Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 720 The Storm is Coming

"Father, these are the specific matters."

"I had a good chat with the leader of the Kuangmen. The leader of the Kuangmen obviously intends to form an alliance with my Lu family."

In the Lu Mansion, Lu Sheng told Lu Zhengdao the result of this trip to the Kuangmen.

Lu Zhengdao was confused.

"My son, Fuxi Street is one of the important sources of income for my Lu family. You gave it to him. Aren't you afraid of fattening his appetite?"

Lu Zhengdao actually felt a little sad about that street.

You know, their Lu family's power in Tianhuo City is weak, and their financial resources are the weakest.

There are eight streets under the sect, and giving away one street at once made him a little reluctant.

"Don't worry, father. I think the leader of the Kuangmen is not the kind of person who forgets his principles when he sees profit."

"You can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child. We can't limit ourselves to this street."

"The leader of the Kuangmen can defeat the three heroes of the Gui family by himself, which is enough to prove his strength."

"If we don't send him off today, we may lose more in the future."

"If we can form an alliance with the Kuangmen because of this, we may get more in the future."

Lu Sheng has a long-term vision. Finally, under his encouragement, Lu Zhengdao agreed with his approach.

"Well, the affairs of the Kuangmen will be left to you, my son, in the future."

Lu Sheng answered with a fist.

"Don't worry, father. I will definitely make this happen."

This Lu Sheng obviously put his money on the Kuangmen.


The news that the Lu family contacted the Kuangmen soon spread to the ears of the other three families.

The most angry among them was the Dongcheng Gui family.

All the masters of the Gui family were killed by Zhuo Bufan, which reduced their overall strength by a level.

Zhuo Bufan did not take the opportunity to occupy the Gui family, which surprised the Gui family.

So after the resurrection, the people of the Gui family returned to the gate as soon as possible, and then closed the door and refused all visitors.


A white jade water cup was smashed to the ground and turned into powder.

The person who smashed the cup was the head of the Gui family, Guilong!

"It's so hateful, so hateful!"

"Damn bastard, kill my whole family, this hatred is irreconcilable."

Guilong hated Zhuo Bufan to the bone.

Of course, they hated Zhuo Bufan, because Zhuo Bufan killed everyone present as soon as he made a move.

"Brother, don't be anxious, don't be angry!"

Seeing the angry boss, the second brother Gui Jiao hurried forward to comfort him.

"Second brother, can you still swallow this breath?"

"Big brother, of course I can't swallow this breath. But the result is clear to us."

"That guy, it's obvious that he is using our Gui family to intimidate the entire Tianhuo City."

"Lu Sheng of the Lu family, contacting him at this time is nothing more than wanting to curry favor with him."

"I will make the entire Lu family regret it."

Gui Jiao, that is, the scholar of the Gui family.

He is the same as Lu Sheng. Lu Sheng is the counselor of the Lu family, and he is the counselor of the Gui family.

The two often compete with each other in wits and tactics. This time, Lu Sheng chose Zhuo Bufan, and Gui Jiao naturally would not choose Zhuo Bufan.

"Second brother, do you have any plans? Tell me now!"

"That bastard bullied the three heroes of my Gui family so much, this revenge must be avenged!"

The third brother, Gui Hu, died the most aggrieved.

He was not killed by Zhuo Bufan, but by Zhuo Bufan's subordinate Xu Huang.

What's even more frustrating is that he lost the memory of being killed, and he even forgot who Zhuo Bufan was.

Because he forgot, he didn't hate Zhuo Bufan that much.

"Revenge, we must take revenge."

"But our power is not as strong as before. With the power of our Gui family, it is difficult to fight against the Kuangmen and Lu family."

"So, we must find helpers."

Gui Jiao said.

"Second brother, do you mean to unite the Qi family and the Feng family?"

Gui Long asked.

"The Qi family and the Feng family are not enough. In order to ensure that we have enough power to kill the Kuangmen. I propose to go to the Sand King City and try to get the help of the Sand King."

"Sand King?"

In the lobby of the Ghost Gate, everyone looked at each other with some worry.

"Second brother, why would the Sand King help us?"

