Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 745 Guarding the Corpse

Xuanyuan Hao didn't even use all his strength to kill the arrogant general Zhao Meng.

The onlookers were all shocked, shocked, and even terrified.

"Oh my god, who is this man? Can he even kill Zhao Meng?"

"Zhao Meng is a divine general, blessed by the divine power of the world god. Killing Zhao Meng is tantamount to challenging the power of God."

People were a little crazy. The strength shown by Xuanyuan Hao made them see what it means to be a peerless genius.

The mission is not over yet. The goal of this mission is to kill Zhao Meng from the eighth level to the first level.

Xuanyuan Hao is a very serious person.

He would take this mission seriously, so he started guarding the corpse in the Resurrection Fountain in Dragon's Breath City.

There is a resurrection spring in Longxi City. After death, Zhao Meng will naturally be resurrected in the resurrection spring.

Xuanyuan Hao took the Lu brothers and sisters to guard the body in Longxi City.

Zhao Meng's former subordinates were trembling and did not dare to move forward.

"Hurry and inform the people in the temple and ask the temple god for help!"

Time passed by minute by second, and the time for Zhao Meng's resurrection was coming soon. Zhao Meng's subordinates became anxious.

Xuanyuan Hao is a man who killed a god general, so little characters like them are naturally no match for him.

The only way now is to seek help from Temple City.

Soon, Temple City responded and sent the nearest god general to Longxi City to rescue Zhao Meng.

On this side, Xuanyuan Hao sat calmly next to the resurrection spring, waiting for Zhao Meng to be resurrected.

The Lu brothers and sisters who were following him looked a little nervous.

They also didn't expect that Xuanyuan Hao could actually kill the divine general.

That is a divine general!

Now Xuanyuan Hao wants to guard the body of the god general, which makes the three of them very nervous.

Because Zhao Meng's reinforcements are coming soon.

"You three, please stay away for now!"

Xuanyuan Hao could see the nervousness and fear of the Lu brothers and sisters. After all, he had indeed caused quite a shock.

It was not good for him to kill anyone, but he chose to kill the divine general.

Killing the God General is a direct challenge to the temple!

Of course, Xuanyuan Hao's actions have always been unruly. He only does what he wants to do or what he thinks he should do.

"We won't leave, we are not afraid. Big brother, let us stay with you!"

Lu Xue admired Xuanyuan Hao more and more.

The unparalleled hero she imagined in her mind looked like Xuanyuan Hao.

He hates evil as much as he hates it, and his martial arts skills are unparalleled!

Lu Xue had already said so, and as the elder brother, Lu Yang couldn't say much.

After all, they were saved by Xuanyuan Hao.

Three hours passed quickly. Seeing that Zhao Meng was about to be resurrected.

On this side, the reinforcements sent by Temple City finally arrived.


I saw a white shadow flying from the sky, producing a powerful sonic boom that shocked the sky.

Everyone looked up to the sky and saw the shocking person.

The man was born with wings, a head with horns, and a beak like an eagle's hook.

The moment he landed, an endless whirlwind arose.

"Here they come, the reinforcements from Temple City are here!"

"It's Rook, the Harrier and one of the five generals under the command of the Harrier and the Nightmare God."

"The Harrier was born and was born with a fighting spirit. This guy is a veritable war god general!"

Anyone with vision will recognize the identity of the person immediately - the divine general Harrier!

The Harrier, like the Demon Wolf, is a general under the throne of the God of Light and Nightmare, and has received the blessing of the Lord of the World, King Yama.

After receiving Zhao Meng's request for help, he rushed over immediately.

"Coming, coming, it looks like another war is about to begin."

"I told you, even if this kid kills Zhao Meng, he won't be able to leave alive. Zhao Meng is a divine general. After killing a divine general, do you still want to run away?"

With the arrival of the harrier, people began to panic again.

Apparently another war is about to begin.

