Kuangmen into one of the most powerful forces in the world.

In that case, Yi Meng and these girls would not hold Zhuo Bufan back.

So, Yi Meng could not let Zhuo Bufan down. She had to play the role of a good wife and take on the responsibility of the deputy master.


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