Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 774: God General Conference

Zhuo Bufan passed the dark test of the King of Hell, but with the help of the Green Emperor, Zhuo Bufan was not eroded by the dark power.

Of course, the city lord who was the supervisor did not know this.

Soon, everyone passed the test.

At this time, the supervisor stood up and announced.

"Congratulations, everyone, you have all passed the primary test."

"It seems that you are all chosen by the Father God, and you all have the qualifications to become a general."

When the supervisor said this, the others were still complacent, but they did not know that they had been eroded by the dark power.

Only Zhuo Bufan stood there calmly.

"Next, we will go to Tiancan City to participate in the God General Martial Arts Conference."

"Everyone, follow me!"

Then, the supervisor took all those who passed the test and boarded the spaceship.

Then they flew to Tiancan City, which was ruled by Tiancan God.

On the spaceship, Zhuo Bufan deliberately paid attention to the situation of these people who were eroded by darkness.

Zhuo Bufan found that the dark power in them had subsided.

It seems that it has been hidden in the body.

On the surface, it looks like a normal person.

No one communicated on the spaceship.

After all, everyone is a competitor, and in the next battle, everyone will be their mortal enemy.

So there is no need to get close at this time. Such an action will only make people suspect that you have ulterior motives and are plotting something bad.

Half a day later, their spaceship landed in Tiancan City.

Tiancan City, the name is not good, but it is extremely prosperous, or it can be said to be flashy.

The palace is made of gold sand!

The high-rise building is made of white jade!

The pavilion is inlaid with gems!

Tiancan God, gathered all the wealth in his territory here.

Created such a city full of wealth and vanity.

When they landed at the airport port, under the leadership of the team leader, the Lord of Feisha City, they came to a concentration camp.

This concentration camp gathered all the strong men from the North.

After all, Tiancan God's recruitment of gods this time is for the entire North.

So all those in the North who want to become gods come here to show their ambitions.

Here, ninth-level Yan slaves are not uncommon.

In addition to Zhuo Bufan, there are as many as twelve ninth-level Yan slaves.

"The strength of the North is obviously stronger than that of the South!"

Zhuo Bufan found that the North was much stronger than the South.

In the South, the eighth level can become a God General, and the ninth-level God General is rare.

However, in the North, the ninth-level God Generals are obviously everywhere.

So no one showed much attention to Zhuo Bufan.

After all, in the North, the slave seal level really cannot represent the real strength.

The North is the birthplace of this world, and there are many relics and secret realms.

Many people have found many opportunities in these relics and secret realms.

So many people, although the slave seal level is very weak, their strength is not weak. On the contrary, many people pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, and the weak wins the strong, which happens frequently.

So this God General Conference set the goal at the lowest level of the seventh level in the preliminary selection.

Because in the history of the North, there have been miracles of the seventh level killing the ninth level.

What Tian Canshen is looking for is the strongest general, not the highest-ranking general.

But this is also a good thing for Zhuo Bufan.

Without too much attention, his undercover plan can be implemented smoothly.


"Everyone, assemble!"

In the concentration camp, a man wearing black and gold armor suddenly appeared.

On his forehead, there was a slave mark of the ninth-level Yan Nu.

On his face, there was a black tattoo mark.

When everyone saw him, they spread rumors.

"It's the ghost armor general under Tian Canshen!"

"This is a general under Tian Canshen!"

"So he should be our chief examiner."

Listening to the discussions of others, Zhuo Bufan looked at the man on the platform. He did have the kind of momentum that only generals have.

"Listen to me, there are 306 of you now. But our Lord of the Temple only needs one God General."

"That is the strongest one among you!"

"So, from now on, everyone around you is your enemy."

As soon as the Ghost Armor God General finished speaking, everyone looked at each other and began to keep a certain distance from each other.

The Ghost Armor God General on the stage saw this and smiled coldly.

Then he shouted.

"Okay, remember the purpose of your coming here!"

"Next, you will have the first elimination match!"

"This elimination match will eliminate most of you."

After the Ghost Armor God General finished speaking, he raised his hand and pointed to a jungle in the far east.

"There is the Evil Forest, one of the two major forest forbidden areas in the North."

"Your goal is the resurrection spring in the center of the Evil Forest. The first fifty people who arrive first will pass the test."

"The rest of the people will be eliminated!"

When the Ghost Armor God General said the content of the preliminary round, everyone was shocked.

Nearly 80% of the people will be eliminated in the first round!

"You all know the rules. Next, I will be waiting for you in the center of the Evil Forest."

"Everyone, if you want to become a general of the Temple God, then you have to rely on your own abilities!"

After the Ghost Armor God General finished speaking, he turned into a black wind and disappeared on the spot.

It turned out that it was his clone, his real body, which was already in the Evil Forest thousands of miles away.

"Is it starting now?"

"It's starting?"

People looked at each other, and after a moment of hesitation and thinking, everyone finally reacted.

"The test has begun, run!"

I don't know who shouted, and then the earth began to tremble.


"Big earthquake!"

Someone took the lead and used the power of the Earth Seal to trigger a big earthquake, which collapsed the ground within a radius of ten miles.

Then he took the lead and rushed towards the direction of the Evil Forest.

Some people didn't react and were left behind at the starting point.

But many people still came to their senses.


Some people used the power of the Fire Seal to blast themselves out like a catapult.

Others used the power of the Gold Seal to fly with a sword.

Of course, there are also people who don't use the power of the seal. They rode their flying mounts and headed straight for the Evil Forest.

Only Zhuo Bufan was very calm. He watched everyone fly away and followed them slowly.

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan was not pretending to be cool, and he did not dare to take it lightly.

In this kind of melee, people who are too prominent are likely to be targeted.

Although Zhuo Bufan is a ninth-level master, he also has divine power.

But if he is besieged by seven or eight masters at the same time, his situation will be precarious.

So, it is best to keep a low profile at the moment.

Sure enough, when the first group of people arrived at the entrance of the Evil Forest, a big battle was triggered immediately.


The sky roared, and then the fire cloud covered dozens of miles.

"The battle has started in front, it's Feng Chen, known as the Demon Emperor, and Ao Yun, known as the Dragon Emperor!"

The two ninth-level masters started a big battle at the entrance of the Evil Forest.

The people behind did not want to be involved in this battle.

Some people stopped, some decided to take a detour and continue forward.

Others simply joined the battle and fished in troubled waters.

The first battle of the God General Conference was opened like thunder...

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