The Harrier arrived at the Resurrection Spring and saw Xuanyuan Hao on the other side.

"You were the one who killed Zhao Meng?"

"Boy, you really don't know how to live or die. You dare to kill even a divine general. Do you want to challenge Tianwei?"

The Harrier looked at Xuanyuan Hao who looked calm.

Xuanyuan Hao didn't look at him at all, but quietly waited for the movement in the resurrection spring.

He is waiting for Zhao Meng's resurrection.

At this moment, a figure began to float in the Resurrection Spring.

Xuanyuan Hao took a closer look and saw that it was Zhao Meng.

Without saying a word, he raised his hand and suppressed Zhao Meng.

"Beast, if you dare to do something in front of me, don't bully me too much."

As soon as Wu Yao finished speaking, he flipped his wrist, and a peerless fierce sword appeared in his hand, and then the sword flew towards Xuanyuan Hao.

Above the lake, a stormy wave hung, blocking Xuanyuan Hao's murderous intention.

However, Xuanyuan Hao didn't take the other party seriously at all.

The next second, Xuanyuan Hao stretched out his hand towards the Harrier on the other side, and then pointed his finger in the air.

Suddenly, the fierce sword that flew towards him instantly shattered into thousands of fragments.

Immediately afterwards, all the fragments shot towards the Harrier on the other side.

Seeing this, Wo Yao stretched out his hand, preparing to control the flying sword fragments controlled by Xuanyuan Hao.

However, the Harrier was soon shocked to discover that every fragment of the flying sword controlled by Xuanyuan Hao was actually entangled with a mysterious energy.

And this energy is simply beyond his control.

The moment the Harrier reacted, all the fragments penetrated his body.

Puff puff puff puff...

Every fragment carries terrifying energy, and in the next second—

Bang bang bang bang bang...

The fragments exploded, and the Huo Yao was blown into a bloody mess.

Everyone was stunned. They never expected that Xuanyuan Hao would be more relaxed this time.

Almost killed instantly!

Huo Yao, known as the God of Fighting, was killed instantly by him!

Xuanyuan Hao was obviously serious this time. He attached his divine power to each piece of flying sword fragment.

This is why the Huo Yao could not control the flying sword fragments at all.

The invincible Xuanyuan Hao once again killed a God General.

On this side, Zhao Meng also resurrected.

When he resurrected, he happened to see Huo Yao who was killed instantly.

"You, don't go too far..."

Before he finished speaking, he was greeted by another flying sword, which directly cut off his head.

Zhao Meng, who had just resurrected, was killed instantly by Xuanyuan Hao again!

For this man, killing a God General is as easy as cutting vegetables. Everyone was stunned.

Zhao Meng's men wanted to ask for help, but Xuanyuan Hao would not give them a chance this time.

A flying sword started to kill people in the entire Longxi City.

There were no ordinary people in Longxi City, all of them were Zhao Meng's men.

So this flying sword was merciless and directly massacred the city!

In this way, no one dared to inform the Temple City.

And Xuanyuan Hao began his quiet process of guarding the corpse.

A day later, Zhao Meng and Huo Yao were both killed by Xuanyuan Hao to the first level.

Xuanyuan Hao completed the goal, and then calmly took the three Lu brothers and sisters back to Lietian City.

When they returned to Lietian City, everyone looked at Xuanyuan Hao with incredible eyes.

Xuanyuan Hao's deeds of killing the gods had spread throughout the area of ​​800 miles.

However, Xuanyuan Hao was not moved at all.

He submitted the task, and then received the reward of the task, a gold card of 1 billion gold coins.

Finally, he left calmly with these 1 billion gold coins!

"Let's go, let's go to the Crazy Gate!"

Xuanyuan Hao's original purpose was not to kill the God Generals.

But to make money and go to the Crazy Gate.

However, no one expected that he would kill two God Generals with this move. The majesty of the Temple City was completely trampled under his feet and ravaged at will.

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