"That's right, second brother, I heard that the Sand King is very difficult to talk to. He has an extremely cruel personality and is not easy to provoke."

Everyone felt that the Ghost Jiao's proposal was not very good.

But the Ghost Jiao still believed in his own ideas.

"Sand King is the only seventh-level Yan slave within our 800-mile radius."

"Only he can deal with that bastard."

"As long as the benefits are enough, I believe Sand King is willing to take action."

"Besides, Sand King is seventh-level, and that kid is sixth-level. He happens to be Sand King's prey. I believe Sand King is very happy to help us get rid of that kid."

Ghost Jiao's words made the eldest brother Guilong hesitate for a moment, and then he nodded in response.

"I understand."

"Second brother, this matter is left to you, you must bring Sand King. As long as he is willing to kill that arrogant kid. Even if it is half of Tianhuo City, I am willing to give him Guimen."

For revenge, Guilong can be said to be willing to give everything.

"Well, eldest brother, third brother, I will leave now and go to Sand King City."

"Brother, during the period when I go to Sand King City, you should secretly contact the Feng family and the Qi family. If we can get help from both of them, we will have a better chance of winning."

Ghost Dragon responded after hearing it.

"I know. Don't worry, leave the Qi and Feng families to me. They dare not refuse."

"Well, I'll leave now."

The ghost dragon said, and turned away without staying for a moment.

The ghost family also began to mobilize all members for revenge.


In the Nanmen Qi family, the new head of the family, Qi Duanyun, was restless and paced back and forth in the house.

"Duanyun, don't be impatient. How can you achieve great things if you are so impatient?"

The speaker was Qi Duanyun's father, Qi Bai Nian, who was also the old head of the Qi family.

Qi Duanyun said with his hands down.

"Father, how can I not be anxious?"

"The kid from the Lu family actually took the initiative to contact the Kuangmen at this time. From this meaning, the Lu family obviously wants to associate with the Kuangmen. What should we do now?"

"This kid from the Lu family has always liked to be clever. Sooner or later, he will be harmed by his own cleverness."

It's a lie for the father and son of the Qi family to say that they are not anxious.

Zhuo Bufan's appearance almost foreshadowed that Tianhuo City was about to change.

At this time, the housekeeper's cry came from outside the door.

"Master, Master! The head of the Gui family is here."


The father and son of the Qi family suddenly sat up in shock.

"Gui Long came in person?"

"Father, what should we do now?" Qi Duanyun had no aura of a head of the family, like a headless fly that couldn't find its direction.

"What else can we do, receive the guest!"

Gui Long came in person, how dare the Qi family not receive him.

There was no way, they set up a banquet in the front hall to receive Gui Long.

When they came to the front hall, they saw Gui Long who had been waiting for a long time.

The father and son of the Qi family hurried forward and asked with a smile.

"How come the head of the Gui family has time to come to my Qi family compound?"

Gui Long looked at the smiling tiger father and son and laughed.

"Old Qi, don't talk nonsense. I'm here today for only one thing."

"Does the original alliance contract still count?"

The four major families in Tianhuo City signed the alliance contract. If one family is in trouble, the three families will help.

When Qi Bainian heard this, he immediately understood the purpose of Guilong's visit today.

"Okay, let's not beat around the bush. I'll tell you the truth!"

"The Feng family has agreed to form an alliance with my Guimen to deal with the Kuangmen and the Lu family. In addition, our alliance also includes the Sand King of Sand King City!"

"Which side do you stand on, Qi family?"

Guilong directly put the choice in front of the Qi family. When the father and son of the Qi family heard it, they hesitated for a moment, and finally Qi Bainian made the decision.

"Alliance! Boss Gui, alliance is OK, what promises do you make to my Qi family?"

Guilong laughed when he heard it.

"Once it's done, my Gui family will give you the right to operate three streets, and at the same time, the mine will give you 30% of the Qi family."

When Qi Bainian heard this promise, he waved his hand without hesitation.

"Okay, my Qi family will form an alliance with your Gui family!"

Just like that, the storm was about to come, and the situation in Tianhuo City was about to change.

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